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Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами.

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Ant. Afloat, loose, abroad, adrift; flush.


Ahead. In front, forward, onward, in advance.

Ant. Abaft, astern, back, behind, aft.


Aid. Help, support, assist, serve, befriend, minister to, relieve, succor; supply, give alms to; foster, protect, encourage, favor.

Ant. Oppose, discourage, thwart, baffle, deter, confront.


Ailing. Sick, ill, indisposed, unwell, feeble, infirm, weakly, delicate, unhealthy, pining.

Ant. Well, healthy, energetic, strong, vigorous.


Ailment. Disease, malady, indisposition, distemper, complaint.

Ant. Health, sanity, convalescence, vigor, recovery.


Aim. Direction, course, tendency, bent, proclivity, bearing; intention, purpose, design, scheme; reason; view, scope, drift, mark, goal, point; endeavor, attempt, aspiration, determination.

Ant. Deviation, divergence, deflection, digression, aberration; tangent; venture, leap, fluke, chance, hazard, speculation; neglect, avoidance, carelessness, oversight.


Air. Atmosphere, gas; breeze, vapor, zephyr, wind; weather; appearance, aspect, manner, sort, style, way, behavior, carriage, bearing, expression, look, demeanor, mien, fashion; tune.

Airy. A?rial, thin, rare, ethereal; light, subtle, sublimated; sprightly, buoyant, vivacious, volatile, jolly, jovial, light-hearted; graceful, lithe, pliant, flexible, showy, jaunty, flaunting, garish; windy, empty.


Ant. Thick, ponderous, heavy, inert, clumsy, dull, sluggish, wooden, slow, cheerless, sullen, doleful, leaden, lugubrious.


Akin. Related, allied, homogeneous, cognate, similar, congenial, sympathetic.

Ant. Foreign, alien, hostile, heterogeneous, dissimilar.


Alacrity. Readiness, briskness, activity, quickness, willingness, promptness, compliance, cheerfulness, eagerness, gaiety, agility.

Ant. Slowness, reluctance, repugnance, aversion, refusal, shrinking, recoil, disinclination.


Alarm. Summons, tocsin, distress signal, war-cry; fear, terror, apprehension, consternation, dismay, dread, affright.

Ant. Lullaby; confidence, quiet, composure, assurance, courage.


Alert. Lively, prompt, ready, prepared, vigilant, wide-awake, bustling, active, brisk, nimble, watchful, sprightly, agile.

Ant. Slow, lazy, absent, oblivious, sluggish, dilatory, drowsy.


Alien, n. Foreigner, stranger.

Ant. Citizen, countryman, native, naturalized person.


Alien, a. Strange, foreign, hostile, remote, distant, contrasted, contrary, unlike, unconnected.

Ant. Pertinent, essential; domesticated, naturalized; germane, akin, appropriate.


Alienation. Estrangement, transfer, conveyance, disaffection, variance, rupture, breach; (relating to the mind) insanity, aberration, delusion, lunacy, delirium, mania, imbecility.

Ant. Confederacy, coalition, alliance, league, union; sanity, soundness, sobriety, rationality.


Alight. Perch, settle, drop, lodge; dismount, descend.

Ant. Soar, spring, ascend, start, mount.


Alike. Similar, kindred, same, resembling, equivalent, homogeneous, identical, analogous, uniform, akin, allied.

Ant. Different, unequal, dissimilar, unlike, heterogeneous, distinct, various.


Aliment. Food, nourishment, subsistence, fare, diet, regimen, nutriment, viands, meat, sustenance.
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