Today, in the week of the release of the blog, the number of friends on my page is more than 2000 people. After some time, I hope to multiply this figure many times, say up to several hundred thousand people. Let the readers, even one-time, be 100 thousand, this is an author’s fee of 10 million rubles. If there are people reading these materials for free in a blog, then there are those who want to buy a book with these materials. Moreover, the publisher will not need to invest in advertising.
Of course, 10 million rubles, not 300 million dollars, then there will be other income.
And the last will be the first – approximately so said Jesus Christ.
October 11, 2010
They began to address me (on the Internet) as a person who already has a lot of money. Someone asks for treatment, someone suggests investing them (money) in some kind of project. For example, a person needs only $ 500,000 to establish a line for the production of new purified vodka. Payback – 1 day!!!
As for representatives of network marketing, they also dramatically increased their activity. Some time ago I participated in one, or rather, two projects. To enter, then I joined, but I could not attract partners. By itself, I like the idea. I invested a little money, attracted other participants, and expect big money earnings. But, faced with the negative attitude of all potential partners to the idea of MLM, I dropped out of the race. Here, it seems to me, to do some new projects, we need a new idea, exciting, as they say, creative. Well, nothing, I’ll choose the time, I’ll think of something, for the sake of interest.
I wrote a message to Agent yesterday, one baron. It’s nice, before the barons did not write to me.
I feel, as in the air, a premonition of 300 million dollars. Invisible vibrations and waves are ready to materialize the whole amount.
October 11, 2010
Yesterday, as a wealthy buyer, I walked around the furniture store. The store is located on 3 floors, elevators, escalators, many kilometers of exposures. What is there just not. There is, for example, a table for 150 thousand rubles. There is a wardrobe for 200 thousand rubles. I have not looked at all the furniture, I’m tired of walking. At the exit, 2 girls approached me and offered 2 tickets, such as lottery tickets. If a coin rubbed on three sails of ships, and there are 3 identical flags under the spraying, the owner will receive a prize, a prize. I got free tickets (as a rich and important buyer). On the first ticket flags did not match, but on the second under the foil there were 3 identical, Russian, flags. The winner, the lucky one is put (for choice!) One of four prizes – camera, mobile phone, web camera, map “Zenith”. To receive a prize it is necessary in the tourist firm conducting a lottery, having preliminary written down by phone.
Of course, the incredulous reader will say: “This is a deception, divorce.” Like, you will receive a prize if you buy any of their products, or something like that. And I believe I will choose the time, I’ll go and see. Let it be some kind of promotion, but still it’s interesting to me. They chose me, appreciated me, they courted me. And I really like it.
There are many fierce people in the world, once deceived by someone. I do not want to be one of them. I want to open my heart completely to this world. And I am sure that when I fully trust him (this, my world), then the world will be poured out and flunked from his bounties.
I will believe everything like a child. No wonder, Jesus Christ told his disciples, until you become less and become like this child, you will not enter the kingdom of God.
Faith and trust, words with one root. And faith is the main word in spiritual development, in the development of the Divine within oneself.
October 12, 2010
For whom do I write here in this diary? For yourself or for readers? Probably, for themselves, and for readers. Write for yourself is important in the sense that, declaring a great goal, $ 300 million, I take this goal to the world, fix it, there is no way back. Said A, we must speak and B. Publication of the goal spurs, stimulates, you can say. In addition, a public diary will allow detailed, accurate and subtle passage through the entire stage – from setting goals to obtaining money.
For the readers, of course, I write too. First, it is a kind of self-realization process, a self-inflicted self-esteem, which makes you feel almost like a writer. Secondly, of course, and I would like it to be the main thing in this description, so that my notes help some person realize their desires, develop more spiritually in this life. If someone helps my records, I will consider my mission accomplished.
In addition, there is an opinion (and I agree with him) that the shortest way to get something is to give it away. Want to receive joy, give it to others. Want to get love, give… Want to get $ 300 million, help others get them. Dollars (millions of dollars) will suffice for everyone, paradoxical as it may sound.
In previous notes, I left an email address to contact me. I can not answer everyone in My World because of the Agent’s fault and the messaging service. Reply to the comments, too, does not always work. On the most frequent questions or suggestions I will answer in the very text of this blog. Who wants to receive a personal consultation or an answer to your question – write to the mail.
Earlier I wrote that I would send a complete blog entry (at the time of the request) by e-mail for a symbolic amount.
Now I offer a printed version of the notes, which I will send by mail (mail to Russia) with my autograph and a written blessing.
For those wishing to hold personal talks on Skype, it is possible that someone will help.
Please contact us by email.
October 13, 2010
To receive money, you must be able to give them. The fuller you give, the fuller you get. The main criterion for giving (as well as receiving) money are emotions. If you feel joy from the giving (receiving), the spiritual ascent, then give (receive). You can give not only money, but also something else, for example, a flower, a smile, joy, a compliment. Or just mentally wish a person all the best. And it will return, will definitely return, including money.
How much to give? How many do not mind. If it’s a pity, then do not give anything to anyone, not even trifles. For the benefit it will not work. If a person does not believe in God, buys a candle or sacrifices something to the church, then he does, at least, a useless action. “I want mercy, not sacrifice,” says the Gospel. If you sacrifice, you tear something away from yourself, thereby losing something. And when you give with joy, then in the soul you feel ascent, you acquire something inexplicable, but important and necessary.
The same goes for getting money. If there is no sense of joy, a favorable attitude toward the fact of receiving money or something else, then you do not acquire it.
Wonderful words were said by Christ: “To him that giveth shall be given; and he that hath not shall take what he thinks he should have.” What a deep meaning in this phrase. It will be given to someone who has the opportunity to accept it.
October 13, 2010
The uniqueness of this experiment is its on-line, real-time mode. If a written book is about the success of a person in some area, you can read without problems in any number, then the diary, written right now, is quite rare and unusual.
Anyone who writes about his accomplished achievement is undoubtedly a hero, he is worthy of admiration and respect. But all this has already happened, it is not as interesting as something that is happening right now, before our very eyes.
The past success is a “dead” success, it is not particularly interesting not only to the readers, but to the author himself (if he is interesting to the author, this is not right and good). Because the path to success is more important than success itself. Success is a milestone, some intermediate stage, it is now completely irrelevant. If a person has achieved success and stopped, then this (stop) means stagnation, stagnation, negative. If a person is alive, he must move forward, always.
Examples of my words are numerous. I will not mention here the names of famous people who have reached some of their peaks (even at a young age, which is especially hard at the psyche), but then they could not step over their already reached summit and go further. Of course, this is difficult, but who said that all the ways are easy?
“The gates that lead to destruction are wide,” Jesus Christ said.
October 14, 2010
And the essence is where? And the essence is this. To get something, you have to give something, for example, labor. You can dig a hole all day and get money for it. And you can do a day’s spiritual work and get hundreds of times more. I will refer again to the Gospel, when Christ says that there is no one who would leave his mother, father, wife, children, estates, land for me (Jesus Christ) and would have here (in life, on earth) hundreds of estates, lands, children etc. And after the resurrection and eternal life. What does it mean? This means that by coming to God (in this case through Jesus), a person will receive (in life, here, on earth) one hundred times what he had in spirituality.
What does it mean to work spiritually? How to develop in itself the sprouts of the divine. How to become a god? Where are the practical recommendations, methodical guides? Where is the instruction, finally???
The instruction is as follows: Gradually, very slowly, step by step, day after day, month after month, year after year develop our spirituality. We read spiritual books, in particular, the Bible. Practice the spiritual devices that the heart and soul tell us. We gently and reverently cultivate the divine sprouts in ourselves. This way is not long, long in life. But the results of this spiritual work can be seen already today, which I try to tell in my diary.
Having gone through a certain (yet very short) spiritual path, I can say that I have reached certain certain peaks (low ones). For example, he cured people, in particular, by photo.
In the following entries, I will dwell in more detail on practical steps to achieve this goal.
October 14, 2010
What do you need to achieve the goal? You need to have a connection with your inner world, your “true self,” your sprout of the divine. How is this relationship achieved? It is achieved by monitoring its thoughts. It is necessary to try to spend most of your conscious state, as if not going mentally out of yourself. Ideally, it would be good to turn off thoughts from your “diet” altogether. Concentrate on the inner sense of self, its essence. If you shift attention to some external factors, try not to leave your mental “circle” anyway, controlling the process of interaction with the outside world. Maybe this all sounds too abstruse, but here it is difficult to find understandable expressions or even words, describing the sensations themselves, which can not be “touched” or carefully examined with an armed eye.
In short, the main task is to constantly be “in yourself”. Distinguish yourself from external factors and impacts, do not merge with them into one. For example, when you see something, an event, do not completely “pour in” into it, forgetting about yourself. We must look, but not see, figuratively speaking. Looking at the car, do not be there with your consciousness, but tell yourself at this moment: “I’m looking at the car.” That is, in fact, “I do not see the car, but I’m looking at the car.” Achieving this without training is difficult, but possible. We must train.
It helps to “be in yourself” meditation, exercise with it.
October 15, 2010
Is reading generally useful? Lao Tzu said that the whole being knows without studying, sees without looking, reaches without doing. “He knows without studying.” That is, why read books, if you can understand the phenomenon of an internal, divine view. For the person who has achieved perfection (but for that it is perfection to reach it, but not to achieve), really, why read when all the truths (and most likely only one) are already known. But for the remaining 99.99% of people reading is a necessary and useful thing. Of course, this is my personal opinion.
Different books are read differently by different people. Some (books) are immediately captured, others are not openly interesting, others are so-so… Why does it depend? It depends, perhaps, on how much the person is already prepared for accepting something new, for (from his) development (I’m talking about books of any content). One likes to read works on philosophy, another likes detectives, the third does not read anything at all. Nature (god, universe, quantum fog) helps the reader to find the literature he needs right now. And he immediately understands, barely glancing at the contents, that this is exactly what he needs right now.
Therefore, in principle, I am now writing these lines for myself and for those who need them (these lines) and precisely at the moment. And to help myself and other people who are now with me in any one range (I do not know what it is measured in), I send to these my notes, which will be either in electronic or in print form, from His heart, from his divine sprout, great love and his blessing. Feel?
October 15, 2010
A person who has set himself a goal, for example, to get $ 300,000,000, should understand that achieving this goal will not solve his problems if they have, of course. For example, thinking that 300 million dollars will bring him happiness, joy or something else, the recipient of money is deeply mistaken. If he believes that having a lot of money on his hands, he will feel calmer, more secure, more confident, then he is also mistaken. He (the recipient of money) will not be protected, not happy, not sure, not joyful. And maybe even money will add a negative to his mind and behavior, add problems and failures. Paradox?