ТОП-50 лучших книг в жанре Comics

Comics - ТОП 50 лучших книг

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Venetian Carnival. A Letter from Italy
One February evening, when it is raining outside and there is nothing particularly to do, Archont Duval receives a letter from the mayor of Venice asking for his help. Just before the main event of the year, the Venetian carnival, the mayor's office receives puzzling anonymous notes. The archaeologist together with his nephew and niece must prevent a crime, the festival will take place!
Adventure in Saint-Denis. The Treasure of a Restorer. Part 2
A medallion found in the cache of Notre Dame leads Archont Duval to the medieval Abbey of Saint-Denis. Ancient burials, dark corridors, marble statues, everything is enlaced with shadows of intrigues and past events. But how is the restorer involved?
Adventure in Notre Dame. The Treasure of a Restorer. Part 1
One beautiful sunny day, a young Canadian turns up at the shop of Archont Duval. The stranger wishes to solve the mystery of his great grandfather's letters. All clues lead to Notre Dame. Archont and his young relatives accompany the stranger to Paris to find the hidden treasure. Will they be able to untangle the messages coded in the great grandfather's letter from his oldest and dearest friend?