Umquhile, the late.
Unco, very, strange, great, particularly.
“Unco wark,” a great ado.
Vifda, beef dried without salt.
Vivers, victuals.
Voe, an inlet of the sea.
Wa’, a wall.
Wad, would.
Wadmaal, homespun woollen cloth.
Waft, the woof in a web.
Warlock, a wizard.
Wasna, was not.
Wat, wet.
Wattle, an assessment for the salary of the magistrate.
Wawl, to look wildly.
Waws, waves.
Weal, well.
Wearifu’, causing pain or trouble.
Weird, fate, destiny.
Wha, who.
“What for,” why.
Whilk, which.
Whomled, turned over.
Wi’, with.
Wittols, cuckolds.
“Win by,” to escape.
Wot, to know.
Wrang, wrong.
Yarfa, yarpha, peat full of fibres and roots; land.
Yelloched, screeched or yelled.
See Editor’s Notes at the end of the Volume. Wherever a similar reference occurs, the reader will understand that the same direction applies.
The Udallers are the allodial possessors of Zetland, who hold their possessions under the old Norwegian law, instead of the feudal tenures introduced among them from Scotland.
Salt-water lake.
Patch of ground for vegetables. The liberal custom of the country permits any person, who has occasion for such a convenience, to select out of the unenclosed moorland a small patch, which he surrounds with a drystone wall, and cultivates as a kailyard, till he exhausts the soil with cropping, and then he deserts it, and encloses another. This liberty is so far from inferring an invasion of the right of proprietor and tenant, that the last degree of contempt is inferred of an avaricious man, when a Zetlander says he would not hold a plantie cruive of him.
A lispund is about thirty pounds English, and the value is averaged by Dr. Edmonston at ten shillings sterling.
i. e. The deep-sea fishing, in distinction to that which is practised along shore.
The operation of slicing the blubber from the bones of the whale, is called, technically, flinching.
Meaning, probably, Patrick Stewart, Earl of Orkney, executed for tyranny and oppression practised on the inhabitants of those remote islands, in the beginning of the seventeenth century.
Finner, small whale.