Зарубежные приключения - ТОП 50 лучших книг
Джек Лондон (1876–1916) – американский писатель и журналист. Он написал немалое количество приключенческих рассказов, повестей и романов, многие из которых входят в учебную программу школ и университетов.
В эту книгу вошли повести «Белый Клык», «Зов предков» и рассказ «Смок Беллью».
Первая история расскажет читателю о собаке-волке, выросшему на свободе в Северной глуши и подчинившегося человеку. Собака-волк познает дружбу и жестокость, отвагу и преданность. Преодолев все трудности, он наконец-таки найдет свое место в этом мире.
Вторая повесть «Зов предков» – о псе Бэке, который, столкнувшись с человеческой жестокостью, ушел в стаю к волкам и стал их вожаком.
Рассказ «Смок Беллью» поведует о временах знаменитой «золотой лихорадки» в Клондайке. Главный герой, практически сбежавший со своей работы на золотые прииски, очень скоро понимает, как трудна и сурова жизнь золотоискателя. Но герой не пожалел о своем опрометчивом решении, ведь там он нашел друга, пережил невероятные приключения и встретил любовь.
«Из Африки» – литературная классика XX столетия. Роман, который лег в основу удостоенного семи «Оскаров» одноименного фильма с Мерил Стрип, Робертом Редфордом и Клаусом Марией Брандауэром в главных ролях.
История незаурядной, сильной женщины, заброшенной судьбой из элегантных салонов Серебряного века в дикую, экзотическую колониальную Африку – и научившейся любить и понимать эту землю и ее людей так, как это дано не каждому европейцу.
История ее нелегких отношений с двумя мужчинами – легкомысленным, ленивым и обаятельным мужем-аристократом и сильным, отважным, но, увы, не предназначенным для семейных уз искателем приключений.
История ярких характеров на фоне интереснейшей исторической эпохи!
Есть книги научно-популярные, а есть художественные. В этой книге они вместе. Классики художественной литературы остались один на один с химиком Еленой Николаевной Стрельниковой, и она… разобрала их творения на составные части. Причем произведения от этого не проиграли, а читатель выиграл! Ведь теперь мы не только можем наслаждаться языком, сюжетом, образами, но и понимаем, как работает огниво в сказке Андерсена, чем могла быть намазана морда собаки Баскервилей Конан Дойля и как рисковал Тема Гарина-Михайловского, неправильно пользуясь спичками…
Для среднего школьного возраста.
Издание 2-е, переработанное и исправленное
The thrilling sequel to Alistair MacLean’s masterpiece of World War II adventure, The Guns of Navarone.The guns of Navarone have been silenced, but the heroic survivors have no time to rest on their laurels. Almost before the last echoes of the famous guns have died away, Keith Mallory, Andrea and Dusty Miller are parachuting into war-torn Yugoslavia to rescue a division of Partisans … and to fulfil a secret mission, so deadly that it must be hidden from their own allies.
Get #HookedonHeck with the first book in the #1 bestselling DS Mark Heckenburg series."All he had to do was name the woman he wanted. It was that easy. They would do all the hard work."Detective Sergeant Mark 'Heck' Heckenburg is investigating the disappearance of 38 different women. Each one was happy and successful until they vanished without a trace.Desperate to find her missing sister, Lauren Wraxford seeks out Heck’s help. Together they enter a seedy underworld of gangsters and organised crime.But when they hear rumours about the so-called 'Nice Guys Club' they hit a brick wall. They're the gang that no one will talk about. Because the Nice Guys can arrange anything you want. Provided you pay the price…Dark, terrifying and unforgettable. Stalkers will keep fans of Stuart MacBride and Katia Lief looking over their shoulder.
THE MAZE RUNNER meets THE HUNGER GAMES in this heart-pounding teen trilogy. This daring sequel to THE PREY is a riveting story of survival, courage and doing what’s right, no matter how hard.Every night I dreamt of the bunker beneath the tennis court. I couldn’t let it go. As bad as the memory was, my dreams only made it worse . . . It was why we had to get back to Camp Liberty. Why we had to free them, too.Book, Hope and Cat can’t settle into their new free lives knowing that other LTs and Sisters are still imprisoned at the camp. But with new enemies lurking in the shadows, a rescue mission will not be easy. The group must put their fate in the hands of unexpected allies, but at what cost? They must ask themselves what they’re willing to do to free their friends – and what will happen if the place they left behind is no longer the way it was.
The whole of the magnificent Riftwar Cycle by bestselling author Raymond E. Feist, master of magic and adventure, now available in ebookFreedom at any price?Hartraft’s Marauders, a crack band of Kingdom raiders, are a special unit designed to infiltrate and fight behind enemy lines. They are currently heading for a frontier garrison, after a disastrous encounter with the Tsurani.Meanwhile, a Tsurani patrol is sent to support an assault on the same garrison. Both sides arrive at the same time and discover the garrison has been overrun by a migrating horde of moredhel (dark elves), and they are forced by circumstances to band together and fight as one unit to survive.The only problem is, who do they hate the most – their mutual enemy, or each other? As they make their way across the unknown Northlands to freedom, they have to struggle not only with the elements and their enemies, but also their conscience. For what is more important – one’s life or one’s honour?Honoured Enemy is the first book in the Legend…
They're back…Laurel Hodges has changed her identity twice. She's been on the run for the past four years, trying to outdistance the gang members who blame her for the death of one of their own. She's finally found peace and stability in the small town of Pineview, Montana. But just when Laurel thinks she and her children are safe…the nightmare starts all over again.The Crew, a ruthless prison gang with ties to Laurel's brother, will never forget and they'll never forgive. And now that they've finally tracked her down, they'll stop at nothing.Sheriff Myles King, who happens to live next door with his thirteen-year-old daughter, appoints himself Laurel's personal guardian. His growing attraction to her could change his life–Myles is beginning to picture marriage and family. But it could also end his life. If he can't save her, everything he's built, everything he wants, could be destroyed. In seconds…
Uma incansável investigação sobre o tráfico humano.
Depois de resgatar uma prostituta criança no Camboja, Tess persuadiu Jake, Carmen, Nicola e a equipe, a enfrentar o tráfico humano em todo o mundo. Patrocinado pela organização das Nações Unidas, ela criou uma equipe que Jake chamava de Valquírias, seis notáveis mulheres que juntamente com os homens da equipe, embarcaram em um esforço sobre-humano para resgatar as vítimas e perseguir os traficantes, começando com um degenerado financiador que controla uma empreendimento multinacional de sexo. A equipe então realiza ações diretas, liberando suas habilidades militares em batalhas contra os poderosos traficantes de escravos, Boko Haram, na Nigéria, e os cartéis mexicanos. A ação se transforma em um combate ao tráfico de crianças, o resgate de mulheres capturadas e abusadas pelo grupo terrorista ISIS, a investigação sobre a prostituição nigeriana na Europa e Rússia e, confrontando o terrível comércio sexual no México, Afeganistão e nos EUA. Em uma série de a…
En esta aventura repleta de acción, Tess y Jake luchan contra terroristas que adquirieron armas nucleares. También intentan evitar que Rusia inicie una guerra. Al mismo tiempo, necesitan equilibrar los problemas de las relaciones. ¿Está Europa al borde de la destrucción?
En esta aventura épica, Tess y Jake siguen luchando contra los insurgentes de Boko Haram en Nigeria y tratan de abordar la abrumadora crisis de refugiados en Europa. Cuando los terroristas de ISIS adquieren dos bombas nucleares norcoreanas, Tess y el equipo deben cambiar las prioridades para prevenir una calamidad mundial. Hay mucho en juego: la posible destrucción de ciudades europeas y, posiblemente, la destrucción de Israel. La CIA les pide a Tess y Jake que usen sus talentos especiales para encontrar las armas, obligando a Tess a lidiar con su némesis, el disoluto Laurent Belcour, que todavía está obsesionado con ella y puede que sepa dónde están escondidas las bombas. Las complicaciones personales surgen cuando Tess conoce a un cauti…
Tess y Jake tienen un dilema inusual. Su hija adoptiva Aara recibió una enorme herencia del enemigo de Tess, el difunto Amir al-Saadi. La fortuna viene con una condición inquietante: Aara debe casarse con una familia musulmana en el plazo de un año. De repente, Tess y Jake deben evaluar si tal condición es aceptable.
Tess y Jake se enfrentan a un dilema inusual. Su hija adoptiva Aara recibió una enorme herencia del enemigo de Tess, el difunto Amir al-Saadi. La fortuna viene con una condición inquietante: Aara debe casarse con una familia musulmana en el plazo de un año. De repente, Tess y Jake deben evaluar si tal condición es aceptable. Se reúnen con dos familias musulmanas y terminan en Estambul para que Aara pueda decidir si quiere cumplir con la condición del testamento. Para complicar las cosas, la hermana de Amir, Fadime, es la fideicomisaria, y Laurent Belcour, el conspirador disoluto, es ahora su amante secreto. Ellos anhelan la fortuna para sí mismos y diseñan un plan para ganar la partida. Al m…
Conto 1-Buraco Negro Buraco negro é a sétima aventura da série “O vidente” e que promete muita emoção, aventura e suspense. Inspirados pela aventura revelada em Kalenquer, nossos amigos vão buscam compreender o maior desafio de todos: “O buraco negro”, um ponto para onde tudo converge e se transforma. A fim disso, é necessário superar o desafio dos selos, algo nunca alcançado por um ser humano. Neste caminho, encontram um mestre, uma viagem, desafios, ricas experiências, dor, sofrimento, reconhecimento, vitória e fé.
Conto 1-Buraco Negro Buraco negro é a sétima aventura da série “O vidente” e que promete muita emoção, aventura e suspense. Inspirados pela aventura revelada em Kalenquer, nossos amigos vão buscam compreender o maior desafio de todos: “O buraco negro”, um ponto para onde tudo converge e se transforma. A fim disso, é necessário superar o desafio dos selos, algo nunca alcançado por um ser humano. Neste caminho, encontram um mestre, uma viagem, desafios, ricas experiências, dor, sofrimento, reco…
Treze histórias,um sonhador,um jovem e dois arcanjos em busca da verdade.O que tem em comum uma depressiva,um pedófilo,uma abortadora,um drogado,um jogador profissional, cientistas,criminosos,uma sexóloga,um esquizofrênico e uma deficiente?
Treze histórias,um sonhador,um jovem e dois arcanjos em busca da verdade.O que tem em comum uma depressiva,um pedófilo,uma abortadora,um drogado,um jogador profissional, cientistas,criminosos,uma sexóloga,um esquizofrênico e uma deficiente?Ambos procuram refletir sobre seus atos,seus rumos futuros ao lado do vidente,um ser revolucionário e especial,numa grande viagem no nordeste brasileiro.Declarando-se o filho de Deus,ele promete escutar a todos,aconselhá-los e dar dicas valiosas sobre como retomar a vida mostrando ao longo do tempo sua personalidade e do seu pai.O objetivo maior de tudo é despertar o “eu sou” interno de cada um deles e alcançando este milagre a verdade enfim será revelada.“Eu sou” também representa um grito de liberdade frente ás convenções sociais a…
A história começa quando Philliphe Andrews,um auditor da fazenda marcado por uma tragédia,começa a questionar-se o porquê do seu mau destino ficando revoltado e indignado.Por um lance do destino,descobre um livro e um autor e resolve procurá-lo.Ao encontrá-lo junto com seu parceiro de aventuras decidem fazer uma viagem ao deserto distante onde supostamente encontrariam com Deus e solucionariam seus problemas.
A história começa quando Philliphe Andrews,um auditor da fazenda marcado por uma tragédia,começa a questionar-se o porquê do seu mau destino ficando revoltado e indignado.Por um lance do destino,descobre um livro e um autor e resolve procurá-lo.Ao encontrá-lo junto com seu parceiro de aventuras decidem fazer uma viagem ao deserto distante onde supostamente encontrariam com Deus e solucionariam seus problemas.A viagem então é realizada,encontrando dois guias no caminho que os levam ao local desejado,deserto de Cabrobó.Passando por dez cidades no deserto,desenvolvem um bate papo gostoso entre si e os c…
A vida nos faz viver dias tenebrosos, tristezas que não queremos que fossem reais. “A noite escura da alma” é a continuação de “O vidente”, sendo que o personagem principal retornou a uma montanha em busca de respostas para um período conturbado de sua vida, momentos que se esquecera de Deus, dos seus princípios, perdendo-se em pecados.
A vida nos faz viver dias tenebrosos, tristezas que não queremos que fossem reais. “A noite escura da alma” é a continuação de “O vidente”, sendo que o personagem principal retornou a uma montanha em busca de respostas para um período conturbado de sua vida, momentos que se esquecera de Deus, dos seus princípios, perdendo-se em pecados. Na montanha, “O Vidente” teve contato com dois “seres elevados”, que o guiaram ao conhecimento. Contudo, ele é profundamente ligado aos sete pecados capitais e apesar da experiência adquirida, seus problemas não se resolveram, tendo então que fazer uma jornada à “Ilha perdida”, sede do reino dos anjos. Este livro é uma travessia repleta de …
Forças Opostas é o início duma saga simplesmente fantástica.Neste primeiro capítulo,um jovem sonhador busca ao subir A Serra do Ororubá encontrar-se com seu destino na gruta do desespero,a gruta mais perigosa do mundo do qual ninguém escapou.Em uma linha de acontecimentos envolvendo suspense,drama ,romance e ação vemos o surgimento do vidente e de seu trabalho maravilhoso em prol do próximo objetivando a evolução do ser humano.Que tal embarcar nesta aventura?Leia “Forças opostas “ e não perca nenhuma cena.
Forças opostas é o primeiro livro da série o vidente tendo como personagens principais a dupla dinâmica composta pelo vidente e seu parceiro inseparável de aventuras Renato.Neste primeiro volume,Cansado da monotonia,o vidente propõe-se a fazer uma viagem a uma montanha que promete ser sagrada em busca de realizar seus sonhos.Chegando lá,a escala,encontra com uma guardiã,um ser milenar cheio de sabedoria,a qual promete ajudá-lo em seu caminho.Auxiliado por ela,realiza três desafios que o credenciam a ent…
La “Notte oscura dell’anima” può essere definito come uno sguardo critico ad una fase molto difficile che ognuno di noi prima o poi attraversa. Parla di un periodo propizio alla condanna o, per quanto sembri incredibile, ad una inusuale salvezza della persona.
La “Notte oscura dell’anima” può essere definito come uno sguardo critico ad una fase molto difficile che ognuno di noi prima o poi attraversa. Parla di un periodo propizio alla condanna o, per quanto sembri incredibile, ad una inusuale salvezza della persona. Per raggiungere il finale è necessario determinare il momento esatto per fronteggiare le crisi per far sì che ci sia possibile liberarsi dall’oscurità ed entrare definitivamente nel grembo divino. Attraverso questo libro verranno svelati gli elementi chiave, per riuscirci con successo. A parte queste caratteristiche, il testo mostrerà anche come riuscire a convivere con le due forze esistenti nell’universo ed essere in grado di controllarle adeguatamente. Vorrei anche evidenziare che il libro …
La vie nous fait vivre des jours sombres, remplis de tristesses dont nous ne souhaitons pas l’existence.
«La nuit obscure de l'âme» est la continuation du livre «Le voyant», étant donné que le personnage principal est revenu à une montagne en quête de réponses par rapport à une trouble période de sa vie, des moments ou il a oublié l’existence de Dieu, ses principes, allant jusqu’à se perdre dans les péchés.
La vie nous fait vivre des jours sombres, remplis de tristesses dont nous ne souhaitons pas l’existence.
«La nuit obscure de l'âme» est la continuation du livre «Le voyant», étant donné que le personnage principal est revenu à une montagne en quête de réponses par rapport à une trouble période de sa vie, des moments ou il a oublié l’existence de Dieu, ses principes, allant jusqu’à se perdre dans les péchés. Dans la montagne, «le voyant» a pris contact avec deux «divins», qui l'ont guidé vers le savoir. En vain, il est profondément orienté vers les sept péchés capitaux et cela malgré l’expérience acquis…
A Soviet space scientist defects to win academic freedom, but western intelligence has other plans for him, and sends an unnamed spy – perhaps the same reluctant hero of The Ipcress File – to look after him. But what follows is a blood-streaked trail across three continents…
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Spy reveals a more mature Deighton exploring relationships between couples: professional rivals and private allies, spy and counter-spy, master and slave. some are drawn together mutual comfort, others for exploitation. With an uncanny feeling for landscape, he begins his story in the awesome emptiness and remorseless heat of the Sahara desert. From there a trail of blood leads to Manhattan, Paris, Dublin and halfway back across Africa.
In a narrative as compelling as it is tantalizing, Deighton surpasses all his previous triumphs and holds the reader spellbound to the very last page.
This new reissue includes a foreword from the cover designer, Oscar-winning filmmaker Arnold Schwartzman, and a brand new introd…
A searingly page-turning, totally gripping, rollercoaster of a read that will appeal to readers of PJ Tracy and Harlan Coben (and anyone who loves ‘24’ and the ‘CSI’ series).Grace Descanso is a young single mother working for CSI San Diego. It's a demanding job – Grace struggles to spend as much time as she would like with her 5-year-old daughter Katie. But when a routine crime scene turns into a bloodbath, Grace realises that someone is after her. Then Katie is snatched from their house, the place where they should both be safest. Katie is all she’s got – and Grace hasn't got much time to work out why and where she’s been taken. Welcome to ‘The Timer Game’.
A classic Cold War spy story from the bestselling thriller writer Derek Lambert.Moscow treated defectors from the West with kid-gloves. That is, until they had outlived their usefulness. But the American Robert Calder was different. He had defected to Russia with information so explosive that even the iron-clad regime of the Kremlin shook with fear. It had kept him alive. Until now. For Calder is desperately keen to return to the West. So they place the ruthless and scheming Spandarian on his trail, a KGB chief with a mind as sharp as the cold steel of an ice pick. And as a back-up they unleash Tokarev, a professional assassin who kills for pleasure…‘Certainly puts Lambert up there with today’s top suspense writers’ Book Browsing‘Mr Lambert’s Moscow experience comes chillingly through’ Sunday Telegraph‘This terrific novel puts Lambert in a league with the best espionage writers of the day’ United Press International‘Another winner’ Pittsburgh Press‘Lambert is at the top of the class’ UPI‘Splendid stuff. M…
A classic World War II novel from the bestselling thriller writer Derek Lambert.In neutral Lisbon, British Intelligence have concocted a ruthless doublecross to lure Russia and Germany into a hellish war of attrition on the Eastern Front and so buy Britain the most precious commodity of all: time.That plot now hinges on one man: Josef Hoffman, a humble Red cross worker. But who is Hoffman? And where do his loyalties really lie?‘Charged with action and tension from start to finish’ John Barkham Reviews‘For unbearable suspense, for chapter-by-chapter fascination, nothing I’ve read equals this one’ Los Angeles Times‘A World War II “what if” that’s great fun. Lots of suspense and a bang-up climax’ Publishers Weekly‘A humdinger of a thriller … a novel which turns history upside down’ Express & Echo‘Veteran thriller writer Derek Lambert skillfully mixes fact and fiction from World War II. It’s bloody good fun’ New York Daily News‘A grand Churchillian scheme depicted with great flair and ingeuinty’ The Seattle T…
The second in the rip-roaring adventure series of ‘Treasure Island’ prequels for fans of ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’Once comrades-in-arms, now sworn enemies: Joseph Flint and Long John Silver have a score to settle.Marooned on a remote Caribbean island with his loyal crew and a fortune in buried treasure, Silver awaits the return of the man who left him there.In order to defeat Silver and claim the island back as his, Flint will need to raise an army – no easy feat for the man most wanted by the Royal Navy.But with disease running rampant on the Island and the net closing on Flint, time is running out for both men. But who will survive – and who will get the gold?
The perfect neighbours tell the perfect lies…*** A TOP TEN KINDLE BESTSELLER *** A dark and twisty psychological thriller from a rising star in the genre, perfect for fans of THE COUPLE NEXT DOOR. When Helen moves into an exciting new neighbourhood, she finds herself in a web of evil with no escape.Behind the shutters lies a devastating secret…When Helen moves abroad with her loving husband Gary, she can’t wait to meet her fellow expat teachers from the local International School. But her new start is about to become her worst nightmare…As soon as the charming family across the way welcome Helen into their home, she begins to suspect that all is not as it seems. Then Gary starts to behave strangely and a child goes missing, vanished without a trace.When violence and tragedy strike, cracks appear in the community, and Helen realises her perfect neighbours are capable of almost anything…
AWAKENING A FORBIDDEN DESIREAfter a lifetime spent hating the cause, loving a Jacobite is out of the question for Henrietta Brody. But with Scotland ready for battle her only chance for survival is to journey with her enemy – the dangerously handsome Lord Simon Tremain.His protection awakens a forbidden desire in Henrietta. But, torn between her past and her future, the Jacobite and the man, reason and passion, she must fight to resist this traitor’s touch.
A classic Agatha Christie short story, available individually for the first time as an ebook.The adventures of the Beresfords are coming to an end. But not without a close shave involving Russian spies, code words and a dose of anaesthetic. Can Tommy and Tuppence survive and be able to begin their new life?
The debut novel from legendary SAS Survival Guide author Lofty Wiseman.• Test your wits at key points in the story to see if you’d survive Operation Lavivrus, and make it home alive. Lofty has written optional questions throughout the story to give you the opportunity to test yourself against the best.The country is on alert – Britain is at war with Argentina over the Falkland Islands, and SAS soldiers Peter and Tony find themselves in a military research centre being briefed in the use of a top-secret device. That’s the easy part.Part of an 8-man team, they parachute into Argentina – but the drop-off goes wrong. Tony and Peter, separated from the others, are forced to use every trick they know to evade a determined and intelligent Argentinean officer throwing men and resources at the problem of finding the operatives.What follows is a masterclass in escape and evasion in one of the world’s toughest climates – but will they make it out alive?Lofty channels his considerable survival know-how and personal e…
From the award-winning Jon Cleary, a psychopath's killings converge with organized-crime efforts to wipe out a crooked financier before he talks in this taut, suspenseful addition to the series featuring Australia's detective-inspector Scobie Malone.When a sniper kills a classmate of Inspector Scobie Malone, and then attempts to kill another, Scobie begins to see a pattern emerging. Fearing for his family's safety and forced into hiding with his friend Boru O'Brien, Scobie must track down the the killer before he too becomes a victim.
From the award-winning Jon Cleary, a psychopath's killings converge with organized-crime efforts to wipe out a crooked financier before he talks in this taut, suspenseful addition to the series featuring Australia's detective-inspector Scobie Malone.When a sniper kills a classmate of Inspector Scobie Malone, and then attempts to kill another, Scobie begins to see a pattern emerging. Fearing for his family's safety and forced into hiding with his friend Boru O'Brien, Scobie must track down the the killer before he too becomes a victim.
Time to leap into the Cortina as Sam Tyler and Gene Hunt roar back into action in a brand new instalment of Life on Mars.‘If you think I’m gonna stand here listening to yet more of your Mary, Mungo and Midge about waiting for back-up, you’re even dopier than the front of your head suggests, Tyler. I’m going right up them stairs to nail me a villain – and that, Sammy-boy, is called law enforcement!’When detective Sam Tyler was catapulted into the alien world of 1973, he found a world where men swigged scotch before breakfast. But when Sam finally got home, he realised he’d left his heart back in the seventies amongst the fly-wing collars and pints of Skol. He missed Annie Cartwright, the woman he had fallen in love with, and perhaps – just perhaps – he even missed The Guv, that nicotine-stained, sexist, homophobic caveman who was his DCI.Now Sam is back in ’73 for good, but is this the greatest mistake he’s ever made? As Sam deals with what appears to be an IRA bombing campaign, and clashes with the irrepr…
A collection of thirteen stories that offer an inside view of fighting men poised at the edge of death.Len Deighton's only collection of shorter fiction, this dazzling array of stories spans twenty-three centuries of warfare.From Hannibal's march on Rome – when strange, moving objects terrorise the troops of one of the toughest and most skilful armies in history – to the efforts of a belittled Civil War general to get his men to face the Confederate army; to the dawn skies above an artillery-blasted French battle-line where a dogfight unfolds, to Vietnam; where two lost American soldiers stumble across an abandoned military airfield.Each story in Declarations of War explores the effects of war upon man's character, how it pushes him to act in a dehumanized, machine-like way, often leading to extraordinary deeds, both good and ill. It portrays human conflict through a series of devastating experiences and shows how great deeds are often but the smallest thread in the large fabric of war.
Powerhouse romance editor Keira Madison is known as “Cover Girl” – because she’s come up with the concepts for the covers of the best selling novels in history. But right now, she’s desperate to replace her best selling author.Wannabe author Alex Bauer has given up hope of ever selling his military thriller, so he takes a shot at writing a romance and sends it to super agent Bella Farentino. She’s blown away by the book, but more shocked to find out the author is a man. So she decides it’s best to keep it a secret when pitching the novel – what does a man know about romance after all?When Keira buys the book, Alex needs a cover story to hide the fact he’s the real author. So he invents a fictional cousin who’s an agoraphobe; too shy to ever leave the house. He agrees to work as “her” intermediary during the editing process while getting a friend to “play” the author on the phone.One major problem. He falls hard for Keira, a spunky redhead who is a dead ringer for the heroine in the book. And she’s smitten…
The Number One Bestseller.A novel of Ancient Egypt from the bestselling author of River God. Wilbur Smith is a master at the helm of one of the greatest stories of all time.On the banks of the Nile, a hero will riseEgypt is under threat. Taita, a freed slave and the Pharaoh’s closest advisor, must create a master plan to crush the kingdom’s historic enemy and return Egypt to its former glory.He must call on his powers as both tactician and warrior to lead a great army up the Nile, through Arabia to the magical city of Babylon, then across the open seas to Crete.This army will meet battle and betrayal head on. But their greatest challenge will not be found on the battleground and it will threaten not only Taita’s plan, but the very future of Egypt.
‘A heartbreaking tale’ THE SUN‘Exceptionally beautiful’ MIRANDA DICKINSONFor a decade, Hannah’s life has been pretty close to perfect – she has a great job, she’s married to Mark, and her child-free existence means she’s free as a bird. The only sadness in her life is a fall-out with her sister Diane, who hasn’t spoken to her in over ten years. But now Diane is on her doorstep – and this time, she’s got her teenage daughter Mia in tow.When Diane asks if Mia can stay with Hannah and Mark for a few days, Hannah is glad of the chance to get to know her niece. But as the days turn into weeks and Diane doesn’t return, Hannah begins to worry. Why hasn’t her sister been in touch?Diane is carrying a devastating secret that will destroy Hannah’s carefully constructed life. But how much is she willing to reveal – and when will she pick her moment?An emotional story that delves into the true meaning of family, sisterhood and secrets. Perfect for fans of Kerry Fisher and Adele Parks.
Her dream home will become her worst nightmare…A USA Today and Sunday Times top ten bestseller. This is the dark and twisty psychological thriller from the No.1 ebook bestselling author of The Woman Next Door.A strange encounterNeve comes across a troubled woman called Isabelle on Waterloo Bridge late one night. Isabelle forces a parcel into Neve’s hands and jumps to her death in the icy Thames below.An unexpected giftTwo weeks later, as Neve’s wreck of a life in London collapses, an unexpected lifeline falls into her lap – a charming cottage in Cornwall left to her by Isabelle, the woman on the bridge. The solution to all her problems.A twisted secretBut when Neve arrives, alone in the dark woods late one night, she finds a sinister-looking bungalow with bars across its windows. And her dream home quickly becomes her worst nightmare – a house hiding a twisted secret that will change her life forever…
An epic love story and adventure set against the stunning backdrop of Antarctica.Alice Peel is a geologist. She believes in observation and proof. But now she stands alone on the deck of a rickety Chilean ship as a stark landscape reveals itself. Instead of the familiar measurable world, everything that lies ahead of her is unknown and unpredictable.Six weeks earlier her life was comfortably unfolding in an Oxford summer. Then, with her relationship suddenly in pieces, she accepted an invitation to join a group working at the end of the earth: Antarctica.James Rooker is a man on the run. He's been running since his childhood in New Zealand. Now, there is nowhere further to go. He has taken a job working on the same small Antarctic research station.Alice discovers an ice-blue and silver world, lit by sunlight. Nothing has prepared her for the beauty of it, or the claustrophobia of a tiny base shared with eight men and one other woman. The isolation wipes out everyone's past, and tension crackles in the air…
Mentre il mondo crolla addosso al protagonista, questo si ritrova solo nella corsa ciclistica più lunga e difficile al mondo. Rimasto senza squadra e odiato da tutti, pedala verso un traguardo distante due mesi e oltre 10000 km. Andrà incontro al suo riscatto, alla vita e all'amore, oppure ad attenderlo ci sarà soltanto la morte? Praticamente nato e cresciuto in bicicletta, da ciclista professionista, il Toro di Montevideo non è mai salito sul podio, tra belle donne e spumante. Invisibile parafulmine d'aria, artefice delle fortune e delle glorie altrui, si ritroverà protagonista di un'avventura al limite delle possibilità umane! Il germoglio di un nuovo amore potrà più di quella ”morte in strada” che insegue e da cui sembra essere rincorso? Da E. T. Palwin una potente storia di sport, ma soprattutto d'amore, tenacia e speranza. Imperdibile!
Double action thrillers by the classic adventure writer about security consultant, Max Stafford, set in the Sahara and Kenya.FLYAWAYWhy is Max Stafford, security consultant, beaten up in his own office? What is the secret of the famous 1930s aircraft, the Lockheed Lodestar? And why has accountant Paul Bilson disappeared in North Africa? The journey to the Sahara desert becomes a race to save Paul Bilson, a race to find the buried aircraft, and – above all – a race to return alive…WINDFALLWhen a legacy of £40 million is left to a small college in Kenya, investigations begin about the true identities of the heirs – the South African, Dirk Hendriks, and his namesake, Henry Hendrix from California. Suspicion that Hendrix is an impostor leads Max Stafford to the Rift Valley, where a violent reaction to his arrival points to a sinister and far-reaching conspiracy far beyond mere greed…Includes a unique bonus – The Circumstances Surrounding the Crime, Bagley's true story about an attempted assassination.
Hidden in the rolling hills outside Washington, D.C., is the hardsite of America's ultra-covert antiterrorist organization, Stony Man. A force of dedicated commandos and cyberwarriors, this elite, handpicked unit effects surgical strikes against the many faces of evil.Their jurisdiction is anywhere trouble takes them. Their duty to serve and protect. Their missions–completely deniable.It begins with a tactical nuclear explosion in Russia. Evidence points to the Chinese, who claim it's a Russian trick. For Stony Man, it's the start of the ultimate nightmare as the two countries amass firepower and troops. Soon more staggering explosions rock nations around the globe. At the heart of the horror is stolen tech–a nonnuclear Fuel-Air explosive «T-bomb.» Cheap, powerful and clean, it's fallen into enemy hands. As cities crumble under its force, the teams track the covert and traitorous factions wreaking havoc in a game of world domination.
HarperCollins is proud to present a range of best-loved, essential classics.'Where, you tend a rose, my lad, A thistle cannot grow.'Orphaned and sent to live with her uncle in his austere manor on the moors, Mary Lennox is a lonely and unhappy child. A meeting with Dickon, her servant's brother begins her adventure and it is through their friendship and her relationship with her troubled hypochondriac cousin Colin that she begins to learn about herself. Their lives all begin to change when a Robin shows Mary the door to a mysterious secret garden.
HarperCollins is proud to present a range of best-loved, essential classics.'Out of the dark we came, into the dark we go. Like a storm-driven bird at night we fly out of the Nowhere; for a moment our wings are seen in the light of the fire, and, lo! we are gone again into the Nowhere.'An amazing adventure set in Africa, against the backdrop of endless deserts and snowy mountains, Kings Solomon's Mines follows Allan Quartermain, in his quest to find his missing brother and unearth the fabled treasure of the biblical King's mines. Along the way, Allan and his companions are caught up in a tribal war and face fearful hardships, culminating in a final confrontation with the evil witch Gagool.
‘A total white knuckle stay-up-all-night thrill ride’ (Harlan Coben) from the bestselling author of Reckless and Killing Hour. Fifteen seconds can tear a life apart..OUT OF TOWNDr Henry Steadman has it all: a booming business, a daughter he loves, and plenty of time to enjoy life. But while visiting upstate Florida, a police-stop ends in the shooting of a local cop – with Henry as the prime suspect.OUT OF LUCKFramed for a second murder, this time of a close friend, Henry goes on the run. His only lifeline is state-trooper Carrie Holmes, no stranger to tragedy herself, who can help prove his innocence. But they are in a dead-end – the police are closing in, the killer is getting away.OUT OF TIMEThis is not just a set-up, it’s far more personal. Henry’s nightmare is complete when his daughter is kidnapped. Suddenly, survival is not enough: he must save his daughter. Everything has been taken away from him – but now, Henry has nothing left to lose…
“The bell tolls at midnight as death requires it.” But will it finally toll for Sean Dillon & company in the explosive new thriller of murder, terrorism and revenge from the Sunday Times bestselling author.In Ulster, Northern Ireland, a petty criminal kills a woman in a drunken car crash. Her sons swear revenge.In London, Sean Dillon and his colleagues in the ‘Prime Minister’s private army’, fresh from defeating a deadly al-Qaeda operation, receive a warning: ‘You may think you have weakened us, but you have only made us stronger.’In Washington, D.C., a special projects director with the CIA, frustrated at not getting permission from the President for his daring anti-terrorism plan, decides to put it in motion anyway.Soon, the ripples from these events will meet and overlap, creating havoc in their wake. Desperate men will act, secrets will be revealed – and the midnight bell will toll.
The author’s most famous and well-loved work, the Starbridge series, six self-contained yet interconnected novels that explore the history of the Church of England through the 20th century.Charles Ashworth is privileged, pampered and pleased with himself. As Bishop of Starbridge in 1965 he 'purrs along as effortlessly as a well-tuned Rolls-Royce' while he proclaims his famous 'absolute truths' to a society which he sees – with rage and revulsion – as increasingly immoral and disordered. But then a catastrophe tears his life apart and confronts him with the real absolute truths, truths which so shatter him that he finds himself stripped of his pride and struggling for survival. Grappling with the revelation that he has failed his wife, short-changed one son and distorted the personality of the other, Charles's guilt steadily drives him into the immoral and disordered life he has condemned so violently in others. Fighting against the threat of complete breakdown, he then embarks on a quest to rebuild not on…
Untrained.Untested.Unleashed.With her unique magical abilities, Opal Cowan has always felt unsure of her place at Sitia’s magic academy – but now it’s time to test her powers in the real world. Under threat from a deadly massacre, the powerful Stormdancer clan need Opal’s unusual skills to protect their people.And their plea is impossible to resist, especially when it comes from mysterious, mercurial Kade.Yet pulling her powers in unfamiliar directions pushes Opal to uncover a new kind of magic as stunningly potent as it is frightening, with danger and deception rising around her, will Opal’s untested abilities destroy her – or save them all?A CHRONICLES OF IXIA NOVEL'A compelling new fantasy series’ – Rhianna Pratchett, SFX on Poison Study The Chronicles of IxiaPoison StudyMagic StudyFire StudyStorm GlassSea GlassSpy GlassShadow Study
To save innocent lives, they'll have to risk their own.Self-help superstar Rachel de Luca and Detective Mason Brown have finally given in to their overwhelming attraction to each other, but neither of them is ready to let physical passion turn into full-blown romance, so they carefully maintain an emotional distance. Then a judge's daughter disappears, and Mason has a terrible sense that it's connected to the most recent case they solved together: the abduction of Rachel's assistant.The discovery of a string of missing women – all young, all troubled – seems like a promising lead. But there's no clear connection between the missing girls and the high-profile young woman Mason is trying to find. He realizes that once again he'll have to rely on his own well-honed instincts and Rachel's uncanny capacity to see through people's lies in order to catch a predator and rescue his captives. But can they do it before Rachel becomes his next victim?
Hidden in the heart of the Home Valley, a secret danger takes root…Quiet, cautious Ella Lantz has spent her entire life in the close-knit Amish community of the Home Valley. Tending her lavender fields, she finds calm and serenity in purple blooms, heavenly scents and a simple life. But the sudden arrival of a strange visitor to her parents' home heralds a host of new complications.Alex Caldwell is unlike any man Ella has ever met—clearly, he's no «Pennsylvania cousin,» whatever the elders may say. In fact, Alex is a Wall Street whistle-blower under witness protection…and he's brought a world of trouble to the Lantz doorstep. As Ella comes to trust—even love—a man so utterly worldly, she realizes her life has already changed forever.When it becomes violently clear that even the Home Valley is no refuge, Ella and Alex are driven into the wider world to hide. And with such a high price placed on their silence, they may not survive to share their love.…"Harper, a master of suspense, keeps readers guessing ab…
SEAN DILLON’S CHOICE: LIFE IN PRISON OR A SUICIDE MISSION.A diver discovers a priceless treasure off Thunder Point: a German U-boat containing proof that Martin Bormann escaped from Hitler’s bunker, bearing the most explosive secrets of the Third Reich.Among them: the names of British Nazi sympathisers – some of them pillars of the establishment – and the devastating document known as the Windsor Protocol.For the sake of national security, the U-boat must be destroyed, no questions asked.Sean Dillon, Britain’s most wanted terrorist, is about to be made an offer he cannot refuse…
Treachery has a price, in the mesmerizing Sean Dillon thriller from the Sunday Times-bestselling author.Helmand Province, Afghanistan: a lone convoy edges its way towards a deserted mountain village, led by US Army Rangers in Mastiff APVs. Stopping to search the area, the Rangers are hit by a massive roadside bomb, and as half the patrol lie dead or injured, the rest are ambushed with military precision. A nearby British medical team responds to the call for back-up, but all are slaughtered when their Chinook helicopter is blown up.The ambush is bad, but what's worse is that, amidst the battlefield chatter picked up by Major Giles Roper, not all the Taliban voices are Afghan – some are English, and the commander bears an Irish accent; he even names himself 'Shamrock'. Why would he commit such an atrocity, but more importantly can he be found before he masterminds another?Sean Dillon is put in charge of hunting the traitor down, with all the resources of the 'Prime Minister's private army' at his disposal.…
The first thriller in the New York Times No.1 bestselling series featuring Penn Cage: a prosecutor in a corrupt system, a husband whose wife has died, and a father who must protect his daughter. ‘An engrossing, page-turning ride’ (Jeffery Deaver).Don’t say a word…Natchez, Mississippi. A city of old money and older sins. A place where a thirty-year-old crime lies buried, and everyone plays the quiet game. But on man cannot stay silent.Returning to his home town, former prosecuting attorney Penn Cage is stunned to discover that his father is being blackmailed over a decades-old murder.Negotiating the town’s undercurrents of greed, corruption, and racial tension, Penn uncovers a powerful secret that reaches to the highest levels of government.And as the town closes ranks, Penn realises that his crusade for justice has taken a dangerous turn- one which could cost him his life…