ТОП-50 лучших книг в жанре Epic fantasy

Epic fantasy - ТОП 50 лучших книг

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Убийца Подземелий: ЛитРПГ Приключение с Повышением Уровня
В мире, опустошенном чудовищными угрозами на протяжении более пятидесяти лет, выживание человечества висит на волоске. Появление страшного чудовища Раекаста привело к истреблению целых континентов и появлению подземелий, полных смертоносных боссов и монстров. Таинственный ритуал "Возрождение" дал немногим избранным силу противостоять этим силам тьмы, и они стали известны как "Убийцы". Тад Харрингтон - 16-летний старшеклассник с увлечением компьютерными играми. Его жизнь омрачалась беспощадными издевательствами, и теперь, когда приближается дата его Возрождения, он уцепляется за надежду стать могущественным Убийцей. Он мечтает отправиться в самые опасные подземелья, стремясь к жизни роскоши и влияния, которая всегда ускользала от него. Он может повышать свой уровень и становиться сильнее, побеждая монстров. Начиная с первого уровня, Тад отправляется в опасное путешествие, чтобы разблокировать свой истинный потенциал. Сможет ли он принять вызов и стать величайшим Убийцей Подземелий?
Убийца Подземелий: ЛитРПГ Приключение с Повышением Уровня
В мире, опустошенном чудовищными угрозами на протяжении более пятидесяти лет, выживание человечества висит на волоске. Появление страшного чудовища Раекаста привело к истреблению целых континентов и появлению подземелий, полных смертоносных боссов и монстров. Таинственный ритуал "Возрождение" дал немногим избранным силу противостоять этим силам тьмы, и они стали известны как "Убийцы". Тад Харрингтон - 16-летний старшеклассник с увлечением компьютерными играми. Его жизнь омрачалась беспощадными издевательствами, и теперь, когда приближается дата его Возрождения, он уцепляется за надежду стать могущественным Убийцей. Он мечтает отправиться в самые опасные подземелья, стремясь к жизни роскоши и влияния, которая всегда ускользала от него. Он может повышать свой уровень и становиться сильнее, побеждая монстров. Начиная с первого уровня, Тад отправляется в опасное путешествие, чтобы разблокировать свой истинный потенциал. Сможет ли он принять вызов и стать величайшим Убийцей Подземелий?
The Brave Steps: overcoming obstacles and embracing growth
"The Brave Steps: Overcoming Obstacles and Embracing Growth" is a heartwarming children's book about a brave fox who sets out to achieve her goal but encounters several obstacles along the way. Each chapter presents a new challenge for the character, who must overcome self-doubt, frustration, and setbacks. With the help of supportive friends and mentors, the fox learns the value of perseverance, courage, and resilience. Through rhyming verse and vivid illustrations, the story highlights the importance of facing challenges with determination and positivity. In the end, the fox achieves her goal and reflects on the personal growth and confidence she has gained through her journey. The book concludes with an epilogue that encourages readers to embrace new challenges with optimism and a sense of possibility. "The Brave Steps" is a delightful tale that will inspire children to believe in themselves and to overcome obstacles with courage and resilience.
Юниверсум: Книга Версума. Том 1: Начало
"Юниверсум: Книга Версума" – это не просто роман, это целая вселенная, в которой границы между научной фантастикой и фэнтези размываются. В центре сюжета – Версум, чья способность создавать миры оборачивается как неожиданными приключениями, так и глубокими философскими размышлениями о сущности бытия и влиянии человеческого сознания на реальность. Каждая страница книги пропитана мистикой и загадками, подталкивая читателя к размышлениям о бесконечности космоса и месте человека в этом загадочном мироздании. В произведении удивительным образом переплетаются динамичный сюжет, захватывающие приключения и глубокие философские идеи. Это рассказ о могуществе и одиночестве, о выборе и его последствиях, о власти над мирами и ответственности перед ними. Это приглашение в мир, где каждое решение может изменить всё вокруг, и каждый шаг открывает дверь в неизведанные миры. Откройте "Юниверсум: Книга Версума" и погрузитесь в незабываемое приключение, где каждая страница обещает новое открытие.
Cycle: Land of the Dragon. Selection: Choice or Destiny. Book One
Katrin accidentally goes to the bride selection. He has no magic, does not know about the world he is in, but must reach the finale or be killed. Selection without standard competitions and stringent requirements. Translation from Russian language. The cover is a paintig of Valentina Pazii.
Only the Valiant
“Morgan Rice did it again! Building a strong set of characters, the author delivers another magical world. ONLY THE WORTHY is filled with intrigue, betrayals, unexpected friendship and all the good ingredients that will make you savor every turn of the pages. Packed with action, you will read this book on the edge of your seat.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos From Morgan Rice, #1 Bestselling author of THE QUEST OF HEROES (a free download with over 1,000 five star reviews), comes a riveting new fantasy series. In ONLY THE VALIANT (The Way of Steel—Book Two), Royce, 17, is on the run, fleeing for his freedom. He reunites with the peasant farmers as he attempts to rescue his brothers and flee for good. Genevieve, meanwhile, learns a shocking secret, one that will affect the rest of her life. She must decide whether to risk her own life to save Royce’s—even as he thinks she betrayed him. The aristocracy prepares for war against the peasantry, and only Royce can save them. But Royce’s only hope lies …
Only the Bold
“Morgan Rice did it again! Building a strong set of characters, the author delivers another magical world. ONLY THE WORTHY is filled with intrigue, betrayals, unexpected friendship and all the good ingredients that will make you savor every turn of the pages. Packed with action, you will read this book on the edge of your seat.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos From Morgan Rice, #1 Bestselling author of THE QUEST OF HEROES (a free download with over 1,000 five star reviews), comes a riveting new fantasy series. In ONLY THE BOLD, the epic finale to the Way of Steel, Royce finds him transformed after looking into the magic mirror. Has he gained the ultimate wisdom? Or has he gone mad? The mirror reveals many secrets, and Royce finds himself heading towards his father’s hiding place. Will he meet his father for the first time? Genevieve and Royce’s tragic romance finally comes to a head, culminating in a surprise twist that will change both of their lives forever. And amidst all of this comes the epi…
Only the Destined
Morgan Rice is the #1 bestselling and USA Today bestselling author of the epic fantasy series THE SORCERER’S RING, comprising seventeen books; of the #1 bestselling series THE VAMPIRE JOURNALS, comprising twelve books; of the #1 bestselling series THE SURVIVAL TRILOGY, a post-apocalyptic thriller comprising three books; of the epic fantasy series KINGS AND SORCERERS, comprising six books; of the epic fantasy series OF CROWNS AND GLORY, comprising eight books; of the epic fantasy series A THRONE FOR SISTERS, comprising eight books; of the new science fiction series THE INVASION CHRONICLES, comprising four books; of the new fantasy series OLIVER BLUE AND THE SCHOOL FOR SEERS, comprising four books (and counting); and of the fantasy series THE WAY OF STEEL, comprising three books (and counting). Morgan’s books are available in audio and print editions, and translations are available in over 25 languages. Morgan loves to hear from you, so please feel free to visit www.morganricebooks.com to join the email lis…
Only the Worthy
ONLY THE WORTHY (The Way of Steel—Book 1) tells the epic coming of age story of Royce, 17, a peasant farmer who senses, with his special fighting skills, that he is different from all the other boys in his village. There resides within him a power he does not understand, and a hidden destiny he is afraid to face. On the day he is to be wed to his one true love, Genevieve, she is stolen away from him. Royce chooses to risk it all to confront the nobles who took her and to try to save his love. When he fails, he is sentenced to the infamous Red Isle, a barren island of warriors known for turning boys into men. Banished from his homeland, Royce must face trials beyond which he can imagine as he is taught to survive the notorious Pits—the kingdom’s brutal bloodsport. Genevieve, meanwhile, desperate for Royce’s return, is forced to navigate the cruel and conniving world of aristocracy as she finds herself immersed in a world she despises. Yet as Royce’s powers become stronger and as he learns there is a secret…
Only the Worthy
ONLY THE WORTHY (The Way of Steel—Book 1) tells the epic coming of age story of Royce, 17, a peasant farmer who senses, with his special fighting skills, that he is different from all the other boys in his village. There resides within him a power he does not understand, and a hidden destiny he is afraid to face. On the day he is to be wed to his one true love, Genevieve, she is stolen away from him. Royce chooses to risk it all to confront the nobles who took her and to try to save his love. When he fails, he is sentenced to the infamous Red Isle, a barren island of warriors known for turning boys into men. Banished from his homeland, Royce must face trials beyond which he can imagine as he is taught to survive the notorious Pits—the kingdom’s brutal bloodsport. Genevieve, meanwhile, desperate for Royce’s return, is forced to navigate the cruel and conniving world of aristocracy as she finds herself immersed in a world she despises. Yet as Royce’s powers become stronger and as he learns there is a secret…