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Her master stands in front of her and nods to the handler. ‘She’s ready.’

Mr Veith removes his jacket and rolls up his sleeves. Phoebe looks round at him as he approaches but her master gently guides her head back so that she is facing him instead. Mr Veith studies the naked woman before him, running his hands over her body as though testing the firmness of her skin. He squeezes her breasts one at a time and then pushes her lower back down, arching her body to raise her bottom up. She parts her thighs without being told and I see the men share a grin. It’s obvious they know her well.

Mr Veith slowly draws a finger over the curve of each cheek, making her shudder. Then he slips his hand between her legs. She closes her eyes and a sigh of pleasure escapes her lips as she abandons all her canine mannerisms. Throughout the examination Phoebe never once seems embarrassed or discomfited. My heart begins to pound as I realise that I am likely to be subjected to the same intimate inspection and I know there is no way I’ll have the composure that she does. Beside me Tara gives a soft little whimper and I take some perverse comfort in knowing that at least I’ll handle it better than she will. I hope so anyway.

I glance over at my master, who is watching with detached interest. I lift my head, trying to catch his eye, but he studiously avoids my pleading gaze. Chastened by his silence, I turn back to the tableau in the centre of the room. Phoebe’s master is holding her firmly by the arms now, keeping her still. Mr Veith’s hand is well out of sight between her legs and Phoebe moans and gasps without a trace of shame. Suddenly I envy her fiercely, wishing I could be as uninhibited – as both a pet and a person.

Whatever he’s doing to her soon proves too much and she reaches a fast and noisy climax. Blushing, I turn away, although I know she can’t mind my watching. The room is filled with spectators, after all. I’m sure she relishes the attention.

Her master praises her and Mr Veith smilingly says she has done very well. The judges sombrely mark their cards, although I can’t imagine what criteria they’re evaluating.

The two men help Phoebe down and she makes her way over to me on all fours, wobbling slightly. Her face is flushed and glowing as she offers me a lopsided grin. She looks positively radiant. I bite my lip, too flustered to return her smile fully. I wonder if my arousal is as obvious to her as hers was to me?

Tara cowers on my other side, head down. I can sense her unease, although my intuition tells me it’s only the public display that she objects to. I suspect I am the least experienced of the three of us.

The judges confer quietly and I silently hope I will be next. I’m so nervous about the prospect I’m lightheaded but I know that I absolutely don’t want to be last. Better to dive in at the deep end and get it over with than linger on in torturous suspense.

‘Let’s have Tara next,’ says Mr Veith.

My heart sinks.

Tara cringes and backs away towards the fire. For a moment I worry she’ll burn herself but then her master comes forward. He’s young. Early twenties, I guess, probably the same age as his pet. He doesn’t convey the authority of either my master or Phoebe’s.

‘Tara, come,’ he says sharply. He snaps the lead to her collar and pulls her like a reluctant mule into the centre of the room. ‘She hasn’t really been trained yet,’ he mumbles.

‘Well, let’s take her around the ring at least,’ says the handler, holding his hand out for the lead.

But Tara refuses to move. Mr Veith tugs at the lead, first gently and then more firmly. He tries coaxing her with a biscuit but she turns her head away. I glance over at her master, who slouches at the edge of the ring, hands shoved deep into his pockets, frowning at the floor. The judges’ pens scratch away in the background.

‘Oh dear,’ says Mr Veith. ‘Quite a stubborn streak.’

‘You have no idea.’

‘Shall we just proceed to the examination?’

Her master shrugs.

Tara struggles as she is lifted on to the table. Her master tells her to be still and when she doesn’t obey he flicks the end of the lead smartly against her backside, making her yelp.

I edge closer to Phoebe, who presses against me with silent reassurance. She nuzzles my face and I return the affectionate gesture. She’s back in full puppy mode and for one crazy moment I’m tempted to pounce on her and instigate a game of play-fighting. But I don’t dare. Not until my turn has passed.

We look back to see Tara’s master holding the lead firmly while the handler strokes her and tries to calm her. The black waterfall of hair hides her eyes and Mr Veith gathers it in one hand and draws it aside to peer into her face. She stubbornly turns her head away and he tightens his grip on her hair to hold her still. Her eyes blaze with defiance. Across the room several of the men shift and murmur to one another. There is more scratching of pens.

‘Spirited,’ Mr Veith says, although I can’t tell whether his tone is admiring or disapproving.

When he reaches out to touch Tara again she bares her teeth at him and he frowns. Her master says her name in a warning tone and she closes her lips, only slightly cowed. Mr Veith tries again to approach her and this time she snaps at him. I jump as I hear her teeth clack together in the air just beyond his fingers.

‘Bad girl!’ her master says, his voice low and harsh.

Tara glares at both men and shakes her hair free of the handler’s grasp.

‘I’m very sorry,’ Mr Veith says, ‘but I’m going to have to disqualify her.’

Her master scowls and Tara lowers her head like a puppy scolded for biting the postman. He gathers her up and sets her on the floor, her body language conveying both ongoing rebellion and regret at having disappointed her master. In my submissive state the scene distresses me intensely and I watch in horror as he leads her to a cage in the corner of the room and shoos her inside. He latches it closed and shakes his finger at her. ‘Bad girl,’ he says again. Then, shaking his head, he returns to his seat and flops into it with a heavy sigh.

Beside me Phoebe grins and I immediately feel silly. Of course. For Tara, this is what it’s all about. Indeed, now that she’s safe in her cage I see the corners of her mouth curl in a mischievous smirk. As far as she’s concerned, she’s won. I know at once that the red stilettos outside are hers.

Mr Veith sighs and addresses my master. ‘Well, looks like it’s Saskia’s turn.’

My stomach plunges with fear. Although nothing but simple obedience is expected of me, I still feel unprepared. I know I can’t compete with Phoebe. I also know I’ll have to be extra good following Tara’s outburst. Suddenly the pressure seems overwhelming. I whimper and press myself close to Phoebe, who gives my hand a friendly squeeze.

‘Come along, Saskia,’ my master says, smiling indulgently, ‘there’s a good girl.’ He holds out one of my chocolate treats and I nibble it gratefully from his hand, my submission enhanced by the fact that everyone is watching me. He delivers me to the handler and I peer up at him, telling him with my eyes what a good little doggy I’ll be for him. I lift one hand slightly and Mr Veith smiles, bending down to shake it. He strokes my head and then we’re off.

He leads me around the ring at a slower pace than Phoebe and I keep to his heel as I’m supposed to. I stop when he stops, turn when he turns and sit when I’m told to. He takes out one of his bone-shaped biscuits and holds it high over my head. I gaze up at it, knowing I mustn’t jump up and snatch it, however much I want to.

‘Good girl,’ he says at last, lowering the biscuit so I can have it. I was right; it’s gingerbread.

When I look over at the judges I see smiles on more than one face as they write. I don’t need to see my master to know I’ve done well.

Mr Veith takes me around the ring one final time and, while I’m not the exhibitionist Phoebe is, I sense that I’m putting on a good show. It’s over far too quickly and when I remember what comes next I start getting anxious. I try to hide my fear as Mr Veith leads me to the table and my master helps him lift me up on to it. He unclips the lead and I lift my head, happy not to need restraining like Tara. I am determined to make my master proud.

Mr Veith pats my head and I smile shyly, reassured by the silent praise. I jump when I first feel his hand on my naked back, but he strokes me gently and I soon relax into his unfamiliar touch. His hands explore every inch of exposed flesh, running along my back and up and down my arms and legs. He lifts my feet and strokes them, then peers at my hands. He takes his time with me, no doubt feeling somewhat cheated by Tara.

I flinch, ticklish, as he draws his fingers along my ribs. Then he deftly slides his hands underneath me, cupping my small breasts. A hot pulse surges through my body and I feel myself growing wet as he squeezes me gently. Then he releases me and I feel a hand at the base of my spine, pushing down.

‘Sit,’ he instructs.

I sink to my knees and he moves in front of me and positions me how he wants me: kneeling up, back arched, arms at my sides. I lower my eyes demurely as he palms my breasts again, this time brushing his thumbs slowly back and forth over the nipples. They respond immediately and I push aside my self-consciousness, giving in to the stimulation. He lingers, his continued touch a reward for my good behaviour. I moan softly when at last he stops and I hear my master chuckle softly.

‘Good girl,’ he whispers, appearing at my side and feeding me another bite of chocolate. The heavenly taste fills my mouth, a perfect counterpoint to the tingling in my body, the hot pulsing in my sex.

Now Mr Veith urges me back up on all fours again. I obey instantly, eager to please, keen for more. His right hand glides up the inside of my left thigh and I hold my breath as I wait for the touch I’m craving. I sense that nothing less than full surrender will satisfy my master and I’m determined not to let my inhibitions get the best of me. I want what Phoebe had.

He pats the inside of each thigh, urging my legs apart. I gasp as the exposure chills the dampness that must be obvious to him. With one finger he explores the delicate folds, as though coaxing open the petals of a flower. He traces the opening of my sex, teasing me beyond endurance. I can’t restrain a little moan of desire and my hips writhe, pleading, demanding.

‘Very good,’ he says, although whether he means my physical response or my general submission I have no idea. But he doesn’t give me much time to wonder before he finally slips a finger inside me. The sensation is electric after the painful wanting and I clench tightly around his finger. He reaches deep inside, sweeping around the soft walls and nudging against my cervix. It makes me gasp. My legs tremble with the effort of not collapsing and he steadies me with his left hand.

I steal a glance over at Phoebe and she looks as rapt as I’m sure I did when it was her turn. She catches me looking and gives me a lascivious wink. The thought steals into my mind that the two of us could get up to some fun games on our own – assuming our masters would allow it, of course.

Mr Veith slides his finger out and I protest with a whimper before realising it’s only so he can insert a second one. The penetration becomes rougher as he stretches me wide, manipulating me with clear expertise. At the same time he presses against my abdomen from the outside, as though trying to make his fingers meet on either side of my skin. I feel gorgeously invaded from every angle. I can’t escape and I don’t want to. Some part of me is vaguely aware of the rude display I’m making, grinding my hips wantonly as I am fondled before a room full of strangers. But I don’t care. All I want is more. Too much could never be enough.

The signs must be obvious to him because suddenly he directs all his attention to my sex, slipping his left hand down to tweak the tiny little bud that will make me lose control. Almost immediately I feel the rising tide of a powerful climax and it overtakes me like a wave, crashing over me and pulling me under. I cry out, lost somewhere between pleasure and pain.

Starbursts blink behind my eyes and the only sound is my breathing as I pant and gasp for air. From far away I hear words of praise but I’m adrift in a world of ecstasy and can’t make them out. Warm arms encircle me and I am lifted and then lowered to the floor, where it takes me a little while to remember how to make my arms and legs work. When I return to the fireplace I curl into a contented little ball, basking. Phoebe nuzzles me and kisses my cheek and I paw at her.

‘Well, gentlemen,’ comes the voice of Mr Veith some time later, ‘it would appear we have a tie.’

Phoebe and I share a smile at the murmurs of approval from the crowd. He calls us both to the centre of the ring and we go eagerly, sitting side by side at his feet. He gives each of us a treat and addresses the room.
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