E.S.: Should love be mutual?
A.K.: It’s wonderful when love is mutual, but True Love doesn’t demand anything in return and doesn’t even ask for it; one’s soul needs to grow up to such Love, going through fire, water and copper pipes. Unfortunately, most people are accustomed to living in order to consume, and if they give, they want to take something in return.
E.S.: One of your recent books is «Playing Another Reality», a very mystical and esoteric one. Why did you name it that way?
A.K.: Many people believe that Another Reality is a game. People think that Alice, the main character, is playing, but in fact, people are playing. They play different games in the Earthly Reality. Alice lives in Another Reality without playing. It’s like a look from Another Reality to the Earthly one.
E.S.: Alice walks barefoot on broken glass and hot coals, ends up in the Temple of the Soul, listens to the Music of the Spheres, and merges with Heavens. Is this book based on real events?
A.K.: Even as a child, I was told by a person, «Never write about something that you haven’t gone through yourself,» although there is some fiction in the book.
E.S.: Alice is a clairvoyant. Can you predict events?
A.K.: At the age of eleven I visited the place where people usually don’t return from, and after that the knowledge of upcoming events sometimes really comes down to me from There.
E.S.:Despite possessing this gift, Alice is unhappy. Why?
A.K.: The Open Door to the Space where there is information about everything, or, in other words, «hypersensitivity», as a rule, doesn’t make life easier and doesn’t bring happiness in itself. I knew about the upcoming death of my parents, but I couldn’t change anything.
E.S.: So is the future predetermined?
A.K.: Not exactly. The future is multivariate, being created by a person every second, every moment, with every word, deed or lack thereof, which instantly affects the future. Every step a person takes changes the possible options of the future, which are like an open fan. But at some point you just know that at a given period of time in a particular situation there is only one option left, no other options. If this case, you can’t change anything. You just have to take it for granted, and this is the most difficult thing in life.
E.S.: One of the main characters is «The Man Who Was Not». You don’t even give him a name. Does he still exist in our earthly reality or not?
A.K.: This question is asked to me by almost everyone who has read the book. Let everyone answer it themselves, because whatever the answer is, it doesn’t change anything.
E.S.: The first edition of the book is illustrated with your paintings of the Girl with the Moon Cat. Were they painted after the book was written, as illustrations for the text?
A.K.: No, both the Moon Cat and the Girl appeared earlier. I just wanted to paint something. I sat down at the canvas and saw the pictures I painted later.
E.S.: Did you study painting?
A.K.: No, but I believe that everyone knows to paint since childhood. Everyone paints differently, and that’s great. My paintings are purely intuitive painting, self-expression of the soul. There is no need to look for «correctness» in them, but they do have meaning. Many people told me that they had seen what I depicted in my paintings, and this once again confirms the existence of a certain Primary Source, Information Database or Another Reality, it doesn’t matter what they call it, but hypersensitive people living in the Earthly Reality can get there. Many famous artists, such as Salvador Dali, painted Another Reality.
E.S.: Do you like Salvador Dali?
A.K.: I feel some of his paintings. It’s difficult to explain and cannot be characterized by the word «like». I like individual paintings by many artists, but, as in the case with poets and writers, I cannot single out one of them as my favorite.
E.S.: Is «Playing Another Reality» just a story about the supernatural and our hidden capabilities or something more?
A.K.: This book makes everyone think. Who are we in this world? What are we doing here? Why did one come down here? What mark will one leave on Earth? And for those who have entered a dark period in life, the story, on the example of the main character, will help to realize that the Void is temporary, it can be overcome by being filled with Light.
E.S.: In conclusion of the interview, what would you like to wish our readers?
A.K.: To know themselves, find their own Path and follow It, giving Light, Good and Love into the world.
Evgeny Viktorovich STEPANOV,
President of the Union of Writers of the 21st Century,
poet, writer, PhD in Philology
The magazine «DETI RA» («CHILDREN OF RA») No. 11/2010[1 - https://magazines.gorky.media/ra/2010/11/aleksandra-kryuchkova-lyubov-nichego-ne-trebuet-vzamen.html]
The Magazine Hall «GORKY MEDIA»[2 - https://reading-hall.ru/publication.php?id=2361]
КНИГА ЗНАНИЙ. Часть 1. Игра в Иную Реальность
или Путь к Свету
– А что ЭТО для Вас значит? – спросил Человек, Которого Не Было.
– Это… ИГРА, – ответила я.
– Это – НЕ игра, – поправила меня Раиса Ахметовна. – Играют люди. МЫ не играем.
Эта книга посвящается
тебе, мой Читатель!
а также:
моим родителям, бабушкам, дедушке,
сыну Андрею и нашей кошке Жозефине,
моим учителям – Раисе Ахметовне Мансуровой,
Владимиру Григорьевичу Курилову и… Рэю,
Патриарху Всея Руси Алексию II,
Высшим Силам,
всем поэтам Серебряного века
и всем персонажам моей Иной Реальности,
без которых она вряд ли бы проявилась…
or the Way to the Light
«What does this mean to you?» asked the Man Who Was Not.
«A game,» I answered.
«This is not a game,» Raisa Akhmetovna corrected me. «People are playing, and we are not.»
This book is dedicated to
you, my Reader!