Thrice trampled a few ballerinas.
The whole troupe kicked her off the stage.
A big, green, log swims in a Nile.
Beware! It is a… (Crocodile).
In (в) a forest (лесу) there’s (там) a prickly (колючий) ball (мячик).
He (он) can (может) run (бегать) and (и) he (он) can (может) roll (сворачиваться клубком).
In a forest, there is a prickly ball,
He may run and he may roll… (Hedgehog).
She’s (она) like (похожа на) a beautiful (красивый) flower (цветок) that (который) can (может) fly (летать),
And (и) we (мы) call (зовем) it (ее) Butterfly.
She’s like a beautiful flower that can fly,
And we call it… (Butterfly).
In (в) the ground (земле) he (он) made (сделал) a hole, (нору)
Little (маленький) blind (слепой) digger (землекоп) … (Mole).
In the ground he made a hole,
Little blind digger… Mole.
She (она) caught (поймала) two (две) mice (мышки),
She (она) caught (словила) a rat (крысу),
My (моя) fluffy (пушистая) darling (дорогая) purring (мурчащая) … Cat (кошка).
She caught two mice,
She caught a rat,
My fluffy darling purring… Cat.
I (я) sat (сел) on (на) his (его) back (спину) and (и) galloped (ускакал) away (прочь),
He (он) eats (ест) oats (овес) and (и) grass (траву),
And (и) he (он) says (говорит) – Neigh! (Игого!)
I sat on his back and galloped away,
He eats oats and grass,
And he says – Neigh! … (Horse)
Their (их) long (длинные) beaks (клювы) are red (красные),
And (а) legs (ноги) dressed (одеты) in (в) red (красные) socks (носки).
On (на) their (своих) stilts (ходулях) they (они) seek (ищут) for frogs (лягушек).
Their long beaks are red,
And legs dressed in red socks.
On their stilts, they seek for frogs… (Storks)
Big (большие) and (и) brown (бурые) forest (лесные) men (люди),
They (они) sleep (спят) in winter (зимой) in (в) their (своей) den (берлоге) … (Медведи).
Big and brown forest men,
They sleep in winter in their den… (Bears)
Green (зеленый) big-bellied (пузатый) uncle (дядюшка) Frock (Фрок),
He (он) was (был) eaten (съеден) by a stork… (Frog).
Green big-bellied uncle Frock,
He was eaten by a stork… (Frog)
A log (бревенчатая) dam (плотина) blocked (перегородила) a river (реку).
All (вся) that (та) work (работа) was (была) done (сделана) by… beaver (бобром).
A log dam blocked a river.
All that work was done by… beaver.
Once (однажды), a bear (медведь) Clumsy (Кривая) Paw (Лапа) walked (шел) through через) a forest (лес), hungry (голодный), seeking (ища) for some (немного) food (еды) to eat (поесть). Suddenly (неожиданно), he (он) saw (увидел) a bee (пчелу) Buzzy (Жужу), flying (летящую) towards (к) him (нему).
– Hello (привет), bear (медведь), Clumsy (Кривая) Paw (Лапа)!