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Book -11 Aliens novella

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He closed the massive binding of the book and pushed the thick volume aside. Then he got up from his chair, attentively, examining some lines traced in pencil on the windowsill. The shadow from the window frame already coincided with one of them. Gruffly grunting, the old man said:

– Well, now it's time to go lady.

It was insulting in the heart of the old man. And what is he so taciturn, scares the honey that appeared on his stomach. Yes, apparently, the bee- keeper does not like the guests. On the way home, I stopped in front of the garden fence. He looked around at the sides, then hastily pulled up his shirt and carefully examined his stomach. The belly glistened with droplets of sweat that protruded all over its surface, and those droplets were so similar to the droplets of honey that the finger unwittingly reached out to the sticky beads and collected several on a bundle of finger. To taste, the droplets turned out to be the most ordinary bottoms and were bitterly saline. If only his boys noticed him, friends. Peace would run away from him forever. But they were not there and the boy continued to study his bulging belly. He even turned to the sun, but all in vain, except for small sparkles- drops of sweat, honey was nowhere to be found. So the beekeeper deceived him? Again, annoyance came to the throat of a treacherous lump. I frowned, tucked my shirt into my pants, put on my right shoulder a harness- brace, so that they would not fall off, jump over the fence …

Summer, hot season for rural workers working in the field. Summer day passes quickly, like one minute. For children running to kindergartens, and schoolchildren vacationing on vacation, the summer day rushes in a moment, changing the morning to noon, noon for the evening. And the herds are already roaring, returning from the pastures, in the brass rays of the setting sun. Hear calls from mothers calling home to play children.

In the evening, at dinner, I asked my mother:

– Mom, who's the beekeeper?

Mother replied in displeasure:

– You better ask your grandmother.

I scowled again.

"Well, why, why do not they talk to me kindly? Err, here Father Valchi always with a smile, always tells everything about everything in the world. " But, curiosity prevailed. And I went up to my grandmother, who at that time was busy, as always, by the stove. Grandmother turned to me a face, all dug with deep fine wrinkles, with an ever trembling chin: – What are you jumping from behind the table? Sit down, I hear. "I sat down again at the table." I'll get potatoes and meat now. " Grandmother, deftly using the pitchforks, removed the hot pot from the stove.

– Ba ah, ah, grandmother?

– Yes, I hear, I hear. Chogee to you?

– And who is the bee- keeper? – I was not building.

– Yes identity Fedos Kuzmovich, dyachek!

– Ba ah, ah, grandmother, what's that, dyachek?

– This is the one who reads the psalms in the church. Here you go with me to stick a pasture there and See.

Chapter 3

My grandmother was my best friend. Always a defense, always an adviser – a friend in one word. My mother, busy at work on a state farm, practically did not work on me – once. And I grew up without proper motherly affection, on my own. I did not have a father. Who is the father? His appointment in the family I do not know. But the unconscious feeling attracted me to other people's fathers. And visiting my friends, at times I did not want to go home; my friend's father felt such confidence. Such a filial atmosphere surrounded my father by children, that I always regretted returning home. What can I say, I secretly envied neighbor Vale and her brother Volodya Sinilov?

One day, I remember this for life; my father took the children to the store. And I, like a homeless little dog, got stuck in the neighbors. There's nothing but no. And a gun shooting cork, and balls, and even a scooter. Father bought toys for children, to choose from. Volodya got a gun and a scooter. Valya, the ball and the doll. To me, of course, nothing…

It's time for the Easter holiday. My grandmother wore clean festive clothes, she gave me a white shirt and new breeches, just below the knees. On the pants of the bridge were buckles on the buttons under the knees. And my grandmother and I went to the church. From the basket that my grandmother carried, a spicy scent of puffs, pies with homemade cottage cheese, and baked crosses on buns, and dyed eggs emanated.

At the iconostasis, the priest in a long robe to the toe was standing with his back to the parishioners and singing a prayer book in a singing voice:

– Our Father, Thou art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy name. They will be done…

The church choir, from pious old women, sang along with his sonorous voices. Fedosy Kuzmovich stood facing the choir in a black suit and shiny boots, leaning on a narrow platform. On his long nose sat round glasses. Through them he examined the texts of the Bible and sang with a tenor with the choir. In the church hall a crowd of people was crowded, quickly crossed in the pauses of the choir. And the sign of the cross, and the choir, and the solemn silence of the parishioners, filled the space of the church hall and my imagination with the sensation of some mystery. And succumbing to the general impulse of piety, I folded the three thumbs of my right hand into the "bundle", as my grandmother taught me, and with a sinking heart – was baptized. The gesture made a trembling sense of expectation of a miracle. I suddenly thought that, here, something should happen. At that time the choir sang:

– God, have mercy, Lord, have mercy. Have mercy upon…

From church high and long windows, the sheaves of sunlight fell on the iconostasis, clearly appearing in the particles of the dust of the church. It seemed that just about, one more moment, and according to the formed rays Archangel St. Michael or Gabriel would come down and sanctify all the flock and Easter of the parishioners with his presence. But apart from the voices of the choir, and the rustling of the clothes of the baptized, nothing unusual happened. But my grandmother, I looked at my grandson, with tears of affection, the warmth gently and affectionately. I felt so much confidence in myself, my spiritual strength from this look, that there are no barriers in the world that I cannot overcome. There are no black evil forces that I cannot overcome now. Sighing at the full breast, absorbing the atmosphere of solemnity and significance of what was happening, I confidently crossed myself and listened to the and chorus singing …

Home from the church came back fun. Pious grandmothers praised my grandmother's grandson. And I felt at that moment not alone.

"Look, there he is!"

"Who?" Exactly he?!

"There's that boy among the devout old ladies, you see!"

"Are you sure it's our boy?"

– Scanning the temporary portal gave it to us. What do not you remember? This place. This church. And I'm here, here not far from the church and my female type lives.

"But will you have to check?"

"Commander, this is your prince- trust, but check, it only hinders." – A reproach in the voice.

Chapter 4

I am five years old. One morning my grandmother said:

– You have not been in kindergarten for a long time. Get ready, today we'll go!

– And Where’s Mama? I rubbed my eyes with my fists.

– She's at a meeting in Kiev.

So the grandmother called the conference of collective farmers, where my mother was sent. Oh, how I did not like to go to this kindergarten, God only knows. In the kindergarten, children often teased me with the nickname "deputy", as the son of the mother of a former deputy of the Supreme Council of Ukraine, and now a deputy of the village council of Shpitki village. It hurt and displeased me. For this, sometimes, I was even angry with my mother for her deputyship. At all mother, as mother, and at me any not similar on all. She always has business. Everywhere she needs to have time, to visit both at work, and at gatherings and at a farm, and at an exhibition. Well, it's not a man, it's a matter. Of course, I did not understand the mother's conscientiousness, which had long earned her respect. She was loved by workers of the state farm, fellow- villagers. But their children almost hated her son. I rarely saw my mother. But, there were moments when she appeared at home and hurried to listen not to her son, but to his cousin Nyushu. My sister often speculated about her situation in the family and complained about my innocent pranks. And instead of kissing the long- awaited mother, often got a slap. I felt hurt at my mother, at my evil sister, at the children who teased me with the insulting word "deputy", and, finally, for the whole world, for being so handsome and affable, admits the existence of insults. Once, having received a dose of hysterical attacks from the mother's side greasy spiced with a rod, I could not restrain Nyska's snide laughs from undeserved insults, ran out into the street. At these moments, I firmly decided to leave home and never return. The road went to the center of the village, where there were shops and a pharmacy. After walking about twenty meters, towards the center, I began to ponder, and that if you go to the pharmacy and ask for a medicine, whatever be, so as not to take so much pain and resentment. This thought struck me ever more aggressively and prompted me to act when I got to the pharmacy. Not daring to go inside, I passed by. Then he returned and resolutely entered the spacious corridor with a wide window. After standing for a minute, he pushed the door firmly and entered. The chemist stood behind the counter. He saw the boy who had come in, and asked: – What, Valik, what happened to Mamma? – he looked carefully at my tear- stained face, waiting for an answer. Tears crushed me, I could not answer. The apothecary came out from behind the counter and came up to me.

– You know; you tell me everything in order. I can give you medicine, what you need, I'll give you something, and then I'll bring the money. Good?

I nodded, in agreement, saying:

Do you have a cure for evil? – And looked inquiringly at the apothecary.

He did not understand at first that I asked. Then he jumped to his feet, turning away from me, obviously hiding a smile, quickly became behind the counter of the pharmacy, pretending that he was looking for a cure for evil. A little later, he lifted his head from the glass shelf with medicines, said: "And what's the matter with you that you came for medicines against evil?" – And gave me a paper napkin, so I wiped away my tears and blew my nose. Wiping myself with a napkin, I answered:

"Yes, all evil, mother, Nyuska. And even my grandmother cannot protect me. Mother as mad, and her Nyuska always barks like shook on a chain, against me, like that bitch, from and all. – Slosh again ran from my eyes, breathing sweated. The apothecary, in order to hide the tears that had fallen on his eyes, quickly turned away towards the back room, and said in a dull voice:

– Wait, I'll bring the medicine from evil soon. – And the utility room disappeared behind the door. After a while he returned, holding in his hand two round packets of pills.

– This is a pill from evil. We will take it after meals three times a day.

I was delighted and accepted the medicine with gratitude. In my heart I felt warm and happy that my escape from the house was so easily solved, and there is no longer any desire to escape anywhere, I jumped out of the pharmacy. Lenya Ochkolyas passed by. At twenty meters he fell behind his mother, who was ahead.

– And are you a Valik?

– Do not you see that it's me? I answered him.

– What did you do in the pharmacy?
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