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At Sunwich Port, Complete

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“Their idea of a wedding,” he said, bitterly, “is to dress up and make a show; my idea is a few real good old pals and plenty of licker.”

“You’ll ‘ave to ‘ave both,” observed Nathan Smith, whose knowledge of the sex was pretty accurate.

Mr. Kybird nodded gloomily. “‘Melia and Jack don’t seem to ‘ave been ‘itting it off partikler well lately,” he said, slowly. “He’s getting more uppish than wot ‘e was when ‘e come here first. But I got ‘im to promise that he’d settle any money that ‘e might ever get left him on ‘Melia.”

Mr. Smith’s inscrutable eyes glistened into something as nearly approaching a twinkle as they were capable. “That’ll settle the five ‘undred,” he said, warmly. “Are you goin’ to send Cap’n Nugent an invite for the wedding?”

“They’ll ‘ave to be asked, o’ course,” said Mr. Kybird, with an attempt at dignity, rendered necessary by a certain lightness in his friend’s manner. “The old woman don’t like the Nugent lot, but she’ll do the proper thing.”

“O’ course she will,” said Mr. Smith, soothingly. “Come over and ‘ave a drink with me, Dan’l it’s your turn to stand.”


Gossip from one or two quarters, which reached Captain Nugent’s ears through the medium of his sister, concerning the preparations for his son’s marriage, prevented him from altering his mind with regard to the visits of Jem Hardy and showing that painstaking young man the door. Indeed, the nearness of the approaching nuptials bade fair to eclipse, for the time being, all other grievances, and when Hardy paid his third visit he made a determined but ineffectual attempt to obtain from him some information as to the methods by which he hoped to attain his ends. His failure made him suspicious, and he hinted pretty plainly that he had no guarantee that his visitor was not obtaining admittance under false pretences.

“Well, I’m not getting much out of it,” returned Hardy, frankly.

“I wonder you come,” said his hospitable host.

“I want you to get used to me,” said the other.

The captain started and eyed him uneasily; the remark seemed fraught with hidden meaning. “And then?” he inquired, raising his bushy eyebrows.

“Then perhaps I can come oftener.”

The captain gave him up. He sank back in his chair and crossing his legs smoked, with his eyes fixed on the ceiling. It was difficult to know what to do with a young man who was apparently destitute of any feelings of shame or embarrassment. He bestowed a puzzled glance in his direction and saw that he was lolling in the chair with an appearance of the greatest ease and enjoyment. Following the direction of his eyes, he saw that he was gazing with much satisfaction at a photograph of Miss Nugent which graced the mantelpiece. With an odd sensation the captain suddenly identified it as one which usually stood on the chest of drawers in his bedroom, and he wondered darkly whether charity or mischief was responsible for its appearance there.

In any case, it disappeared before the occasion of Hardy’s next visit, and the visitor sat with his eyes unoccupied, endeavouring to make conversation with a host who was if anything more discourteous than usual. It was uphill work, but he persevered, and in fifteen minutes had ranged unchecked from North Pole explorations to poultry farming. It was a relief to both of them when the door opened and Bella ushered in Dr. Murchison.

The captain received the new arrival with marked cordiality, and giving him a chair near his own observed with some interest the curt greeting of the young men. The doctor’s manner indicated polite surprise at seeing the other there, then he turned to the captain and began to talk to him.

For some time they chatted without interruption, and the captain’s replies, when Hardy at last made an attempt to make the conversation general, enabled the doctor to see, without much difficulty, that the latter was an unwelcome guest. Charmed with the discovery he followed his host’s lead, and, with a languid air, replied to his rival in monosyllables. The captain watched with quiet satisfaction, and at each rebuff his opinion of Murchison improved. It was gratifying to find that the interloper had met his match.

Hardy sat patient. “I am glad to have met you tonight,” he said, after a long pause, during which the other two were discussing a former surgical experience of the captain’s on one of his crew.

“Yes?” said Murchison.

“You are just the man I wanted to see.”

“Yes?” said the doctor, again.

“Yes,” said the other, nodding. “I’ve been very busy of late owing to my partner’s illness, and you are attending several people I want to hear about.”

“Indeed,” said Murchison, with a half-turn towards him.

“How is Mrs. Paul?” inquired Hardy.

“Dead!” replied the other, briefly.

“Dead!” repeated Mr. Hardy. “Good Heavens! I didn’t know that there was much the matter with her.”

“There was no hope for her from the first,” said Murchison, somewhat sharply. “It was merely a question of prolonging her life a little while. She lived longer than I deemed possible. She surprised everybody by her vitality.”

“Poor thing,” said Hardy. “How is Joe Banks?”

“Dead,” said Murchison again, biting his lip and eyeing him furiously.

“Dear me,” said Hardy, shaking his head; “I met him not a month ago. He was on his way to see you then.”

“The poor fellow had been an invalid nearly all his life,” said Murchison, to the captain, casually. “Aye, I remember him,” was the reply.

“I am almost afraid to ask you,” continued Hardy, “but shut up all day I hear so little. How is old Miss Ritherdon?”

Murchison reddened with helpless rage; Captain Nugent, gazing at the questioner with something almost approaching respect, waited breathlessly for the invariable answer.

“She died three weeks ago; I’m surprised that you have not heard of it,” said the doctor, pointedly.

“Of course she was old,” said Hardy, with the air of one advancing extenuating circumstances.

“Very old,” replied the doctor, who knew that the other was now at the end of his obituary list.

“Are there any other of my patients you are anxious to hear about?”

“No, thank you,” returned Hardy, with some haste.

The doctor turned to his host again, but the charm was broken. His talk was disconnected, owing probably to the fact that he was racking his brain for facts relative to the seamy side of shipbroking. And Hardy, without any encouragement whatever, was interrupting with puerile anecdotes concerning the late lamented Joe Banks. The captain came to the rescue.

“The ladies are in the garden,” he said to the doctor; “perhaps you’d like to join them.”

He looked coldly over at Hardy as he spoke to see the effect of his words. Their eyes met, and the young man was on his feet as soon as his rival.

“Thanks,” he said, coolly; “it is a trifle close indoors.”

Before the dismayed captain could think of any dignified pretext to stay him he was out of the room. The doctor followed and the perturbed captain, left alone, stared blankly at the door and thought of his daughter’s words concerning the thin end of the wedge.

He was a proud man and loth to show discomfiture, so that it was not until a quarter of an hour later that he followed his guests to the garden. The four people were in couples, the paths favouring that formation, although the doctor, to the detriment of the border, had made two or three determined attempts to march in fours. With a feeling akin to scorn the captain saw that he was walking with Mrs. Kingdom, while some distance in the rear Jem Hardy followed with Kate.

He stood at the back door for a little while watching; Hardy, upright and elate, was listening with profound attention to Miss Nugent; the doctor, sauntering along beside Mrs. Kingdom, was listening with a languid air to an account of her celebrated escape from measles some forty-three years before. As a professional man he would have died rather than have owed his life to the specific she advocated.

Kate Nugent, catching sight of her father, turned, and as he came slowly towards them, linked her arm, in his. Her face was slightly flushed and her eyes sparkled.

“I was just coming in to fetch you,” she observed; “it is so pleasant out here now.”

“Delightful,” said Hardy.

“We had to drop behind a little,” said Miss Nugent, raising her voice. “Aunt and Dr. Murchison will talk about their complaints to each other! They have been exchanging prescriptions.”

The captain grunted and eyed her keenly.
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