At His Revenge: Sold to the Enemy / Bartering Her Innocence / Innocent of His Claim
They drew closer. ‘There is nothing here for tourists. You need to leave right now.’
‘I’m not a tourist and I’ll leave when I’m ready.’ Timing it perfectly, Stefan removed his sunglasses and the man stepped back. Recognition was followed by alarm.
‘Mr Ziakas!’ Thrown, the gorilla exchanged a dubious glance with his two colleagues. ‘Mr Antaxos doesn’t receive visitors here.’ But the tone had changed. There was caution now. Respect for the reputation of the man facing them. Respect and just a touch of fear because there were so many rumours about the past life of Stefanos Ziakas. ‘You should leave.’
‘I’ll leave when I have the girl. Where is she?’
They exchanged nervous glances. ‘You can’t—’
Judging that they were too scared of their boss to be of use to him, Stefan strode past them towards the ugly stone building perched on the hill. His insides churned.
Images blurred in his head and he paused, reminding himself that this was about Selene and no one else.
There was a commotion behind him but he didn’t turn his head, knowing that Takis could handle all four of them with his eyes closed. Providing he didn’t slip on the rocks and fall in the water.
A faint smile on his mouth, Stefan swiftly climbed the steep path. He was just calculating the most likely place for an overprotective father to lock away his daughter when Selene came flying down a set of steps that led to the path. There was blood on her face, on her hands and streaked through that beautiful pale hair. She was running so fast she almost crashed into him and he closed his hands round her arms to catch her, using all his strength to stop her propelling both of them off the cliff and onto the rocks below.
Her eyes were dazed, almost blank, and he could see now that the blood came from a cut on her head.
Swearing under his breath, Stefan turned his head and ordered Takis to bring the first-aid kit from the speedboat. Then he turned back to her, touching that blonde hair with gentle fingers as he assessed the damage.
Her eyes finally focused on him. ‘What are you doing here?’
If he’d been expecting a warm welcome he was disappointed because she twisted in his grip, but he was so afraid she was going to go over the edge of the cliff he kept hold of her.
‘Keep still. You’ll fall.’
‘I know this path. I’ve lived here all my life.’
And he couldn’t bear to think of what that life had been like. ‘Did he do this?’ The anger roared like a beast but he kept his emotions hidden, not trusting his ability to contain what was inside him.
‘You shouldn’t be here. I don’t want you here. This is all your fault.’
‘What is all my fault?’ Stefan tried to ignore the scent of her hair and the feel of her body against his. The hot sun beat down on them but everything else was dark. The rocks, the buildings, the mood …
‘He saw the photographs. That’s what you wanted, isn’t it? He was waiting here when I arrived, so if you’ve come here to do more damage you’re wasting your time because there is nothing more you can do than hasn’t already been done.’
He didn’t correct her assumption that he was somehow behind the photographs. Time enough for that later. His priority was to get her away from here.
Ignoring her attempts to free herself, he examined her head. A blue bruise darkened the skin around her eye. Looking at it made him feel sick. ‘He did that?’
‘I fell. I was clumsy.’
She mumbled the words and Stefan bit back his instinctive response to that lie.
‘We’re leaving, Selene. I’m taking you away from here.’
There was a brief silence and then she started to laugh. ‘I came to you for help and doing that made things a thousand times worse. I thought you were a hero—’ Her voice broke on the word. ‘And just when I find out how far from a hero you really are you turn up here to make things worse. I won’t be part of your stupid business rivalry.’
She was so innocent, he thought. Like a child, with a talk of heroes.
She’d stood in front of him in her business suit, spouting numbers and pretending to know what she was talking about, and he hadn’t looked deeper. He’d ignored all the instincts that had told him something wasn’t quite right. Because he preferred all his interactions to be superficial, he hadn’t probed. Like everyone, he hadn’t questioned the happy-family image. Even he, who should have known better, had believed it.
‘I never claimed to be a hero but I’m going to get you away from here. I promise you that.’
‘Forget it, Stefan. If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past few days it’s that the only person I can rely on is myself.’
Before Stefan could respond someone came striding out of the villa and down the path towards them. He recognised the bulky figure of her father.
Stavros Antaxos. Rich, reclusive and rotten. His features were set in a scowl that made closer to bulldog than man and his body groaned from an excess of good food and a shortage of physical exertion.
Stefan topped him by a foot but the other man didn’t appear to notice him. His attention was fixed on his daughter.
‘You’re hurt, Selene—you shouldn’t have run. You know how clumsy you are.’ His concerned tone caught Stefan off-balance and he realised in those few seconds why no one had questioned the happy-family image so carefully created by this man. He was a master.
His expression was warm and caring as he stepped closer and it was only because Stefan was still holding her that Stefan felt her flinch.
Acting instinctively, he stepped in front of her, shielding her with the muscular power of his body while inside him the anger snapped at its leash. ‘Kalimera.’ His voice was silky-smooth and deadly and the older man stopped and looked at him, apparently seeing him for the first time.
His expression altered. Something flickered in those eyes. Something deeply unpleasant. ‘Ziakas!’ The other man’s face grew ugly. ‘You dare show up on my island after what you’ve done? You made a whore of my daughter. And you did it publicly to humiliate me. You took her innocence.’
Emotion almost blinding him, Stefan was about to answer that accusation with a few of his own when Selene pushed in front of him.
‘He didn’t take my innocence. You did that a long time ago when you became everything no father should ever be.’
Shock crossed her father’s face. ‘If I’ve been strict it’s because I was trying to protect you from unscrupulous men who would use you to get to me.’ His eyes bored into Stefan but Selene shook her head.
‘No. You wanted to control me, not protect me. I know what you are, even if no one else will believe it. I won’t do it any more. I won’t pretend to be this perfect family. It’s over.’
Stavros’s expression changed slightly. ‘You’re very emotional, and I’m not surprised. You must be feeling very hurt. Used.’
Stefan saw the confusion on Selene’s face and presumably so did her father because he carried on. ‘I don’t know what this man said to you, but I’m sure it has confused you. He used you to get at me so don’t make the mistake of thinking that he cares for you.’
‘I know that.’ Selene lifted her chin. ‘And I used him to get away from you, so that probably makes us equally manipulative. It was my choice to have sex with him.’
Her father moved quickly for a man carrying such excess bulk but Stefan was faster, blocking the blow and delivering two of his own, one low and one straight to the jaw that gave a satisfying crack and sent the other man sprawling on the path.
The Antaxos security team moved forward but Stefan turned his head and sent them a single fulminating glance because now he had evidence of why she’d been so desperate to leave home.
‘You really want to defend a man who hits women? Is that in your job description?’ When they hesitated, he transferred his gaze to the man now crumpled at his feet.
The man who was responsible for so much pain.
His knuckles throbbed. ‘Get up.’ Stefan barely recognised his own voice. It was thickened with anger and rage and suddenly he knew he wasn’t safe around this man. ‘This is what you do to women, isn’t it? You live in this place so they can’t escape and then you treat them like this. And they don’t all get away, do they?’
Selene’s voice penetrated that mist of fury but he ignored her, all his attention focused on her father.
‘I’m taking her away from you. You’ve lost her. And I’ll be contacting lawyers and the police. The real police, by the way—not the ones you’ve bribed.’
He watched with a complete lack of sympathy as the tycoon dragged his overweight frame upright, staggering slightly as he stood. Without the support of his security team he appeared to shrink in size.
Stefan turned briefly to Selene. ‘Go. Get in my boat. Takis will help you.’
He knew that, wounded and publicly humiliated, Stavros Antaxos was perhaps even more dangerous now than he’d been a few moments ago but to Stefan’s surprise instead of denouncing his intention to take his daughter the man appeared to crumple, the fight draining from him.
‘If she wants to go she can go, of course. I just want the best for her like any father would. But if she goes then she must live with the consequences.’
Stefan frowned. ‘The only consequences will be positive ones. Get in my boat, Selene.’
But she didn’t move. Her eyes were fixed on her father. ‘I can’t.’
He glanced at her impatiently, thinking that he must have misheard. ‘What?’
‘If I leave, he’ll hurt her. That’s what he means by living with the consequences. He’ll hurt her and it will be my fault.’
‘My mother. He’ll hurt my mother.’ It was a desperate whisper. ‘It’s what he always does when I don’t do what he wants.’
‘Your mother?’
And then it fell into place, all of it, and he wondered why on earth it had taken him so long to work it out. This was why she’d wanted the cash. To get her mother away from the island. And she’d wanted to do it while her father was away in Crete. This was the plan. No rebellion. No business plan. Just an escape plan.
An escape plan he’d wrecked.
She had no other source of income. No place to go. All her resources cut off by this brutal tyrant.
Exasperation that she hadn’t told him the truth mixed in with another, unfamiliar emotion. Guilt? ‘Where is your mother now?’
‘In her room.’
With a simple movement of his head Stefan indicated that his head of security should deal with it. Reluctantly, he let go of Selene. ‘Do you feel well enough to show Takis the way? If so, go and bring her here.’
Face pale, she glanced at her father and then back at him. It was obvious she didn’t know whom to trust and the uncertainty in her face almost killed him.
‘Just fetch her.’ Unnerved by the blood still oozing from her head, Stefan took a dressing pad from one of the security team and quickly bound her head. ‘Stay close to Takis and if you feel dizzy, tell him. I’d go with you but I have some business to finish here.’
Switching from intimidating hulk to pussycat, Takis smiled at Selene and took her hand. ‘Which way?’
When they were a safe distance away and out of earshot, Stefan turned his attention back to her father. Turned to have a conversation that was long overdue. Finally he had the power he’d wished he’d had as a child and he used it now, feeling a rush of grim satisfaction as Antaxos’s security team melted into the background, not wanting to get between the two men. ‘You and I have things to discuss.’
NUMB with shock, Selene sat in the stateroom of Stefan’s luxury yacht, watching over her mother.
She knew she had to move but she ached from head to foot after her fall onto the hard floor. Every time she tried to boost her spirits panic descended, squashing her flat. She had nothing. No money, no home, no job, no means to support herself. And the craziest thing of all was that none of that depressed her as much as the knowledge that Stefan had set her up. That nothing about that night had been real.
It was humiliating to admit that she’d been so naïve it hadn’t even occurred to her to be suspicious when he’d invited her to attend the party. She’d seen him as heroic instead of as he really was—a ruthless businessman who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.
He was no better than her father.
She was going to have to try and find someone else to give her a business loan but she already knew her father would block every avenue.
In the midst of her lowest moment ever, the door to the stateroom opened.
Stefan stood there, casually dressed in dark jeans and a shirt that did little to disguise the muscular frame that even her father had found intimidating.
Ignoring the tug of lust deep in her belly, Selene started to boil inside. Misery turned to anger.
How dared he stand there, so cool, controlled and sleek, when her life was falling apart because of him? Yes, some of it was her fault, but if she’d known what he was going to do she would never have made that decision.
Anger simmering, she stalked through the door and closed it behind her, anxious not to wake her mother and determined to maintain her dignity no matter what.
Determined not to be trapped in a room with him, she chose the steps that led to the luxurious deck, relieved to find that Antaxos was no longer even on the horizon. It was gone and she hoped she’d never see it again.
Stefan strode after her. ‘You and I have things to discuss.’ He spoke through his teeth, as if he were hanging onto control by a thread. ‘But first I want to know why you refused to see the doctor.’
‘I don’t need a doctor.’ She was so shaken by what he’d done she could hardly bring herself to speak to him. ‘But you should definitely see one because there has to be something seriously wrong with you to even contemplate doing what you did to me.’
The flare of shock in those fierce dark eyes revealed that her response wasn’t the one he’d been expecting. ‘I rescued you.’
‘You rescued me from a situation of your making. That doesn’t score you any points.’ Her voice rose. ‘Before St George killed the dragon did he first poke it in the eye with a burning stick and drive it mad so that he’d look good when he killed it? I don’t think so.’
Stefan eyed her with the same astonishment he would have shown had the dragon in question just landed on his polished deck. ‘You are angry with me?’
‘Furious. Livid.’
‘Then that makes two of us.’ He snapped out the words. ‘But before we have this conversation I want the doctor to check you over. You had a nasty blow to the head. Do you have a headache? Blurred vision?’
‘I’m seeing you perfectly clearly, Stefanos, and believe me you are not looking good.’
His jaw clenched. ‘I would appreciate a professional opinion on your health.’
‘You need a professional to tell you I’m steaming mad? You can’t see that for yourself? If that’s the case then you’re even more insensitive than I thought.’
His only response to that was a slight tightening of his firm, sensual mouth. ‘You received a significant blow to your head. I want him to check that you’re all right.’
‘Why? Because you care so deeply about my welfare? Or maybe because your master plan isn’t finished yet? What am I supposed to do next? Dance naked on national TV?’ It gave her some satisfaction to see the streaks of colour tracing the lines of his cheekbones. ‘You used me. The whole thing was a set-up—the champagne, the dress, the … the sex.’ Why on earth had she mentioned the sex? It was the last thing she wanted to think about. She wouldn’t let herself think about it. She didn’t dare. ‘It was all planned so that someone could take the most incriminating photos possible.’
‘That is not true.’
‘That’s why you rescued me, isn’t it? To score another blow against my father.’
He threw her a simmering glance of raw emotion. ‘Stop looking for conspiracy theories. None of this would have happened if you’d told someone your father was abusive.’
‘I tried. No one would believe me. We are a happy family, remember? My father is a pillar of society. A philanthropist. He is ruthless, but part of his appeal has always been that he is a family man. People believe that.’ She saw from the expression on his face that he’d believed it, too. ‘Do you know that he even supports a charity for abused women?’ The irony of it almost made her choke. ‘I called the police once.’
‘He told them I was going through a difficult teenage phase. They believed him. Or maybe they didn’t—’ she shrugged ‘—maybe they were just afraid of what would happen if they arrested him. Either way, it just made it worse for me and for my mother.’
He turned away and closed his hands over the rail of the yacht. His knuckles were white.
‘You let me think I caused those bruises.’ The rawness of his tone caught her off-balance. ‘You let me think I’d hurt you.’
A sharp stab of guilt punctured her anger. Thrown by the sudden shift in the conversation, she stared at his rigid shoulders and suddenly she was right back in his bed, naked and vulnerable. ‘I—I didn’t know what to say—’
‘The truth would have been good. I blamed myself for being rough with you but I couldn’t work out how or when. I went over and over it in my mind.’
‘I didn’t think it would bother you that much.’
‘Why? You think all men like to bruise their women?’ He turned, his voice a dangerous growl. ‘Is that what you think?’
She shook her head. ‘No. I just—I wasn’t thinking about you. I was thinking about my mother. If I’d told you the truth you either wouldn’t have believed me or you would have tried to stop me.’
‘Or perhaps I would have helped you. If you’d mentioned just once when you were presenting your business plan that this was all about escaping from your father we wouldn’t be here now. If you’d told me the truth instead of letting me think I’d hurt you—’
‘You did hurt me.’ Selene felt her insides wobble and reminded herself that everything that had happened between them had been fake. ‘I thought you were such a hero.
You talked to me that night on the boat. You were kind to me when no one else was. When things were terrible at home, I lay there and dreamed about you. I planned how it was going to be when I finally met you again. How I was going to look. What I was going to say. And every time I imagined it you were the hero.’
His breathing was shallow. ‘Selene—’
‘And when I finally planned our escape you were part of it. I’d worked through every scenario, making sure that even if it didn’t work it wouldn’t make things worse. I had a market for my candles, a way of earning money. I was prepared for everything. Everything except a man who lied to me. A man who used me as a pawn in his stupid business rivalry.’ Dizziness washed over her like a giant wave and she swayed slightly, resisting her body’s attempts to persuade her to lie down.
Dark brows brought together in a frown of concern, Stefan reached for her.
She stepped away from him. ‘Do not touch me,’ she said thickly. ‘Do not touch me ever again, do you hear? You might not have bruised me physically but you hurt me more than my father ever did.’ Because she’d cared. Oh, God, she’d really cared. But there was no way she was admitting that now. He’d already had too much of her.
Eyes wary, he watched her. ‘You’re bleeding.’
‘Good. I hope it stains your deck.’
‘Theé mou, you are the most stubborn woman I have ever met. Will you at least let me change the dressing on your head before we continue this conversation?’
‘No. And this conversation is over.’ She fixed her gaze somewhere past his broad shoulders so that she wasn’t distracted by those killer good looks which could lull a woman into thinking he was a good person. ‘All I want from you is to stop at the nearest port. Then you can get back to trampling the innocent as you build your empire. You and my father are each as bad as the other.’
‘I’m not dropping you anywhere. Your father is being arrested as we speak. He’ll be charged but we can’t be sure he won’t be released. As you rightly say, he has powerful friends. You’re staying with me and that’s non-negotiable. Now, sit down before you fall down.’
Yesterday she would have taken his words to mean he wanted her with him but she knew better now.
‘If you’re planning on keeping me for leverage against my father I can assure you he won’t care what you do.’
‘That is not what I was thinking.’
‘Of course it wasn’t. You’d never use a person like that, would you, Stefan?’
‘Just so that we’re clear about who we’re dealing with, he isn’t going to care if you throw my dead body over the side of your boat even if you’ve packaged me in red sequins and a bow.’ She was horrified to discover a lump in her throat. ‘My father doesn’t love me and never has.’
What was it about her that was so unlovable?
Knowing that this wasn’t the time to dwell on that, she blinked and cleared her vision. But it was too late because he’d seen and instead of backing away, which was what she would have preferred, he moved closer.
His hands were gentle on her face, tilting it as he urged her to look at him. ‘If that is the truth then you are better off building your life without him. I will help you do that.’ The softness in his voice almost finished her.
‘No, thanks. I’ve already experienced your idea of “help”. From now on I help myself. I don’t want anything to do with either of you.’
‘You’re not thinking the situation through. You have nowhere to go.’
The fact that it was true did nothing to improve her mood. Panic squeezed her insides. ‘I wouldn’t stay on this boat with you if it were the only piece of dry land in the Mediterranean. I’d rather be eaten by sharks.’
‘That’s extremely unlikely in these waters.’
‘Are you mocking me?’
Her voice rose and he went unnaturally still.
‘No. I’m merely trying to stop you making a rash, emotional decision that will harm no one but yourself.’
‘So now you’re saying I’m rash and over-emotional?’
‘Cristos, stop twisting everything I say! If you had told me the truth I would have ensured your safety. And that is enough of the past. You need to think about the future. I’m willing to offer you and your mother a home—on a temporary basis, of course,’ he added swiftly, ‘until you can find somewhere suitable.’
Selene heard that hastily added qualifier and burst out laughing. ‘I’m almost tempted to say yes. It would serve you right to find yourself living with a woman and her mother. That would really cramp your style. Relax, Stefan. I can’t think of anything worse than living under the same roof as you.’
His jaw was clenched. ‘It’s probably wise to stop talking while you’re this upset because you’re going to say things you don’t mean.’
‘I mean every word.’
‘I’m trying to help you.’
‘You’re the one who taught me to be cautious.’ Her gaze lifted to his shoulders, travelled over the bronzed skin at the base of his throat and finally met those dark eyes that could seduce a woman with a single glance. ‘I don’t want your help. I never want to see you again.’
Below deck in the owner’s suite, Stefan poured himself a large drink, but when he lifted it to his mouth his hand was shaking so badly the liquid sloshed over the side.
Cursing softly, he put the glass down and closed his eyes, but that didn’t help because his mind was tortured by images. Images of her stepping back onto the island not knowing whether her father was waiting. Images of his anger spilling over. Images of that beautiful hair streaked with blood.
Gripping the glass, he drank, feeling the fire burn his stomach.