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Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами.

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Accrue. Result, arise, issue, ensue, follow, proceed, come, increase, augment.

Ant. Cause, occasion; reduce, weaken, abate.


Accumulate. Pile, collect, gather up, bring together; store, amass, garner, treasure, husband, lay by, hoard; aggregate.

Ant. Separate, dissipate, disperse, scatter, waste, expend.


Accumulation. Collection, heap, mass, accretion, hoard, store.

Ant. Separation, segregation; unit, individual; prodigality, leakage, expenditure.


Accuracy. Exactness, precision, nicety, truth, carefulness, correctness, exactitude, fidelity.

Ant. Looseness, slovenliness, incorrectness, error, fallacy, misconception, misstatement.


Accurate. Careful, exact, faithful, precise, truthful, correct, rigorous, close, severe, just, unerring.

Ant. Inexact, faulty, inaccurate, defective, loose, careless.


Accusation. Charge, indictment, arraignment, impeachment, imputation, crimination, censure.

Ant. Discharge, acquittal, vindication, absolution, approval.


Accuse. Charge, indict, arraign, incriminate, impeach, cite, summon, tax, censure, taunt, blame, reproach.

Ant. Discharge, acquit, defend, vindicate, exonerate, pardon, absolve, condone, release.


Accustom. Habituate, use, be wonted, harden, familiarize, train, addict, drill, break in, discipline.

Ant. Estrange, wean, alienate, dishabituate.


Acerbity. Sourness, acidity, tartness, bitterness, roughness, harshness, acrimony.

Ant. Sweetness, mildness, softness, gentleness, smoothness.


Ache, n. Pain, dull or continued pain, anguish, suffering, agony.

Ant. Pleasure, relief, ease, refreshment, delight.


Achieve. Accomplish, perform, complete, finish, realize, bring to pass, work out, conclude; obtain, acquire, gain, win, get.

Ant. Neglect, undo, mar, omit; fail of, lose.


Achievement. Accomplishment, performance, attainment, completion, consummation; exploit, deed, feat.

Ant. Forfeit, failure, negligence, frustration, blunder.


Acknowledge. Recognize, be aware of; admit, concede, allow, accept; confess, avow; express thanks for; own or profess.

Ant. Disclaim, disown, deny, repudiate, ignore, disavow.


Acme. Summit, zenith, climax, top, apex, vertex, pinnacle, culmination.

Ant. Base, nadir, depth, ground, foundation, foot, root.


Acquaintance. Association, familiarity; friend; intimacy, companionship, experience, knowledge, friendship, fellowship.

Ant. Ignorance, inexperience, unfamiliarity, ignoring.


Acquiesce. Assent, concur, yield, comply, submit, agree, consent.

Ant. Object, demur, dissent.


Acquire. Gain, earn, win, reap, obtain, attain, achieve, get, secure; master, learn thoroughly.

Ant. Lose, surrender, miss, forego, forfeit.
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