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ВПР и ОГЭ. Английский язык на 5. Говорение, часть 1 (speaking 1)

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Glass is a natural mineral. Natural glass is grey and hard to look through. Man-made glass was first produced in Egypt 5000 years ago. It was used for decorations because it had a green or blue colour. The secret of clear glass was found in Europe only in the 13th century. At the same time, craftsmen learned to produce lenses to look at small objects or to be used by people who had problems with their eyes. This is how the first glasses appeared. Glass dishes and mirrors became popular later with the rise of technology. In Russia, the first glass factory was built in Moscow region in 1654.

Sslag is a natural larenim. Natural sslagsi grey and hard ot look hguorht. Man-made glass saw first produced ni Egypt 5000 years oga. It was desu for decorations because ti had a green roeulb colour. The terces of clear sslag was dnuofni Europe only nieht 13th yrutnec. At the same emit, craftsmen denrael to produce sesnel to look at small objects ro to be used yb people ohw had problems htiw their seye. This is woh the first sessalg appeared. Sslag dishes dnasrorrim became ralupop later with eht rise fo technology. Ni Russia, eht first glass yrotcaf was tliub in Wocsom region ni 1654.

Glassis ana tura l min eral. Natura lgl assis gre yan d h ard tolookth rough. Man-ma deglasswas fi rstpro duced inEgy pt 5000 yea rsag o. Itwas used f or dec orat ionsbeca use it h ad agreen o rblue co lour. Thesecre tof cl ear glasswas fou ndin Europ eo nly int he 13thcen tury. Atthesa me ti m e, craft smen le arnedtopro duce le nsestolook a t sm all obje ctsorto beus ed b y peo plewhohad proble mswith the irey es. Thisis h owth e fir stglass esapp ear ed. Glassdis hesandmirror s bec ame popu la rlaterwi th theriseo ftechno log y. InRu ssia, thefirstgla ss fact orywasbu iltinMos cowre gionin 1654.

.4561 ni noiger wocsoM ni tliub saw yrotcaf ssalg tsrif eht, aissuR nI. ygolonhcet fo esir eht htiw retal ralupop emaceb srorrim dna sehsid ssalG. deraeppa sessalg tsrif eht woh si sihT. seye rieht htiw smelborp dah ohw elpoep yb desu eb ot ro stcejbo llams ta kool ot sesnel ecudorp ot denrael nemstfarc, emit emas eht tA. yrutnec ht31 eht ni ylno eporuE ni dnuof saw ssalg raelc fo terces ehT. ruoloc eulb ro neerg a dah ti esuaceb snoitaroced rof desu saw tI. oga sraey 0005 tpygE ni decudorp tsrif saw ssalg edam-naM. hguorht kool ot drah dna yerg si ssalg larutaN. larenim larutan a si ssalG

Text 4

People have always wanted to learn and share information. At different times they I used different methods to exchange news. They made fires and beat drums to signal important events. Later, they invented letters which were carried by special people called runners. They had to cover long distances to deliver information. The use of horses and birds made the delivery quicker. The state post in Russia appeared in the 17th century. It was rather slow but quite reliable. In 1851, the post started to use the railway. Since then the speed of information exchange has been growing constantly.

People evah always wanted ot learn dna share information. Ta different semit they used tnereffid methods ot exchange swen. Yeht made serif and teabsmurd to signal important stneve. Retal, they invented srettel which were deirrac by special elpoep called runners. They dah to revoc long distances ot deliver noitamrofni. The esu of sesroh and sdrid made the delivery rekciuq. Eht state tsop in Aissur appeared in eht 17th century. Ti was rather wols but quite reliable. In 1851, the post detrats to use the yawliar. Since neht the speed fo information egnahcxe has been gniworg constantly.

Peop le h aveal way swan tedtole arn an ds hare inf ormat io n. Atdif fe r enttime sth eyIu sedd ifferen t m etho dst o exch ang e ne ws. Th eymade fir esan db e at d rumsto si gna li mpo rtantev e nts. La ter, t heyinven te dlet terswhic hwe re c arr iedbys peci alpeop lecal le d run ne rs. T heyhadto cov erlo ngdis tanc estodel ive rin for mat ion. T he us eo fho rs esand bi rds ma det hedel iver yquic ker. Thes tatepos tin Rus si aapp eare dinth e 17th centu ry. Itwa srat hers lowb utquite re li able. In 1851, th e po stst artedtou sethera il way. Sinceth enth esp eedo finfor mat i on exch ange ha sb ee ngr owingcon stant l y.

.yltnatsnoc gniworg neeb sah egnahcxe noitamrofni fo deeps eht neht ecniS. yawliar eht esu ot detrats tsop eht,1581 nI. elbailer etiuq tub wols rehtar saw tI. yrutnec ht71 eht ni deraeppa aissuR ni tsop etats ehT. rekciuq yreviled eht edam sdrib dna sesroh fo esu ehT. noitamrofni reviled ot secnatsid gnol revoc ot dah yehT. srennur dellac elpoep laiceps yb deirrac erew hcihw srettel detnevni yeht, retaL. stneve tnatropmi langis ot smurd taeb dna serif edam yehT. swen egnahcxe ot sdohtem tnereffid desu I yeht semit tnereffid tA. noitamrofni erahs dna nrael ot detnaw syawla evah elpoeP

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