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Note: To read before the wedding

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4. Divorce in Russia. Historical information. Experience of other countries

Divorce in Russia were rare even 100 years ago. For example, in the pre-revolutionary period, due to the way of life that led most of the population, divorces were an exception:

– The first reason was the farm. It was a kind of a barrier. Women could not do all the work themselves. Farming was the only income for majority, so it was not beneficial to break up with the half;

– The second reason was the church that maintained the value of the family and had negative attitude towards divorce.

The Communist party and the total control of the moral image in the USSR were the next obstacles for those who had decided to come out of relationships. People who were in the parties were afraid of being judged by their colleagues. Over and above, there was the possibility of exclusion from the party because of divorce. Komsomol members were in the similar situation. This ideological press held even those who had real problems in their marriages, those who wanted to break up.

According to statistics the number of divorces after the collapse of the Soviet Union increased 4–5 times. The leading role is taken by Portugal. 67 marriages out of 100 break up. There are also a lot of divorced couples in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Spain – 65 out of 100. USA and Russia have the same number – 57. The best statistics are in Norway, Germany, Australia and Canada. The number of divorces there is less than in the other countries, – only 40 % or a bit more.

Perhaps you should look for a husband in Ireland, if you want to have more guarantees that the marriage will not break up. The Irish get divorced only 15 times out of 100. If you thoroughly prepare your marriage and the marriages of your children, making them strong and stable, the statistics in your country will also change for the better.

Nowadays, in our consumer society, when the desire to have different benefits of civilization – a car, various household appliances, new mobile phones, live and travel on credit – the value of the marriage itself has also become a kind of consumer, not so important. Well, for example – a person got married once, but the cake was dough, so he or she will marry once again or twice. The same thing is with loans. Not all people pay debts on time, having from 3 to 5 at the same time. These people always say: “It is okay. I will pay later.” Oftentimes, this happens with marriages too: people get married quickly as if they are in a hurry, and break up, as if parting with an old smart phone. Now it is almost normal to hear "my daughter divorced her husband or they lived in a civil marriage or after breakup she is alone with the child."

When we have such a statistic we can easily find out some stories about unhappy relationships even in our inner circle. Young people began to perceive divorce as a kind of something normal. But it should not be so. Dead wrong!

Here is the other statistic which shows the relationships between the years lived together and the number of divorces:

1) up to 1 year – 3,6 %;

2) 1–2 years – 16 %;

3) 3–4 years – 18 %;

4) 5–9 years – 28 %;

5) 10–19–22 %;

6) from 20 and more – 12,4 %.

From all these points we can notice that the greatest number of divorces falls on the age of 18–35 years.

Let us examine causes of divorce.

Normally, divorces are initiated by women. Activity among the male half can be seen only after their 50 years. Among the most common causes of family breakups are:

1) The lack of psychological preparedness, incompatibility of partners – 47 %;

2) alcohol abuse, alcoholism, drug addiction – 31 %;

3) infidelity, betrayal – 15 %;

4) poor living conditions – 3 %;

5) other – 4 %.


After the first divorce only 27 % of women remarry. If a woman ruins her marriage in her 25–30 years, then maybe after 5 years she will feel that she has no one to choose from. After 35 years, the cause of female loneliness is a clear lack of men due to high mortality. From what we can ascertain, women do not have to choose much in Russia – there are 589 thousand prisoners, 2.5 million drug addicts, of which only 600 thousand are on medical records and 12 million suffering from alcoholism.

After a long conversation about the choice of a spouse, we will certainly broach subject of successfully overcoming difficulties of living together in a family, if not in this, then in the next book.

When I am speaking on these issues, I am full of dreams about Russia. It will be great if Russian Federation would become an example of trustworthiness and faithfulness in family relationships.

5. It is hard to talk about it

What is interesting, – that one of the biggest difficulties in the topic of choosing a husband is not only the opportunity to talk about it in details or to understand what is important step by step. It is also extremely necessary to know things without which it is impossible to start moving even in your thoughts towards the wedding.

You will not be able to find such talks for a young lady for love or money, if for no other reason because she will not share her secrets. Some modest parent’s attempts to suggest "where you need to pay attention for" are always laughed out of court because of the child’s closeness and the challenges of her growing up. But in a little while this girl may herself become a mother. Some tips from the same inexperienced friends are more like the advice from one child to another – how not to share a candy.

It is difficult to talk about a comprehensive approach to choosing a husband, starting even with the fact that the ability to reflect and reason objectively is not developed in many of us, especially in young people. Both the lack of life experience and unwillingness to listen to the elders ties a hard knot in this task. Perhaps it was also the chosen by parent’s one-sided position on this issue when the teenager was still up to 16. And then there is the dominant concept of biochemistry in love. All these components not only do not make practical approach "how to choose a good husband" as clear as a bell. They no longer take into account all the concepts, often mixing them to complete confusion in the young head.


You cannot talk about this topic only once or twice – it will not work. I know this because I had a great experience with many people. It will not work for many reasons:

– the topic is very extensive, you need several approaches, you need time to contemplate;

– while communicating with each other, people often find it complicated to select the necessary and what is even more difficult – paramount factors for choosing a spouse.

Stereotypes can press. For example – how to choose a husband? Answer: «That should be a good guy. He should be handsome, love his wife to the moon and back and earn a lot of money. That is all!» As soon we will find out – it is not all and not all at all:

– everyone has formed views on it;

– not everyone is ready to reveal to other and speak frankly;

– the conversation often veer towards certain subject, clinging to one of the moments;

– when opinions clash, the conversation is often in an impasse;

– it is difficult to admit mistakes or gaps in this important issue;

– most part of people are closed to new in these issues, considering themselves completely right.

Tonight you are alone with the book. It is a chance to get a better handle on this issue. You can argue and disagree; it is only the opinion of the author. These questions are often very intimate, deeply internal. And yet, it is uncustomary to analyze this topic, and this can be seen in the examples below and in the examples of people living next to you.

Consistent consideration of many components of the choice of a life partner is collected through frank and blatant interviews of people of different ages living in different cities and countries. And each of them gives you the opportunity to see the mistakes of the characters. Also there are some answers to questions and you have the chance to draw a conclusion on your own. It is not hard to notice that until we do not go deeply into this topic, everything seems right, good, like it should be. Well, what is that got to do with you – who and how is choosing a husband or a wife? All people are independent, they will figure it out in their own. What is more, it seems not really correctly to stick one’s nose into this question.

You can not pry into and leave things as they are, but when you remember that the reason for most divorces is a woman up to 50 years who suddenly (after the marriage) found that she had married the wrong person, it is clear that "sticking a nose" is simply necessary. That she was not prepared for ‘life as a couple’ with her husband and she was incompatible with him – like other 47 % of couples which are incongruous. What is that compatibility? How could she be so superficial in cognition of her future husband? How could she marry him? Now highlight this point in bold and check your compatibility on fundamental issues for you before the wedding.

Next time you will pass by the registry office and see happy couples waiting for their turn to be married, you can boldly delete every second couple from the family relationships. Very soon the market of brides and grooms will have these broken hearts after the first incompatibility. And again with the same zealous zeal they will look for the soul mate. But now they will be already in the status of «experienced», "knowing life", and after the second divorce they will become «professionals», just not in the way is needed and so on.

Maybe all that is what you think and you do not talk to anyone. You can find some practical and judicious people with whom the communication will be easygoing in order to listen to other points of view, to listen to yourself from the side. After reading there is every likelihood that you will discover a lot of new things and change your mind. You will start a new movement – "Happiness to every home". Let’s start with your own.

6. All we need is love

Remember what feelings fill most of us when we start watching a beautiful romantic movie or a clip about a love story, when the mawkish sweetly frames replace each other… At first the main characters do not know each other and live their own lives, waiting and believing that they will meet a fabulous love. They make attempts to find it, get disappointed, do their daily chores, but we are already beginning to feel this clue, skillfully twisted by the author or the director. The clue that slowly begins to twist into bright, satin, fluttering in the wind tapes of beautiful relationships. It starts when the first sympathy and timid steps to meet each other halfway appear. When we watch the movie – we begin to empathize. Even the pulse of the majority can be pleasantly quickened, because all these scenes can resonate with our own experience. We wait for this love, these emotions, look for them and often meet only on the screens of cinemas or in the books. Why? This genre of books is very popular and popular for hundreds of years.
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