GER. Leave that alone.
SCA. I feel in dying an inconceivable grief for the beating which I…
GER. Ah me! be silent.
SCA. That unfortunate beating that I gave…
GER. Be silent, I tell you; I forgive you everything.
SCA. Alas! how good you are. But is it really with all your heart that you forgive me the beating which I…?
GER. Yes, yes; don't mention it. I forgive you everything. You are punished.
SCA. Ah! Sir, how much better I feel for your kind words.
GER. Yes, I forgive you; but on one condition, that you die.
SCA. How! Sir?
GER. I retract my words if you recover.
SCA. Oh! oh! all my pains are coming hack.
ARG. Mr. Géronte, let us forgive him without any condition, for we are all so happy.
GER. Well, be it so.
ARG. Let us go to supper, and talk of our happiness.
SCA. And you, take me to the end of the table; it is there I will await death.
Épices, "spices," in ancient times, equalled sweetmeats, and were given to the judge by the side which gained the suit, as a mark of gratitude. These épices had long been changed into a compulsory payment of money when Molière wrote. In Racine's Plaideurs, act ii. scene vii., Petit Jean takes literally the demand of the judge for épices, and fetches the pepper-box to satisfy him.