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The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 4

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[ Lords' Journals, Jan. 22. 26. 1696/7; Vernon to Shrewsbury, Jan. 26.]

782 (return (#x20_x_20_i3))

[ Commons' Journals, Jan. 27. 169. The entry in the journals, which might easily escape notice, is explained by a letter of L'Hermitage, written Jan 29/Feb 8]

783 (return (#x20_x_20_i4))

[ L'Hermitage, Jan 29/Feb 8; 1697; London Gazette, Feb. 1.; Paris Gazette; Vernon to Shrewsbury; Jan. 28.; Burnet, ii. 193.]

784 (return (#x20_x_20_i5))

[ Commons' Journals, December 19. 1696; Vernon to Shrewsbury, Nov. 28. 1696.]

785 (return (#x20_x_20_i6))

[ Lords' Journals, Jan. 23. 1696/7; Vernon to Shrewsbury, Jan. 23.; L'Hermitage, Jan 26/Feb 5.]

786 (return (#x20_x_20_i6))

[ Commons' Journals, Jan. 26. 1696/7; Vernon to Shrewsbury and Van Cleverskirke to the States General of the same date. It is curious that the King and the Lords should have made so strenuous a fight against the Commons in defence of one of the five points of the Peoples Charter.]

787 (return (#x20_x_20_i7))

[ Commons' Journals, April 1. 3. 1697; Narcissus Luttrell's Diary; L'Hermitage, April 2/12 As L'Hermitage says, "La plupart des membres, lorsqu'ils sont a la campagne, estant bien aises d'estre informez par plus d'un endroit de ce qui se passe, et s'imaginant que la Gazette qui se fait sous la direction d'un des Secretaires d'Etat, ne contiendroit pas autant de choses que fait celle-cy, ne sont pas fichez que d'autres les instruisent." The numbers on the division I take from L'Hermitage. They are not to be found in the Journals. But the Journals were not then so accurately kept as at present.]

788 (return (#x20_x_20_i8))

[ Narcissus Luttrell's Diary, June 1691, May 1693.]

789 (return (#x20_x_20_i9))

[ Commons' Journals, Dec 30. 1696; Postman, July 4. 1696.]

790 (return (#x20_x_20_i10))

[ Postman April 22. 1696; Narcissus Luttrell's Diary.]

791 (return (#x20_x_20_i11))

[ London Gazette, April 26. 29. 1697,]

792 (return (#x20_x_20_i11))

[ London Gazette, April 29. 1697; L'Hermitage, April 23/May 3]

793 (return (#x20_x_20_i12))

[ London Gazette, April 26. 29 1697 L'Hermitage, April 23/May 3]

794 (return (#x20_x_20_i13))

[ What the opinion of the public was we learn from a letter written by L'Hermitage immediately after Godolphin's resignation, Nov 3/13. 1696, "Le public tourne plus la veue sur le Sieur Montegu, qui a la seconde charge de la Tresorerie que sur aucun autre." The strange silence of the London Gazette is explained by a letter of Vernon to Shrewsbury, dated May 1. 1697.]

795 (return (#x20_x_20_i14))

[ London Gazette, April 22. 26: 1697.]

796 (return (#x20_x_20_i19))

[ Postman, Jan. 26; Mar. 7. 11. 1696/7; April 8. 1697.]

797 (return (#x20_x_20_i19))

[ Ibid. Oct. 29. 1696.]

798 (return (#x20_x_20_i21))

[ Howell's State Trials; Postman, Jan. 9/19 1696/7.]

799 (return (#x20_x_20_i23))

[ See the Protocol of February 10 1697, in the Actes et Memoires des Negociations de la Paix de Ryswick, 1707.]

800 (return (#x20_x_20_i26))

[ William to Heinsius, Dec. 11/21 1696. There are similar expressions in other letters written by the King about the same time.]

801 (return (#x20_x_20_i27))

[ See the papers drawn up at Vienna, and dated Sept. 16. 1696, and March 14 1697. See also the protocol drawn up at the Hague, March 14. 1697. These documents will be found in the Actes et Memoires des Negociations de la Paix de Ryswick, 1707.]

802 (return (#x20_x_20_i27))

[ Characters of all the three French ministers are given by Saint Simon.]

803 (return (#x20_x_20_i27))

[ Actes et Memoires des Negociations de la Paix de Ryswick.]

804 (return (#x20_x_20_i28))

[ An engraving and ground plan of the mansion will be found in the Actes et Memoires.]

805 (return (#x20_x_20_i28))

[ Whoever wishes to be fully informed as to the idle controversies and mummeries in which the Congress wasted its time, may consult the Actes et Memoires.]

806 (return (#x20_x_20_i31))
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