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Classics of a fantasy

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news. Order of a big passenger starprobe vehicle. Blotton’s departure,

Zander and Vinkler in some unknown Stormer-city…

New duties are assigned to Hans: purchase and reception

high-quality staly Europe in the different cities and America.

Continuous trips. It is interesting. But… “purchasing agent” – such

work not in Hans’s taste. It sends desperate letters to Vinkler. At last

Vinkler “took pity” on him. Arrived to Europe personally to make

some purchases and to capture with itself Hans. And now they fly in

this mysterious Stormer-city. Also Blotton flies. He will make the first

rise in a stratosphere on the single rocket. He did not want this honor

to concede to nobody.

Hans looks out of the window. The sky at this height of gray and flaky color. Sun

it is dazzling is white.

And what becomes below? Concave dark blue board of the ocean. On it

it is dazzling a bright circle – reflection of a solar disk.

Magnificent, wonderful flight! Terrible jump! From west banks

Europe on the southwest, through the Atlantic Ocean, to South America.

Stratoplan crossed all its continent from edge to edge over a river basin

Amazons, passed through the Andes, made a wide semicircle over the coast

The Pacific Ocean and now goes to the same Andes from the southwest. Here they

are seen hardly noticeable zazubrinka on the horizon…

– Уф! – Hans zasvistat a march again.

– What did you rassvistetsya there? – Vinkler from the next cabin speaks.

– Very well we fly! – Hans answers, going to Vinkler.

– On the airplane so would not whistle! – Vinkler speaks. He sits at

little table also considers something in the notebook, puffing

unseparable tube.

– I only in water am not able to whistle, – Hans answered. – And in the airplane —

as much as necessary.

– The same effect that in water: stops the engine.

– It is right, – Hans agreed. – Here it is absolutely silent. As if you fly on

balloon. Even explosions are not heard.

– Quicker than a sound we fly, because and it is not heard. Four hundred. We slow down

the course also we decrease. Height is only fifteen kilometers.

– But here temperature has to be much lower, than on

the Earth’s surface, the speed of a sound decreases with decrease


Vinkler nodded in the affirmative.

– . reaching at zero three hundred thirty two meters per second.

Now probably the motor is switched already off.

– And what ceiling?

– Twenty – twenty two kilometers. It is the most favorable height if

not to chase record speed.

– Mosquito take-off. Two hundred – three hundred kilometers – all right! Five hundred

– six hundred is the real height! – the voice of the third was heard


Smoking the Egyptian sigarette, Henry Blotton approached Vinkler’s chair.

The lord was dressed in warm light brown sports overalls though in

to such “prozodezhda” there was no need: cabin of a stratoplan

it was well heated by electricity and supplied with clean air. In it
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