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Book-9. Coalition, novella

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– Your Supremacy, Mr. Theo, I say what I see and what I so clear even without decrypting contact.

– Dear curator, yet we need to more carefully consider the transcribed material. – With persistence teacher as learner, Theo spoke.

– Sure, why we are gathered in my office.

– Yes, I would like to …? – Stumbling in mid- sentence, said Garinov, who was among the invitees.

Kecho, Theo and Cortez looked closely at him. General suddenly said:

– Excuse me, gentlemen, this is not essential.

– General, sir! – Approached him, Theo! – Once you have started to speak, then negotiate.

Garinov remembered the look of Krill in the mirror when he looked into it for myself, not knowing yet that he was under surveillance from within his consciousness. About it and wanted to tell the general, but something kept him. In these moments Garinov qualms, and suspected to Crilly’s really about the presence of it, Garinov in it? A Could not transform itself Crilly his appearance in the mirror to look better, or, there is something else? So he decided to sort out their own doubts. And taking a definitive answer, disingenuous:

– Yes, I would like to see next to me was my team.

– Your team will be with you, General, when we agree question, but what do we do next with the information? And, as “persuade” Betelgeuse away from Earth?

After this response Theo Garinov, there was silence in the room.

This question is not just Theo, but also the audience.

Further conversations revolved around the possible use of force to expel from the planet Betelgeuse. But all attempts to use force Carlos answered unequivocally:

– Civilization has the highest degree knowledge of the universe, its multi- dimensional measurement and implementation in all its areas. Earth is the only trouble is that the planet formed the Coalition of highly developed systems in the universe, and with heavenly habitat conditions. Beautiful natural data, and a balanced ecosystem that enables dwell on it, without correcting these conditions, and only observe the basic rules of the conservation of natural resources.

– And what is up with that? Force can subdue any aggressor! – Could not resist Garinov.

– General, sir! – Asked him Carlos. – It is, but not for Betelgeuse. I will not repeat what has been said and said so repeatedly. They cannot be expelled. You should consider a different path. Most humane than the military.

– You want to say that the coalition should create for them a planet similar to our Earth? – Do not give up Garinov.

– Of course not, it is clear even to children. – Carlos shamed him.

“As a schoolboy!” – Thought the General, and he blushed. “Arguing lofty, none of them noticed the true face of the Krill, and this obviously explains the invulnerability of Betelgeuse?” – Saving thought came to my defense. And on the face Garinov flashed barely noticeable smile, her eyes sparkled, became more confident posture figure. He straightened up in his chair and have a unyielding expression on his face began to listen to what Carlos said.

– I suggest! – Continued to Carlos! – Use Crilly is in our interest, giving information about what he was working on the Coalition.

– What does it mean? And how will this affect the suppression of the predatory aims of Betelgeuse? – Tone of the ultimatum said Garinov.

Not a bit embarrassed, Carlos quietly began to continue, not paying any attention to the issues of indigestible Garinov:

– We will give information about what Crilly gave us all the vulnerabilities accomplices and began to cooperate and assist us in blocking attempts to capture the planet.

– It turns out that these monsters cannot be destroyed? – Asked again, Garinov.

– That’s right. But lock them in a confined space is quite real. – Carlos answered.

– So, it all comes down to the fact that the aggressor in this hypothetical drive space and block there? I understand you correctly?

This question is answered Garinov Aglientu:

– And this space and do not have to look for. It already exists.

In Theo broke in:

– This is our underground light. There they abode.

– Gentlemen, something I do not quite understand? – A naive Garinov asked ironically.

– What is there to understand? – Continued to Theo! – There is their main base and center. And all objects under the ground, it’s research laboratories, where they spend the genetic experiments trying to get the race of soulless slaves from among terrestrial races, without interfering in the affairs of the end of the earth. In time I also came Range States of the fact that he found a way to oppose their research in this area, as opposed to Betelgeuse. But what came out of it, you know it.

Theo stopped. He sighed sadly. It was hard for him to talk about it. Awkward position saved Carlos. His cold indifference to Theo to his loss Range States, he flatly continued:

– Cutting off the path to the underground laboratories of Betelgeuse with the center of the Earth, so we bled their aspirations to relocate to Earth. A negative result is obtained from the planet, their interference with the Academic Council will stop and begin to focus its efforts on the creation of an artificial city. Like our Center, artificially created by the forces of advanced civilizations of the universe and rotating in the orbit of the Milky Way.

– I, personally, understand the desire of Betelgeuse populate the Earth. – Said Kecho still silently watching Garinov squabble with Carlos. – When there is such a unique opportunity to build an artificial city- ship and enjoy all the benefits of the Coalition.

– You Kecho are wrong. When the sun shines during the day, and at night the stars dotted the sky and in addition to that you should not think about the repairs and replacement of defective units, it means something!

Delivered Garinov, who would not hear about life in outer city. At that Carlos quipped:

– You, General, for the relocation of Betelgeuse to Earth?

Garinov looked at Aglientu, calm penetrating gaze of a military man, who saw in his lifetime many such skirmishes. Smiled indulgently and said nothing. Thoughts, holding, as they say, in a fist, knowing that with ease all present in this room, read them freely. Oppressive silence reigned. The explosion of emotions repaid Theo:

– Gentlemen, we did not need no deal. I propose today interrupted. Gather everyone with thoughts and tomorrow we will be able to calmly and thoroughly discuss the coalition’s proposal, which we will announce Mr. Carlos Aglientu. – Theo paused significantly. Then powerfully and slowly turned his head to the speakers Carlos, still sitting at your desk and black eyes examined poignantly present.

– Yes, I agree. – He said. – Let’s get together tomorrow. Enough for today. Until tomorrow, gentlemen!

Everybody stood up and one by one left the office…

When Garinov went back to his cabin, an apartment assigned to it in the center of the Coalition, in a bad mood, Dina was cooking in the kitchen.

– Is that you, Alex? – Welcoming cry she met her husband.

– Of course. Who else should it be? – A muffled voice answered her Garinov. Dean said her husband’s bad temper.

– Do you have some trouble?

Garinov approached her, put his arm around the shoulders:

– No, nothing special. Just Cortes did not explain anything plainly, and answer questions, as you can see, it’s not accepted.

– You’re asking a lot of questions, rather than to listen to the end? – Reproachfully asked Dean.

– Yes, dear Dean. I’d better go and lie down, something I feel well.
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