Deposed and reseated by the English, 733.
His death, 737.
His large bequest to Lord Clive, 745.
Melancthon, ii. 68.
Memmius, compared to Sir W. Temple, ii. 596.
Memory, Plato's estimate of, and Bacon's, ii. 461.
Mendoza, Hurtado de, ii. 133.
Metcalf, Sir Charles, ii. 761.
Mexico, exactions of Spanish viceroys in, ii. 733.
Michell, Sir Francis, ii. 414, 424.
Middleton, Dr., remarks on his Life of Cicero, ii. 360, 361.
Mill, James, his Essay on Government, i. 381-422.
Style of reasoning, 384.
His objection to aristocratical government, 387.
To monarchy, 388.
Contradicted by history, 390.
His fallacious reasoning with regard to combinations of government, 396.
On representative governments, 403.
Error in his theory, 405.
His idea with regard to suffrage qualifications, 408.
Failure to gauge human nature correctly, 414.
His art a trick of legerdermain, 417, 418.
Westminster Reviewer's defence of, refuted, 423-459.
His inconsistency, 464.
His merits as an historian, ii. 306, 307.
Defects of his history of British India, 671.
His unfairness towards Clive's character, 708.
Milton, John, compared with Dante, i. 13, 99.
His Essay on the Doctrines of Christianity recovered, 83.
Style and doctrines, 84.
His poetry his chief claim to recognition, 86.
His age unfavorable to his work, 86.
Excellence of his Latin verse, 91.
Suggestion the characteristic of his verse, 93.
L'Allegro and Il Penseroso, 94.
Samson Agonistes, 94.
Admiration for Euripides, 96.
Comus, 97.
Paradise Lost, 99.
His use of the supernatural, 104.
Character displayed in his poetry, 108.
His sonnets, 109. His public conduct, 110.
His support of public liberty approved, 121.
His defence of the regicides justified, 123.
His support of Cromwell creditable, 125.
His character a combination of the good elements of contemporary parties, 133, 134.
Prose writings, 137.
Blindness may have helped his work, 213.
His correctness considered, 584.
Admired by Byron, 595.