Жанр Ветеринария - скачать книги бесплатно или читать онлайн на ЛитПортал


Паразитарные болезни животных
Год написания книги 2025
В учебном пособии представлены материалы по эпизоотологии, методам диагностики, правилам ветеринарно-санитарной экспертизы, санитарной оценки и параметрам обезвреживания продукции животноводства,…
British Poultry Standards
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
A fully updated and expanded new edition of the official reference to all the recognised Poultry Standards in Great Britain The seventh edition of British Poultry Standards contains complete spec…
Bovine Surgery and Lameness
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Bovine surgery is both challenging and complicated. Not only does the surgeon have to decide whether surgery is economically justified, but surgery often has to be performed in a sub-optimal envi…
Companion Animal Care and Welfare. The UFAW Companion Animal Handbook
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Companion Animal Care and Welfare: The UFAW Companion Animal Handbook presents a comprehensive, accessible and practical reference for all parties seeking information about the proper care of com…
Introduction to One Health. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Planetary Health
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Introduction to One Health: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Planetary Health offers an accessible, readable introduction to the burgeoning field of One Health. Provides a thorough introduction t…
Dairy Production Medicine
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
This comprehensive book integrates new technology and concepts that have been developed in recent years to manage dairy farms in a profitable manner. The approach to the production of livestock a…
Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant, Third Edition provides practical, step-by-step instructions for preparing and performing a wide range of veterinary assisting tasks. With expanded coverage of …
Фармакогнозия. Учебное пособие для вузов
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2022
В пособии описаны правила сбора, заготовки и сушки лекарственных растений, хранение лекарственного растительного сырья. Описаны вредители лекарственного растительного сырья и методы борьбы с ними…
Small Animal Toxicology Essentials
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Providing a ready reference for the initial triage, collection of diagnostic samples, and management of a poisoning case, Small Animal Toxicology Essentials focuses on the most common poisons enc…
Nursing the Feline Patient
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Nursing the Feline Patient is a comprehensive and accessible clinical manual addressing the unique nursing needs of cats. Covering all aspects of feline nursing care from the examination room to …
Small Animal Dental Procedures for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Small Animal Dental Procedures for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses is a comprehensive, procedures-based resource for technicians and nurses involved with all aspects of canine, feline, and exot…
External Fixation in Small Animal Practice
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2019
External fixation is one of the most versatile treatment options for fracture repair in small animals. The advantages include enhancing both the mechanical and biologic environment for optimal fr…
Grooming Manual for the Dog and Cat
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2019
One of the responsibilities of every dog or cat owner is that of coat care. There are many and varied coat types and there is a vast difference between the time it takes to groom a Doberman and a…
Cattle Behaviour and Welfare
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2019
Cattle are one of our major domesticated animals, a higher mammal with complex mental and physical needs. The benefit of a knowledge of cattle behaviour means veterinarians and stockpeople can re…
Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training, Adaptation and Learning
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2019
Twenty-five years of study and experience went into the making of this one-of-a-kind reference. Veterinarians, animal scientists, dog owners, trainers, consultants, and counsellors will find this…
Small Animal ECGs
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2019
This book provides all the information that veterinarians need when using electrocardiography techniques for the first time. It is aimed squarely at the beginner, and is designed specifically for…
Skin Diseases of Exotic Pets
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2019
There is currently a lot of interest within veterinary medicine in both dermatology and exotics, yet, despite this interest, there is no single text available that focuses on both these key areas…
Veterinary Technician's Large Animal Daily Reference Guide
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Veterinary Technician’s Large Animal Daily Reference Guide is an indispensible resource in daily clinical practice. Covering all aspects of a veterinary technician’s responsibilities in the care …
Козы, овцы, коровы. Содержание, разведение, производство мясо-молочной продукции в подсобном хозяйстве
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2016
Эта книга нужна фермеру с любым стажем, как начинающим, так и животноводам с большим стажем. Из книги вы узнаете, как правильно разводить и содержать домашних животных, чем они болеют и как этого…
Handbook of Poisoning in Dogs and Cats
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2019
This handbook will help veterinary clinicians and their staff to manage cases of poisoning in dogs and cats. It will also help answer enquiries about potential poisonings received from concerned …