564 (return (#x14_x_14_i63))
[ L'Hermitage, April 10/20. 1695; Burnet, ii. 149.]
565 (return (#x14_x_14_i65))
[ An Essay upon Taxes, calculated for the present Juncture of Affairs, 1693.]
566 (return (#x14_x_14_i68))
[ Commons' Journals, Jan. 12 Feb. 26. Mar. 6.; A Collection of the Debates and Proceedings in Parliament in 1694 and 1695 upon the Inquiry into the late Briberies and Corrupt Practices, 1695; L'Hermitage to the States General, March 8/18; Van Citters, Mar. 15/25; L'Hermitage says,
"Si par cette recherche la chambre pouvoit remedier au desordre qui regne, elle rendroit un service tres utile et tres agreable au Roy."]
567 (return (#x14_x_14_i69))
[ Commons' Journals, Feb. 16, 1695; Collection of the Debates and Proceedings in Parliament in 1694 and 1695; Life of Wharton; Burnet, ii. 144.]
568 (return (#x14_x_14_i70))
[ Speaker Onslow's note on Burnet ii. 583.; Commons' Journals, Mar 6, 7. 1695. The history of the terrible end of this man will be found in the pamphlets of the South Sea year.]
569 (return (#x14_x_14_i71))
[ Commons' Journals, March 8. 1695; Exact Collection of Debates and Proceedings in Parliament in 1694 and 1695; L'Hermitage, March 8/18]
570 (return (#x14_x_14_i72))
[ Exact Collection of Debates.]
571 (return (#x14_x_14_i74))
[ L'Hermitage, March 8/18. 1695. L'Hermitage's narrative is confirmed by the journals, March 7. 1694/5. It appears that just before the committee was appointed, the House resolved that letters should not be delivered out to members during a sitting.]
572 (return (#x14_x_14_i75))
[ L'Hermitage, March 19/29 1695.]
573 (return (#x14_x_14_i75))
[ Birch's Life of Tillotson.]
574 (return (#x14_x_14_i76))
[ Commons' Journals, March 12 13, 14 15, 16, 1694/5; Vernon to Lexington, March 15.; L'Hermitage, March 15/25.]
575 (return (#x14_x_14_i78))
[ On vit qu'il etoit impossible de le poursuivre en justice, chacun toutefois demeurant convaincu que c'etoit un marche fait a la main pour lui faire present de la somme de 10,000L. et qu'il avoit ete plus habile que les autres novices que n'avoient pas su faire si finement leure affaires.—L'Hermitage, March 29/April 8; Commons' Journals, March 12.; Vernon to Lexington, April 26.; Burnet, ii. 145.]
576 (return (#x14_x_14_i78))
[ In a poem called the Prophecy (1703), is the line
"when Seymour scorns saltpetre pence."
In another satire is the line
"Bribed Seymour bribes accuses."]
577 (return (#x14_x_14_i79))
[ Commons' Journals from March 26. to April 8. 1695.]
578 (return (#x14_x_14_i79))
[ L'Hermitage, April 10/20 1695.]
579 (return (#x14_x_14_i79))
[ Exact Collection of Debates and Proceedings.]
580 (return (#x14_x_14_i81))
[ L'Hermitage, April 30/May 10 1695; Portland to Lexington, April 23/May 3]
581 (return (#x14_x_14_i81))
[ L'Hermitage (April 30/May 10 1695) justly remarks, that the way in which the money was sent back strengthened the case against Leeds.]
582 (return (#x14_x_14_i82))
[ There can, I think, be no doubt, that the member who is called D in the Exact Collection was Wharton.]
583 (return (#x15_x_15_i0))
[ As to the proceedings of this eventful day, April 27. 1695, see the Journals of the two Houses, and the Exact Collection.]
584 (return (#x15_x_15_i2))
[ Exact Collection; Lords' Journals, May 3. 1695; Commons' Journals, May 2, 3.; L'Hermitage, May 3/13.; London Gazette, May 13.]
585 (return (#x15_x_15_i3))
[ L'Hermitage, May 10/20. 1695; Vernon to Shrewsbury, June 22. 1697.]
586 (return (#x15_x_15_i5))
[ London Gazette, May 6. 1695.]