So I go to an expensive boutique, where I have never visited before. There are no buyers in it, some sellers. They look at my, not quite fashionable, not quite new, quite inexpensive clothes, and expect something from me. Maybe I’m lost or confused…
But I do not look at them. I pass, slowly, past the goods, evaluate things, choose. The seller asks me if I need his help. I, without looking at him (her), something I ask and without waiting for an answer I go further.
Here it is, a real test for a millionaire.
October 7, 2010
Between the goal setting and its achievement there is a time interval. Firstly, it is not interesting when all desires are fulfilled at once, and, secondly, if all desires were fulfilled at once, this could lead (sometimes) to sad consequences. Because in a person’s head there are always so many different contradictory thoughts and images…
Nature (destiny, god, supreme power) satisfies the goal of man in the most simple and natural way. And, when the goal is fulfilled, those channels that are already laid are used. That is, there is no need to stand up again, there are already ways to achieve the goal.
It turns out that there is no time frame for achieving the goal. For example, today I set a goal for myself, tomorrow I received it, and yesterday (when I did not yet have this goal) had already been laid by Destiny’s path to its (goal) fulfillment. It’s hard to understand, but when you get what you decided to get, you are surprised to notice that for a very long time the sought solution has come to you (even when there was no desire), but it came just today.
Surprising and great!
October 8, 2010
A convenient format for keeping records, I mean the blog. You write any size of the message, it is saved, someone writes a comment, you can respond to it (comment). Plus beautiful design, plus service, thanks to the portal Mile.Ru for such an excellent opportunity. We must also take into account that this blog is highly quoted, in particular, in search engines. Of course, this is not LJ, but still… Thanks again!
So, I go for a walk around my area of St. Petersburg. The weather is good, the sun, there is no wind, the present Indian summer. By the way, I made this weather for myself (good). I’m going slowly, remember the check for 300 million dollars, which lies in the desk. The head is raised, the shoulders are straightened, the face is kind and disposable (I hope). I have nowhere to hurry, I go, I enjoy life.
Cars are passing by on the street. At the wheel of the most expensive brands are sitting young beautiful people, they are smiling, talking on the phone, talking to fellow travelers. They have, just like me, painted on the face the joy of life. This is our password, the password of millionaires. People who have gloomy faces, dressed for the most part not in the most expensive clothes, they are concentrated, somewhere in a hurry. They probably think that by their concentration, persistent work, perseverance, they will succeed, they will earn themselves for something there…
Doing hard work, showing persistence, overcoming obstacles, people go against the laws of nature. After all, in nature everything happens without tension, naturally, with love. Therefore, nature favors happy, smiling people, giving them expensive cars, good friends, beautiful girls (boys) and everything else.
At the crossroads is a young girl and when cars stop in front of a traffic light, she walks along them and some drivers are stretching out some sheets of paper in an open window. Here the cars went, the girl comes to the sidewalk. Now, when cars are coming, she peers into the faces of passers-by. Here she comes to me and holds out a leaflet. Pedestrians pass by, of different ages, sexes, and other varieties. But she came to me. A half-naked young girl is drawn on a leaf and says: “The most beautiful girls are only for gentlemen.” So, I already went for the master. The method works.
October 9, 2010
This morning I filled out a questionnaire that came to me via e-mail and it turned out that I had already earned 250 rubles (in several polls). The company that conducted the polls sent me a gift certificate (password), on this password I went to the site of the largest Internet sales firm in Russia (I will not say the name, it’s not advertising). And now I have the opportunity to choose any product from the catalog (for 250 rubles). And so it’s nice and healthy, choose from the catalog. Such beautiful goods, pictures, which is not here. Consciousness that I’m browsing the catalog is not just out of curiosity, but as a buyer, it warms my soul as a whole and tells me that I’m on the right track. I will not even make an order even now, I’ll visit later, and choose, choose…
250 rubles. It seems to be a trifle. But I will fall in love with them, I fell in love with them. I did not take anything away from anyone, no one crossed the road, I did not have to dig a ditch with sweat. The money came to me after I wanted to receive it ($ 300 million) and set this goal. Of course, to earn 250 rubles, I filled more than one questionnaire, and several, and some before October 2, when he announced his goal ($ 300 million). But, as I wrote on the previous page, the events that led me to receiving money began to be pawned a very long time, maybe even before my birth. It’s hard to understand, but it’s true.
By the way, I often write this figure – $ 300,000,000, it’s not accidental. I’m sure that the more often I write it (this figure), thereby more approaching the moment when the universe will give it to me.
So, 250 rubles – the first contribution of fate (nature, god, universe) to my goal.
October 9, 2010
I received a notification from another survey company about the payment limit reaching 1000 rubles, and within a week the amount will be transferred to me by postal order. Of course, I filled in these surveys before the decision to receive $ 300 million, but the money is coming now. And maybe (most likely it will be so that the initial data for obtaining the entire amount ($ 300,000,000) were laid down by destiny (nature, god, universe) “into the budget” earlier, and probably for a very long time. Time paradox that events are built in the opposite direction: the past is transformed into the present through the future.
By the way, these surveys on the Internet are a very interesting thing. You register for free, periodically you receive questionnaires by e-mail. And after filling you get from 20 to 100 rubles and more for each poll, depending on its complexity. I can give a “tie” (link).
And can I borrow money for providing addresses to survey firms? For example, 50 rubles for 1 address, 100 rubles for 3 links. 100 rubles are answers to 2—3 polls. That is, the costs pay off almost immediately.
But we, the former Soviet people, immediately have a mass of complexes. How so, to take money, fu, is not very beautiful. Therefore, maybe we are all not rich (I am until October 2, 2010, when I got rich). We can not take money, can not give money, some kind of incomprehensible shyness. It is necessary to overcome it.
Therefore, for providing links to survey firms I will take money, the fee is indicated above.
In addition, I will accept the money (with gratitude) for buying everything (at the time of request) of this blog’s material. Of course, it can be read completely free here in the blog. But to someone who wants to get the compiled readable text, I will send it by e-mail. Moreover, the material of the blog is gradually growing and reading it in the future will be completely harder.
The price of the composition now (at the time of the request) is 100 rubles. By the new year, we raise the price, I think, up to 300 rubles apiece. It will be the sale of materials of a living book like the sale of a book printed book in a bookstore. The email address for buyers is listed above.
October 10, 2010
The attitude towards wealth (the rich) as a whole in the New Testament is somewhat more negative than poverty (begging). Although neither Jesus himself nor his disciples were poor, much less beggars. Christ tells the disciples: “Beggars will always have,” thus unequivocally not ranking their students and listeners to the poor (beggars).
If you carefully read the Bible, “put” the statements of Jesus Christ and his parable to his today’s (real) life, you can find (in my opinion) a lot of interesting, important and useful. Christ says – It is difficult for the rich to enter the kingdom of God. To which his disciples exclaim in amazement – So, who will be saved? “It’s not possible for a man, but everything is possible to God,” answers Jesus.
That is, it is equally impossible for a rich and poor to enter the kingdom of God. But everything is possible to God. What god? God who is in every person, inside him. How to move from man to god, how to become a god? Everyone chooses the answer to himself, including with an eye on the Gospel. One of the ways (maybe the only way) is to follow Christ, develop spiritually, discover the kingdom of God within oneself.
In one chapter of the New Testament, Jesus says so: “The kingdom of God does not come in a significant way, here it is, or there.” The kingdom of God is inside. “That is, God is inside every person, he needs only to be born and develop. And then everything is possible to God. Including $ 300 million.
And, of course, the most interesting is how to become God (as it does not sound scary).
October 10, 2010
When I read the Gospel, I sometimes asked myself why Christ Himself did not leave any records. Wrote would be simple and understandable for all people, such as instructions, it is necessary to do so and so. And he spoke in parables. Then I understood why. Because each person himself must go through a certain spiritual path. All are in different parts of it, someone at the beginning, someone a little further away (someone else did not even get close). Having written, for example, clearly the entire spiritual “charter”, Christ would condemn himself to an almost complete misunderstanding of people. Few people are God, I guess. Those who would understand the essence and meaning. And the rest, alas, is not given. So Jesus says in the Bible: “But to whom is given.” Therefore, the parable is more acceptable and understandable.
What is the basis of the gospel? Following the two commandments:
1. Faith and love in God.
2. Love for one’s neighbor.
With the second commandment, it seems everything is clear. Treat your neighbor the way you treat yourself. And how do you feel about yourself? Do you love yourself, do you respect yourself, do you protect yourself? And if you do not love, you do not respect, you do not care? It turns out that until you love yourself, you can not apply this commandment, and in general, then, be a Christian. If you do not love yourself, then you can not wear a cross, attend a church, pray, because you can not fulfill one of the two main Christian commandments.
Hence, one’s spiritual development must begin with inculcating self-love.
10.10.10 (dozens)
The first commandment of Christianity, however, like all other spiritual sources, speaks of faith and love. Faith and love of God. Faith and love for yourself, like the likeness of God.
How can you believe and love a god that you have not seen and will never see. Only in one case, if you grow this god in yourself, that is, become a god.
The external side of the question is clear. It is necessary to read spiritual literature, follow certain rules and regulations. But at the same time, there must be an inside. The worldview must change, the inner qualities of a person develop. With the development of internal spiritual “data”, its physical data must also change. There must be (even) physiological changes in the organism, because the inner and outer worlds are one and the same thing.
What is the external expression of man’s spirituality? Of course, his external data. A person, developed spiritually, can be seen, as they say, and with the naked eye.
But with the development of spiritual (external and internal) human qualities, there must be (and they are) internal (and external) signs, allowing to determine the degree of development of spirituality. I mean physiology, certain bodily sensations. Very interesting!
October 10, 2010
Today is an interesting day, 10 is 10 months 10 years. If I believed in superstition, I would have something to do. However, today I received an offer to sell the rights to publish a blog (these materials) from one publisher. The sum was named – 100 thousand rubles. I refused. It’s very cheap.
You can count. In my opinion, the cost of author’s royalties from one copy of the book is 100 rubles. If you receive 100 thousand rubles, the circulation must be 1000 copies. This is very small.