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A Few Good Men

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He was determined that this time when she came, he would come with her…

SARA WOKE IN THE middle of the night feeling sated and sore…and more than a little remorseful.

Eric lay next to her, his soft snores telling her he was asleep, but not deeply. She slowly shifted to get out of bed only to be kept in place by Eric’s arms where he held her. The snores had stopped.

“Where are you going?” he said quietly.

She swallowed thickly. “Bathroom.”

“You just went.”

He had her there.

She debated on whether to fight him, to insist that she had to go again. But she was too exhausted to do anything more than melt back against him despite the arguments ringing through her brain.

She felt his lips against the top of her head. “Please…don’t do this again.”

Guilt piled on top of Sara’s entire body.

“Please don’t pull away from me.”

She searched for words to tell him. To explain what was happening inside her mind.

Instead she found the strength to draw away. She sat on the side of the bed, but forced herself to stay there instead of run for the door to the bathroom like she wanted to.

The bedsheets rustled and she looked over her shoulder to watch Eric lift himself up onto one arm, propping his handsome head on his hand.

“I want you to come to Texas with me,” he said.

She squinted at him in the darkness. “What?”

Her heart beat a million miles a minute.

“I need to go down to take care of some things at the ranch before I leave again for Afghanistan. Come with me.”

Sara’s eyes burned as she pulled the top sheet up to cover herself as best she could. “I can’t.”


There was the question she’d been dreading. The one she’d been running full out from since the moment she’d first spotted him on the beach. The one she’d known was on the tip of his tongue since he’d figured out she was Samantha and that he didn’t care, he wanted her anyway.


She told her feet to move, but they refused her.

“I know that you think you’re betraying Andy by being with me, but…”

She shifted to look at him in the darkness, the only light in the room provided by the full moon looming large outside the bedroom window.

“Hey, look, I loved the guy, too, you know?” He ran his free hand restlessly over his close-cropped hair. “You don’t think there’s a day goes by that I don’t wish I could have done something more to save him?” He looked everywhere but at her. His voice dropped lower. “You don’t think there’s a moment when I don’t wish that it had been me instead of him?”

Sara’s eyes burned and she bit her bottom lip to keep from making a sound.

“But that’s not what went down. No matter how much I wish differently, Andy’s still gone…”

She absently budged her wedding ring around her finger, seeing no more than a blur through her tears.

“But you’re here, Sara.” Eric reached out and touched her. “I’m here…”

Chapter 6

ERIC HADN’T FELT SO convinced of something since he’d first signed on to become a marine. He knew down to his boots that asking Sara to come with him to Texas was the right thing to do. He needed her to take a step outside the past she held on to like a cocoon. Needed for her to see him as something other than an enemy and her late husband’s best friend.

He needed her to see him.

He could tell this battle was going to be all uphill. With potentially no end to the hill.

He reached out and touched her bare shoulder, marveling at the satiny feel of her skin.

“Sara, I’m not asking you to marry me. At least not yet.”

She shifted to stare at him so quickly that he was afraid she might fall off the side of the bed.

He grinned. “Yeah, I’ve thought about it. As a marine, I know that around every corner, behind every bush, someone may lurk, someone determined to end my life…I don’t have to explain it to you. You’ve lived long enough around marines to know that we tend to have a different view of time clocks. What might loom too soon for some seems too late to a marine.”

“But don’t you see…that’s what I’m afraid of. I’ve already lost one man…I couldn’t go on, couldn’t survive if I lost you, too…” Her words drifted off.

Eric had fully expected her to shut him out. To counter his proposal with an offensive that would leave him bleeding his emotions all over the sheets.

Instead she’d finally laid her heart, her fears, open to him.

He sat up, for the first time hope emerging, pushing through his array of weapons.

“You won’t lose me, Sara. I won’t allow that to happen.”

“How can you say that?” she whispered. “You don’t know what might happen tomorrow, or the day after that.”

“Neither do you.” He longed to haul her into his arms. “So why waste time we can spend together worrying about what if?”

She looked at him. The pain shining bright in her eyes sliced like a knife through his heart. “What about my job? Truman?”

He knew a strong relief. But also knew he had to act fast, before she shut him out again. “Take some time off. You can probably see to a lot of your tasks on your laptop, right? And we can take the Lab with us.”

She didn’t appear convinced, as if she’d expected a different answer. Or perhaps it wasn’t the answer at all, but the question that should have been different.

“What about Gertrude and Howard?”

Andy’s parents.
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