Burn. Char, consume, cremate, scorch, set on fire, singe, ignite, incinerate, kindle, blaze, cauterize, glow, smolder.
Ant. Smother, stifle, subdue, extinguish, cool, put out; subside, glimmer, lower, pale.
Burnish. Brighten, polish, make to glisten, glaze, gloss.
Ant. Dull, bedim, cloud, scratch, abrade.
Burst. Break, open, explode, blow up, rend, split, crack, discharge, shatter, disrupt.
Ant. Cohere, hold, stand, stick together, adhere.
Bury. Inter, cover up, entomb, inearth, inhume, inurn; shroud, conceal, secrete, hide; immure, confine; cancel, compose, hush, cover with oblivion.
Ant. Resurrect, exhume, disinter, excavate, expose, resuscitate; publish, announce, advertise.
Business. Employment, craft, trade, commerce, handicraft, traffic, transaction, work, vocation, job, affairs, avocation, profession, occupation, calling, concern, duty, office, interest.
Ant. Stagnation, leisure, inactivity.
Bustle. Activity, stir, commotion, excitement, haste, hurry, energy, eagerness, flurry.
Ant. Idleness, inactivity, vacation, stagnation, quiet, indolence, indifference, unconcern.
Busy. Engaged, employed, occupied; diligent, industrious, active, working, sedulous; brisk, stirring, bustling, agile, spry, nimble; meddling, officious.
Ant. Idle, lazy, indolent, slothful.
But. Save, except, furthermore, barely, besides, however, just, only, notwithstanding, though, unless, yet, still, merely, nevertheless, provided, moreover.
Buxom. Bonny, blithe, shapely.
Ant. Lean, slender, ill-shaped.
Buy. Purchase, bargain, acquire; bribe, corrupt, pervert, suborn, subsidize.
Ant. Sell, hawk, retail, vend.
By. Through, with; at, on; from, according to; near, close by; past; along, over; before, in the sight of, in the name of; per, at.
Cabal. Confederacy, conspiracy, conclave, combination, faction, crew, junto, gang, coterie, plot, political intrigue, league.
Cadaverous. Bloodless, pallid, pale, wan, ghastly, deathlike, ashy.
Ant. Rosy, blushing, sanguine, incarnadine.
Cage, v. Imprison, immure, confine, incarcerate.
Ant. Liberate, free, dismiss, unbar.
Caitiff. Rascal, miscreant, villain, wretch, coward, sneak, traitor, scoundrel, vagabond.
Ant. Gentleman, patriot, philanthropist.
Cajole. Coax, wheedle, flatter, fawn upon, blandish; deceive, entrap, beguile, inveigle, impose upon.
Ant. Scold, chide, warn.
Calamitous. Disastrous, unfortunate, unlucky, adverse, untoward, deplorable, ruinous, inauspicious, wretched, distressing, grievous, ill-starred, troublous, hapless, ill-omened.
Ant. Fortunate, auspicious, felicitous, propitious, favorable, advantageous.
Calamity. Disaster, misfortune, catastrophe, mishap, trial, trouble, affliction, adversity, distress, hardship, ill luck, visitation.
Ant. Blessing, boon, advantage, good fortune, benefaction.