KEY: Crop \n.\
SYN: Reaping, harvest, ingathering.
ANT: Produce, yield, abundance, growth, fruit.
KEY: Cross.
SYN: Ill-tempered, fretful, illhumored, crusty, peevish, pettish, snarling, snappish, spleeny, splenetic, petulant, fractious.
ANT: Amiable, good-tempered, goodhumored, blithesome, genial.
KEY: Cross-grained.
SYN: Perverse, wayward, peevish, morose, cantankerous, ill-conditioned.
ANT: Genial, pleasant, agreeable, jolly, obliging, accommodating.
KEY: Crotchety, [See CAPRICIOUS].
KEY: Crouch, [See CRINGE and COWER].
KEY: Crow \v.\ To make a noise like a cock. Used metaphorically.
SYN: Exult, rejoice, cackle, chuckle, boast.
ANT: Whine, howl, grumble, croak, cry, whimper.
KEY: Crowd.
SYN: Throng, mob, swarm, pack, herd.
ANT: Cream, elite, bevy, galaxy, constellation, cabinet.
KEY: Crown \n.\
SYN: Top, crest, summit, head, brow, apex.
ANT: Basement, base, bottom, floor, pavement, pedestal, foundation, foot, sole.
KEY: Crown.
SYN: Complete, consummate, seal, conclude.
ANT: Mar, spoil, frustrate.
KEY: Crucial.
SYN: Searching, probing, severe, discriminating, sharp, critical, piercing.
ANT: Superficial, indifferent, mild, uncritical, lenient, lax.
KEY: Crude.
SYN: Raw, undigested, unconsidered, half-studied, harsh, unshaped, unchastened, unfinished, unrefined, ill-prepared.
ANT: Well-prepared, well-digested, well-considered, well-studied, ripe, well-adapted, well-proportioned, well-expressed, classical, finished, refined, artistic, elaborate, highlywrought.
KEY: Cruel.
SYN: Savage, barbarous, pittiless, inexorable, unrelenting, ruthless, truculent, hard-hearted, harsh, unmerciful, brutal, inhuman, maleficent, malignant.
ANT: Humane, forbearing, generous, merciful, forgiving, benevolent, beneficent.
KEY: Crumble.
SYN: Disintegrate, pulverize, triturate.
ANT: Consolidate, conglutinate, bond, amalgamate.
KEY: Crumple, [See CRINKLE and CORRUGATE].