Nowadays people prefer communicating online. However, 50 years ago people sent paper letters to each other. It was the norm to have a mail box full of envelopes with letters. The envelopes were used for keeping letters and documents. The first envelopes appeared in England in the first half of the 19th century. In Moscow, massive sales of envelopes started in 1846. The first envelopes were made of white paper. They were of a different format. To post a letter people needed round hand-made stamps. The stamps were fixed in the top right corner of the envelope. In St. Petersburg, stamps were blue, in Moscow they were red. Two years later, envelopes spread over the whole territory of Russia.
Nowadays people referp communicating enilno. Revewoh, 50 years oga people sent paper srettel to each rehto. It was the mron to evah a mail xob full of sepolevne with letters. The sepolevne were used rof keeping srettel and documents. The tsrif envelopes deraeppa in England in eht first half fo the 19th yrutnec. In Moscow, evissam sales of sepolevne started in 1846. The tsrif envelopes erew made of etihw paper. They erew of a different tamrof. To tsop a letter elpoep needed round dnah-made spmats. The spmats were fixed in ehtpot right renroc of the envelope. In St. Petersburg, spmats were eulb, in Moscow yeht were der. Two sraey later, envelopes daerps over the whole yrotirret of Russia.
Now ad ayspeoplep refercom mun icati ngon lin e. Ho we ver, 50ye arsag op eop lesentpa perle ttersto e achot her. I twas t he n ormtoha veama ilbo xful lof en velope sw ithlet ters. T heen velope swe reu sedforke epi ngletter sanddo cum ent s. Thef irsten velop esapp eare dinEngl and i nthefi rsth alf o fth e19thcen tu ry. InM osc ow, ma ssiv esaleso fenvelo pesstar tedi n 1846. Thef ir st en velopeswer emadeo fwh itepa per. The yw ereofa d iffer entformat. Top ostaletterp eoplene ededrou ndha nd-madesta mps. Th esta mpswe refixedi nthetopr ightcor nero ftheenve lope. InSt. Pet ersburg, sta mpswer eblue, inMo scowthe ywerered. Twoye arsl ater, env elopessp read o verthew hole t erritoryo fRussia.
.aissuR fo yrotirret elohw eht revo daerps sepolevne, retal sraey owT. der erew yeht wocsoM ni, eulb erew spmats, grubsreteP. tS nI. epolevne eht fo renroc thgir pot eht ni dexif erew spmats ehT. spmats edam-dnah dnuor dedeen elpoep rettel a tsop oT. tamrof tnereffid a fo erew yehT. repap etihw fo edam erew sepolevne tsrif ehT.6481 ni detrats sepolevne fo selas evissam, wocsoM nI. yrutnec ht91 eht fo flah tsrif eht ni dnalgnE ni deraeppa sepolevne tsrif ehT. stnemucod dna srettel gnipeek rof desu erew sepolevne ehT. srettel htiw sepolevne fo lluf xob liam a evah ot mron eht saw tI. rehto hcae ot srettel repap tnes elpoep oga sraey 05,revewoH. enilno gnitacinummoc referp elpoep syadawoN
.aissuRf oyrotirre t eloh wehtrev o daer pssepole vne, reta lsra eyowT. dererewy ehtwocs oMni, eulbe rewspm ats, grubsre teP. tSnI. epol evneehtf oren rocthgi rpotehtn idexifer ewspm atse hT. spm atsedam-dn ahdn uordede enelpoe prettelatso poT. tamroftne reffi d afoere wy ehT. rep apeti hwf oedame rewsepolev ne ts ri fehT.6481 n idet ratssep olevnef oselase viss am, wo cso MnI. yr ut necht91e htf o fla htsr ifehtn i dna lgnEnid erae ppase polev netsri fehT. s tne muc oddnas rettelgn ipe ekrofdes uer ews epolev neeh T. sret telhti ws epolev ne fol lufx obli amaev ahotmro n eh t sawt I. reh tohca e otsrett elrep aptnesel poe po gasra ey05,rev ew oH. e nil nogn itaci num mocrefer pelpoepsya da woN
Text 12
This fish is called the Black sea devil. We don’t know much about it. It lives deep in the darkness of the sea and seldom comes up. Scientists aren’t even sure how long it lives. The amazing fact is that the Black sea devil can perfectly adapt to its environment. They have sharp teeth, a big mouth arid beautiful fins used for swimming and hunting. Male fish live on the back of female ones that are much bigger in size. Not long ago, a Black sea devil was filmed in its natural environment for the first time. The fish was then brought to the surface alive for further monitoring. It was placed in a cool, dark container. Scientists want to know if it can sense magnetic fields like sharks do. A set of experiments will help to find out.
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