The love of a bandit or an affair with a Gypsy - читать онлайн бесплатно, автор Valentina Basan, ЛитПортал
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One day, while waiting for Ilya at the agreed place, on the farthest bench of a huge park on the embankment, Nina had a sober thought: she thought for a second about the terrible situation in the epicenter of which she found herself. She secretly meets with her older sister's fiance, lies to her mother, wishes Natasha death. And Ilya? Why did he create this situation? Why does he need a fourteen-year-old Nina?

But the sober thought immediately disappeared when He appeared on the horizon. He became for her the universe, the center, the most important, native, close, idol, god. Nina was ready to pray for him, worship him and do whatever he said. It was her drug and her religion.

Ilya kissed Nina in a brotherly way and sat down next to her on a bench. The girl's cheeks turned purple. At those moments Nina was so happy, his smell intoxicated her brain, his face was for her the most beautiful on earth. If she was ordered to give her life for him, she would only ask how exactly she would sacrifice herself on the altar of the deity Ilya.

– Hi, baby, how are you, my good kitten? Your eyes are so red, have you been crying again? Naughty baby, daddy forbids crying to such beautiful eyes! – Ilya began stroking Nina's shoulder.

– Normal… uh… Hmmm… Nina was afraid to ask this question, but having gathered her courage, she decided. – Natasha spent the night with you yesterday… again .... – Nina's eyes filled with tears, she looked like a rubber toy for the bathroom with water that will flow, if you just press on it.

– Silly, my little one, why are you upset? Well, come here, Daddy will feel sorry for you … Ilya transplanted Nina to his lap and hugged her waist.

Nina forgot about everything in the world, buried her face in Ilya's shoulder, his smell, voice, tenderness drove her crazy. At such moments, she was ready to share him with anyone, with Natasha, Glasha, Masha and ten other women, if only sometimes, at least occasionally, he would be only hers.

His voice brought Nina back to life from the love frenzy:

– Baby, aren't you tired of living in cramped quarters with Natasha? You are already two mature marriageable girls. Ilya laughed rudely.

– Ilyusha, my mother is saving up for my apartment, saving all the money she earned. We have a hiding place at home, only Natasha and I know about it. Mom promised to buy an apartment for each of us for the wedding, it's like dad left us an inheritance after his death … Nina gently looked at her idol and stroked his hair.

– I see, kid, but do you know where the hiding place is? Or maybe mom is putting noodles on your ears, hoping that you will find richer suitors and blame them on all four sides"

Ilya laughed out loud, and Nina did not even pay attention to the insult to her mother and the strange, inappropriate question.

– No, dear, she's not lying, I myself saw how Mama hid her and Natasha's salary there again....

Chapter 6

Ilya yawned lazily and reluctantly noticed:

"Don't call me cute anymore. It annoys me, you know.

– But she always calls you cute, even on the phone!

Nina tearfully remarked and pouted her plump lips.

Very good appearance, Ilya thought briefly, not like a colorless and spineless sister. Oh, you wouldn't be a teenager…

Ilya stroked his back appreciatively and noticed a beautiful smooth curve, the result of dancing lessons from the age of six, the chest is undeveloped, but still ahead, the face is almost perfect.

– Baby, and let's go to my house?

Nina chewed her tongue in her mouth, mumbled something inarticulate, but she had the willpower to shake her head negatively.

– Well, silly, don't be stubborn. Let's sit for a while, watch a new movie "Harry Potter and the prisoner of Askaban".

– "Prisoner of Azkaban" is correctly spelled with a "z", Nina automatically corrected, but neither for her nor for him it did not matter in principle.

The hunter saw that the victim had swallowed the bait and he didn't care about all consonants, no matter ringing or deaf.

The victim has already realized that she will go. She knew it from the very beginning, but common sense, strangled by stupidity, still tried to resist. The second passion, besides Ilya, were books and films about Harry Potter. Nina was waiting for the release of each new book as a holiday, so common sense realized that he had no chance, lay down and died.

– How far do you live?

They were walking briskly towards the Marino metro station. Nina tried to take her lover by the hand, but he pretended to straighten his clothes.

She's obviously worried about my reputation – she whispered, like stupidity whispers to dead common sense.

When Nina repeated her question, Ilya replied that he was not far away, on Rimskaya Street, near the Rimskaya metro station. Ten minutes walk.

After the subway, they walked not ten, but all forty minutes. Nina was tired because she hadn't eaten or drunk anything after school. They approached an old, five-storey Khrushchev house without a combination lock and the guy, still playing the role of a gallant cavalier, opened the front door to the entrance.

Nina was sharply hit in the nose by a distinct smell of ammonia, human urine and (or) cat urine, but from the fact that the door to the entrance was prudently closed, although not locked, the smell apparently stood here all year round. Ilya lived on the fifth floor and Nina went through four circles of hell with him, with vomit, a lying drug addict, whom Ilya simply stepped over, and Nina practically carried over him. On the fifth floor, where all the cigarette smoke was rising, Nina realized that the first floor with a breath of fresh air was not so smelly anymore.

They went into a corner apartment with a door lined with red dermantine.

– Please go to the bachelor's lair! Ilya optimistically turned on the light and Nina immediately saw two cockroaches that disappeared somewhere in the direction of the kitchen.

The poor one-room was so cramped that Nina already saw the window of the room on the left from the corridor, and the kitchen window on the right. In the middle of this creation of human insanity called "housing", the island "toilet \ bathroom" stood proudly, which divided the kennel into sleep and devour. The furniture was very poor from the distant fifties: a sideboard on thin legs with a rectangular door in the middle, which became a table for no clear reason, and at the top there were two glasses that moved apart towards each other, and if it was necessary to get a service or documents, then he grabbed one glass with his fingers and gently "pushed" it towards his friend. At the same time, the whole service rattled, the glasses rattled, and on the porcelain cockerel, in which most men hid vodka so that their wife would not guess, the lid threatened to break. Two chairs with thin legs were pushed to such an extent that it seemed that if you sat in them, you would need all the physical form to get back up. And the crown of the furniture was a huge couch in the middle of the hall, thoughtfully covered with a clean sheet. The sheet smelled fresh and Nina realized that it was the only thing she liked in this house. Nina sat down right on the sheet, but not because she wanted to make love, but because it was the only pleasant and clean place in the apartment.

Ilya, obviously unaware of Nina's true intentions, visibly winced.

– Baby, wait, take your time, but what about your jailer?

Nina shuddered:

– What jailer, Ilyusha?

– Well, Harry Potter.

– Yes! Nina jumped up and clapped her hands.

What kind of stupid kid are you, Ilya thought with bitterness and resentment, and added under his breath:

– Really, very beautiful …

– What, Ilyusha? I didn't hear, Nina took off her denim jacket and hung it on the back of the chair.

She was beautiful in a dark school skirt and a light shirt, loose hair beautifully framed her face, wide and thick eyebrows added depth and expressiveness to her bright huge eyes.

– And why aren't you twenty, – Ilya thought, and added aloud:

– Baby, I'm going to find a CD and bring something to chew and drink.

Nina was so happy that she forgot two of the most important things before going to visit a stranger. But Ilya has been a close friend lately, you will say, and you will be right.

Yes, even if Nina remembered two golden rules of behavior in an unfamiliar apartment:

(1. Warn anyone mom, sister, girlfriend, neighbor, but so that at least one living soul knows who you are with. 2. To name the address of the stay.), then she wouldn't have done it anyway. She was too carried away by Ilya, the adventure, the upcoming premiere for her, Nina Konstantinovna Zotova, will be a screening of a film that has just been released on the screens of Europe and America.

In the early noughties, cell phones were gaining popularity exponentially. Therefore, in 2004, even the modest Zotov family had a fairly large but reliable Nokia 3310. And if Nina had not ridden a sea horse through a dubious "lair", but sent her mother or sister an SMS with the address, then many terrible events could have been avoided.

If common sense had risen, he would have asked stupidity where Ilya went to look for the disc if all the television equipment consisting of a poor silver Funai and a video recorder for him was here, near the bed of love. There was no smell of a disk drive anywhere, but we'll omit it.

Common sense was dead and there was no one to ask questions.

Nina settled down with her feet on a clean sheet, the couch creaked with exhaustion. The girl was afraid to stretch her legs back, thinking that she had broken a rarity. One side of the couch was leaning against the wall, on which hung a large brown and burgundy carpet that reached from the door of the room to the window itself. Nina tried to lean on him, but when she touched him, she disturbed such a cloud of dust that she coughed.

Ilya returned to the room in strange dirty shorts and with a bare torso. The ninth-grader has not seen her god in such an outfit yet. But he was still good. The first impressions of the entrance and smell have passed. Sitting on the sofa, Nina watched with a sinking heart as Ilya approached her with a tray.

There was a bottle of open Soviet champagne on the tray (although there was no sound of the bottle being opened, but would Nina have paid attention to it?), two pot-bellied glasses made of dark, colored glass filled to the brim with sparkling drink, three quarters of an apple with bones lay in a plate forlornly, the fourth was chewed by Ilya.

– Baby, help yourself, a wonderful wine for a beautiful girl!

– Thank you, Ilyusha! Nina broke into a smile and took the glass in her small hand, obviously expecting a toast. But since the guy waved his glass in one gulp, the girl took a little sip from her own.

Nina rarely tasted alcohol, her mother allowed her to drink a glass of wine on New Year's or birthday. Therefore, Nina was not a black sheep among her classmates, she knew the taste of alcohol and could take a sip at the disco. But she never got drunk in the trash and did not vomit in the school toilet, like some girlfriends who had an iron curtain at home, and at school discos they broke loose and drank everything in a row. Then the parents of such girls came to school with terrible scandals, blamed teachers who forced their children to lap up swill.

Nina knew the taste of Soviet champagne, but this one seemed too bitter to her.

– Silly, for love to the bottom! – Ilya literally guided the stem of the glass until it was empty.

Nina felt bad right away. First the room floated, and then Ilya floated. He bent down to ask something, smiled, but the drugged girl no longer heard anything. Her eyes could still focus a little on objects, but sense of hearing was completely gone, as if the sound in the room and in the whole world had been turned off. The hungry young organism, not poisoned by toxins, passed out instantly, once Nina in a semi-conscious state hung down from a clean sheet to vomit, and then the sound turned on again. Ilya yelled and cursed, called her very bad words, and she just smiled stupidly and kept wanting to remind her that "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" is written and read with a "z", not a "s". It was getting light outside, Nina opened her eyes and moaned. The headache from the light was so strong that the girl almost lost consciousness. After catching her breath a little, she stirred. Nothing hurt except my head. Once in her childhood Nina had a concussion, she was constantly sick and vomiting, in the hospital they put her on a bed and gave her medications and strictly ordered her to remain completely calm.

Nina remembered where yesterday she could have fallen so hard that she again received such a terrible concussion from which she felt sick, constantly wanted to vomit, and the headache was close to torture. Then she noticed Ilya sitting next to her, enthusiastically reading the contents of her phone.

– Oh, baby, you are awake! Well, you're my silly, you got drunk yesterday, like the last pig, behaved madly, and also attacked me. Practically raped me.

A church bell was ringing in Nina's head. The tongue has stuck to the lower palate and to part of the lower teeth. There was a taste of bile and a rotten egg in her mouth. She tried to open her mouth, but then slowly got up and walked along the wall to the toilet.

The toilet was so small that it was possible to sit on the toilet only with the door wide open. The walls of the toilet were plastered to the ceiling with naked beauties with appetizing forms. But looking at the toilet bowl, the poor women on the posters could only sympathize, because they poor, had to sniff the rusty, leaking sewer for years, the brown toilet bowl, which in its distant youth was white and immaculate, and the layer of feces that the unfortunate busty girls from the posters not only sniffed, but also contemplated.

Nina threw up without closing the door behind her. Bent double with her legs, she was standing in the hallway, and her face was over the toilet. There was no strength to go to the bathroom and wash, Nina fell on the bed.

– Do you like to ride, love to carry sleds, there was nothing to get drunk and rowdy yesterday, baby. By the way, here's a jar for you, go pee in it and bring it to me, I'll do a pregnancy test. And then you tear up all the time. You're not using protection, are you? Don't you take any pills?

Nina shook her head and mumbled something inarticulate. There was a small bulldozer in her head, which was going to dismantle the skull.

– Go, go, baby, here's a jar. Faster.

Nina stood and stared at the two strips. Jump out, jump out, jump out from the fifth floor, so that it all stops at once. She wanted to kill two birds with one stone: to put an end to this monstrous headache and the shame of drunken copulation, which she does not even remember.

Ilya brought Nina to Rimskaya metro station, kissed her on the cheek and asked the question: Baby, are we going to give birth or what?

Nina shook her head.

– Well, smart girl, if you want Mom and Natasha not to find out anything, you have to take out the whole cash for me. This, of course, is not enough for everything, but I will add. Understand?

Nina nodded her head. The horror of her mother and sister finding out about her adventures drove her to hysterics. And then she realized that no one since yesterday knows where she is, with whom and whether she is alive.

Ilya saw the rebirth of sober thoughts in the helpless eyes of the girl and added: – Baby, if you just tell your mom or sister that you were with me, then I will tell them in all the details what you did you do to me, understand?

And so Nina sat in front of Valya in the small kitchen, red, sobbing, trembling and unhappy. And Valya, clenching her teeth, was afraid to come up and smack with all the dope on a stupid and tear-stained face.

Chapter 7

Valya leaned over to Nina and asked in a loud whisper:

– Did you call your mother? I'm asking you, did you call your mother? The whisper became threatening and resembled the hissing of a disturbed snake.

Nina shrank into a ball and seemed even smaller, younger, thinner and more unhappy.

– No.

– Are you a fool? No, I'm asking you, are you a fool or are you just pretending? Although why am I asking when it is necessary to assert that you are a fool! You were sitting on a dark floor and waiting for me while your mother and sister were calling morgues and hospitals, perhaps they had already written a statement to the relevant authorities. And now the police are questioning your classmates, teachers and the director.

If the girl's emotions could be represented in the form of certain decorations (as sometimes happens in cartoons or movies), it would look something like this: four little men in white coat knocking on the door with the inscription "Brain". The door is overgrown with cobwebs and poison ivy. Paramedics actively cut off ivy and cobwebs, pull the handle and the door slowly creaks on rusty hinges. The small room is dark, stuffy and very messy. There are scraps of Backstreet Boys posters lying around, which were replaced by Harry Potter in time. Harry Potter books are everywhere. A couple of lipsticks, high-heeled shoes, school notebooks sticking out of the trash and photos of Ilya everywhere. The whole tiny room (which symbolizes the brain, you know) is covered with different photos with Ilya. Where he is alone or with Nina, a heart is placed with a red marker, and where he is with Natalia, the older sister, a skull and a wish for a speedy death (to Natasha, of course) is drawn with a black marker. In the middle of the room is the corpse of a little girl with glasses and Bunin's book "Dark Alleys". Doctors began intensive therapy without words. A brisk "Did you call your mother?" came through the skull, a discharge, once and the girl had a pulse on the floor, "mother and sister called the morgue," another discharge, the pulse quickened and breathing appeared, the heart was started.

The doctor: "The brain is not hopeless, colleagues, we will resuscitate further!" The phrase "the police interrogate the whole school" forced the Brain to open its eyes. She was weak, so weak. She kept muttering…

– Idleness hit me on the head with a book, Anger and Fear did nothing, just watched. I passed out before I got to the subway. And what happened? The doctors looked with wise eyes:

– Brain, come to life and get to work, life is a complete kick-ass without you. We will neutralize idleness now, let him sit a little with Fear. He's always hiding in the ass. So she's going there, too. And you, Brain, dear, be strong. You can't go to the ass! Your goal is to survive, you know? You will be felled more than once, but you, like a phoenix bird, will always rise from the ashes.

The Brain began to move, began to tear off all the photos, put them in garbage bags, she was vacuuming, mopping the floors, after a few seconds the room was shining, yes, it was empty, but the Brain had already given the command to the subconscious according to the list of literature.

The resuscitation of Valya's words helped Nina to recover. For the first time in months of acquaintance and friendship with Ilya, a thought appeared in her brain. Then the second, the third. It was an unusual feeling for Nina to move her Brain, but she liked the micro-girl with glasses inside her head too.

– Valentina, you're right! I need to call my mother immediately.

But then, Nina's eyes filled with tears.

– What about pregnancy? What am I going to tell Mom? She'll kick me out of the house! I am a disgrace to my family and school. I'd rather go and die under the fence.

Valya climbed onto a stool and took out a huge shoe box from under women's boots. There were so many medicines in it that it was easy to cure several villages in Africa at once. Pregnancy tests were here too. Nina looked questioningly at Valya, who nodded.

– Yes, mom's patients also feel bad sometimes, mom has different methods of treating mental and psychological diseases. The reaction to the test sometimes shows the essence hidden deep inside. Mom, of course, does not apply this technique to everyone, but it helped a couple of times.

Here's a jar of mayonnaise, take it and go to the toilet. Of course not here, bring the can of urine here, just be quiet, otherwise my mother, a psychologist, will cure you quickly.

Nina stared blankly at the test. One strip. What nonsense.

Valya was sitting with the face of a man who showed Columbus in which direction America was.

– Nina, you were cheated like the last sucker. You realize that you couldn't get pregnant and the test would instantly show a positive result. It's impossible. It should take time for the body to understand itself, to receive a signal about pregnancy. In general, you will learn more on anatomy. Listen, and you are this.... Ilya didn't rape you by any chance? Do you have any burning, itching, blood, stains on your underwear?

Nina shook her head in fright.

– Valyusha, no, I'm fine, physically, I mean. I think Ilya was squeamish, I smelled so much vomit.

And Valya thought to herself: "Your bastard Ilya was afraid to go to prison for rape and child molestation, this is a terrible sentence, article and term. It's not like you're trying to get money out of a stupid girl."

Nina reached into her backpack in search of her cherished phone.

– Do you have a charger? – she said in a barely audible voice, – because my phone is dead.

– Now. Wait a minute.

Valya silently retreated out the door.

The phone greeted the negligent hostess affably and showed the main screen. Nina dialed her mother's number several times.. At first there were long beeps, and then the phone stopped answering at all. The plastic tube insisted that the subscriber was out of reach.

– Maybe it's discharged? Nina said awkwardly, looking at Valya?

– Get a sister! Valya commanded.

– Uh, well, I don't seem to communicate with her…

– Nina, I'm going to punch you! Dial your sister immediately! Are you crazy? Do you even know what you've done?

– Natasha, hi, don't yell into the phone. What about Mom? I can't reach her.

The girl's tense face showed that the news were sad. She tried to justify herself, began to sob excitedly, Nina began a form of hysteria.

Valya did not hear the conversation, but she realized that something very terrible had happened. Nina hung up and said:

– Mom's in the hospital. She has a suspected heart attack.

Chapter 8

– Mom, Mom… My dear. Please, God, make Mom get better. Please, Lord, I will never leave her again, I will never worry, please, You are the Almighty. Please help Mom, please heal her. Please, please, please.

Nina muttered a prayer to herself and out loud, kissed her cross, washed her face with tears, while Valya in the front seat pointed out to the taxi driver where it was better to park near the hospital.

Natasha, wearing a white robe, was already waiting for the girls on the first floor. When Natasha saw Valya, she looked at her with such gratitude and love, with which she did not look at her own sister.

– Valentina, thank you for coming and… Natasha awkwardly thanked Valya, but her eyes were – instead of a thousand words, full of tears, pity and sadness.

Valya quickly put her hand on Natasha's shoulder:

– Natalie, what are you doing? Calm down! How is Tatiana Sergeevna? How is her health? What do the doctors say?

– They say that this is an acute coronary syndrome, a pre-infarction condition. It is necessary to undergo treatment now, then complete rest and rest. No nerves, you know. I came home from work in the evening, my mother is nervous, she says, go look for Nina. I tell her, Ma, she's sitting somewhere with her friends or she's stuck in a food court at the mall. After 22:00, the guards will expel them all, don't worry.

I took a shower, ate and just passed out, I was on my feet all day, I had no strength. At 5:00, my mother woke me up, pale as death herself, said that she walked around our neighborhood all night, Nina is nowhere to be found. The phone is not answering. I jumped up, called the police, but they didn't accept the application. They said, let the time pass, your teenager would show up, and they would not issue an application ahead of time in vain. I called the hospitals until 8:00, I didn't dare to go to the morgues, I just didn't raise my hand. Yes, you know I called to all the hospitals in Moscow.

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