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Her Perfect Cowboy

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As they fell into silence again, India noticed the rain was lessening in intensity. By the time a few more seconds ticked by, the worst of the storm had passed and she could see beyond the windshield again.

When Liam started the truck’s engine, India wondered if he was as anxious to get out of their awkward situation as she was. After all, she’d bet it wasn’t every day that he swept a potential business associate up into his arms. The image of him even attempting that with some big, burly cowboy had her stifling a giggle.

“Something funny?”

“No, nothing.” She was saved from further questioning by her ringing phone. She pulled it from her purse and noted it was Verona. “Hey.”

“Hey yourself, sweetie. Have you met with Mr. Parrish yet?”

“Yes, actually we’re heading back to the shop now.”

“Oh, good. Can you swing by the tourism office? Blake talked to the board, and we think we can iron out the details this afternoon if Mr. Parrish is agreeable.”

India glanced over at Liam, noting how his long fingers wrapped around the steering wheel as he drove back into the edge of downtown. “Hang on a second,” she said to Verona then lowered the phone.

Liam looked her way for a moment as he made a turn. “Problem?”

“The head of the tourism bureau wants to meet with you while you’re here, but now probably isn’t a good time.” She gestured toward his wet clothing.

He nodded toward the back of the cab. “I always travel with an extra set of clothes if you’ve got somewhere I can change.”

She smiled at that. “I own a clothing store. I bet we can scrounge up a dressing room.”

When he smiled back, the surge of blood in her veins pushed her heart into a couple of extra beats it wasn’t used to. She pulled her gaze away from that smile and refocused her attention on the call, bringing the phone back up to her ear. “Give us a few minutes, and we’ll swing by.”

As Liam guided the truck into a parking space across the street from her store, the rain stopped completely. The sun was already making a reappearance as she slid out onto the sidewalk.

“Need help?” Liam asked as he rounded the front of the truck.

Trying not to blush at the idea of him carrying her across the street for all of Blue Falls to see, she shook her head. “I’m fine.”

When she finally got inside the store and directed Liam toward the dressing rooms, India sank onto the stool behind the cash register, slipped off her shoes and dropped her forehead into her upturned hand. With him out of her sight, she took several deep breaths and tried to pull some common sense to the surface. This was nothing more than the combination of meeting a nice-looking man and the memory of Elissa’s teasing about hot cowboys. Once she got this meeting with Blake over with and Liam headed back to Fort Worth, she could pull her frazzled self back together.

But what if they signed Liam’s company and she had to see him again? Work with him?

Well, she’d know what to expect then. She’d wear sensible shoes and avoid rainstorms. And she’d have time to steel herself against his rugged good looks, to remind herself that he was not the type of man she’d imagined being with if she ever slowed down long enough to even think about a serious relationship. She wanted someone cultured, refined, who’d seen the far reaches of the world and who might travel to them all again with her.

Her fantasy man was definitely not a cowboy who was probably more at home with livestock than people.

The splat of wet clothing hitting the hardwood floor drew her attention, and she looked toward the line of dressing rooms before she considered the wisdom of doing so. Beneath the wooden slats of the door, she noticed a lump of clothes that had to be Liam’s wet jeans and socks. Next to them stood his naked feet and legs.

Her breath caught when she thought about all the naked flesh that door was hiding. Wet, firm, naked male.

She startled so much when the front door of the shop opened that she almost slid off the stool. She closed her eyes against the image of Liam Parrish in his altogether, then opened them to meet Verona’s gaze. Another blush zoomed up India’s neck to her face, but she attempted to hide it in the process of standing.

Blake Magnusson, head of the Blue Falls Tourist Bureau, followed Verona through the front door.

“I thought we were coming by your office,” India said to Blake.

Verona waved off India’s words. “Made more sense for us to come here. You’ve got a business to run, and we don’t want to take you away from it longer than we have to.” There was a worrisome bit of devilish sparkle in Verona’s eyes as she scanned the interior of the shop. “Did you hide Mr. Parrish somewhere?”

India clamped down on the desire to shift her gaze to the dressing rooms. “We got caught in the rain, and he’s changing into some dry clothes.”

Verona eyed India. “You don’t seem to be too wet.”

“I was able to get inside quicker.” Thanks to two very strong arms that she’d swear she could still feel scorching her legs and back. Lordy, she needed a fan to cool herself down.

Thankfully, Liam emerged from the dressing area fully clothed, drawing Verona’s attention away from her. India spared Liam only a glance, but it was enough to notice he’d exchanged his blue shirt for a green one and a dry pair of jeans. Attempting to push away thoughts of that peek at his naked legs, India moved to make the necessary introductions.

“Liam Parrish, this is Blake Magnusson, head of the Blue Falls Tourist Bureau.”

The men shook hands before Liam shifted his attention to Verona.

“And this must be your sister,” he said, glancing back at India for a moment before shaking Verona’s hand.

“Oh, I like this one,” Verona said, smiling widely. “Blake, hire him on the spot.”

Liam smiled and even shot Verona a wink. It took India a moment to remember she should be saying something.

“Verona Charles, former head of the tourist bureau,” India said. “Also known as the lady who hasn’t really grasped the concept of retirement yet.”

Verona made a dismissive sound. “Retirement’s for old people.”

“Well, nobody here fits that description,” Liam said, further charming Verona.

“Mr. Parrish, if I were a younger woman, you’d be in trouble right now.” Verona shot India a look that said while she might be too old for Liam, India definitely wasn’t.

Geez, just what she needed—to be caught in the crosshairs of Verona’s incurable desire to matchmake. She’d been called Blue Falls’ own Cupid on more than one occasion.

“I hear you’ve been able to take a look at our facilities,” Blake said, thankfully steering the conversation in a less “Oh, look how hot the cowboy is” direction.

“Yes, India was kind enough to show me around. I think with a few repairs and adjustments, and some good prize money for the riders, you could pull in a sizable crowd.”

India directed the others toward the table where this whole rodeo idea had been hatched. Over the next half hour, they hammered out the details and came away with a verbal agreement pending the forthcoming written contract.

“I think this calls for a bit of celebration,” Verona said as they wrapped up the discussion. “I’m thinking pie down at the Primrose.”

“Sounds good to me,” Liam said.

India guessed he’d have a bit more than pie, considering he’d been hungry for lunch when he’d arrived at the shop earlier. The grin on Verona’s face left India conflicted. Part of her didn’t want to leave Verona alone with Liam. Who knew what kinds of crazy ideas she might put in his head? But she’d spent about as much time in Liam Parrish’s presence today as she could handle. She needed some time alone to detox from his way-too-sexy, fry-your-brains looks.

When India didn’t walk toward the front door like the rest of them, Verona looked back at her. “Aren’t you coming, dear? It’ll probably be slow here this afternoon, anyway.”

India shook her head. “No, you all go ahead. I’m expecting a delivery this afternoon.” Which was true, but also a convenient way of getting out of the pie outing.

She thought she heard Verona heave a sigh, but she ignored it. If Verona could find a successful man who looked as if he could grace the cover of GQ, then that would be a different story. Yes, Liam Parrish was dead sexy, but she very much doubted they had anything in common other than being citizens of the great state of Texas.

Liam opened the door and allowed Blake and Verona to go out ahead of him. But then he hesitated before following them and met India’s eyes. He held the door with one hand and his bag of wet clothes with the other. “It was nice to meet you. And thanks for the use of your dressing room.”
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