Meets the king, 357 (#x11_x_11_i10).
Invited to be a keeper of the Queen's robes, 358 (#x11_x_11_i11).
Drawbacks to the position, 359 (#x11_x_11_i14).
Accepts it, 361 (#x11_x_11_i17).
Slavery of the service, 362 (#x11_x_11_i19).
Visits Oxford, 364 (#x11_x_11_i22).
Attends the trial of Warren Hastings, 366 (#x11_x_11_i25).
Her prejudice against his accusers, 367 (#x11_x_11_i26).
Feeling on the king's illness, 369 (#x11_x_11_i28).
Respect for the queen, 371 (#x11_x_11_i30).
Leaves the court on account of ill-health, 375 (#x11_x_11_i36).
Recovers, 377 (#x11_x_11_i39).
Marries, 378 (#x11_x_11_i41).
Lives in Paris, 379 (#x11_x_11_i44).
Her character-drawing, 385 (#x12_x_12_i5).
Her style, 387 (#x12_x_12_i9).
Quotations to illustrate the changes in her style, 390-392 (#x12_x_12_i17).
Her real service to English literature, 394 (#x12_x_12_i34).
D'Argens, Marquess, iii. 280 (#x8_x_8_i64).
Daun, an Austrian general, defeats Frederic the Great at Kolin, iii. 306 (#x9_x_9_i32).
At Hochkirchen, 319 (#x9_x_9_i49).
Driven from before Dresden, 320 (#x9_x_9_i52).
Defeated at Buckersdorf, 327 (#x10_x_10_i10).
David, M., editor of Barère's Mémoires, iii. 487 (#x15_pgepubid00016).
Davila, one of Hampden's favorite authors, ii. 22.
De Augmentis Scientiarum, Bacon's, ii. 402, 443.
Declaration of Right, ii. 341.
Defensio Populi, i. 85.
Delhi, splendor of, ii. 679.
Democracy, the ideal government, i. 62.
Requires an educated constituency, 63.
Reaction induced by the violence of its advocates, ii. 72.
Democritus, reputed inventor of the arch, ii. 365.
Bacon's estimate of, 448.
Demosthenes, transcribes Thucydides six times, i. 47.
Falsely described by Mitford, 73.
Denham, Sir John, satire on Hampden, ii. 58.
Despotism, Mill's condemnation of, i. 388.
The Westminster Reviewer's defence of Mill's position on, 426.
Devonshire, Duke of, forms an administration after the resignation of Newcastle, ii. 268.
Lord Chamberlain under Bute, iii. 623 (#x19_x_19_i21).
Opposes the treaty with France, 630 (#x19_x_19_i32).
Dionysius, his critical ability, i. 41.
Confines himself strictly to things Grecian, 267.
Diplomacy, requirements of, in the Italian service, i. 169.
Discourses on Livy, Machiavelli's, i. 176.
Dissenters, exclusion of, from civil offices, ii. 624.
Divine Comedy, Dante's, its reality, i. 12.
Translations of, 21, 22.
Literalness of the descriptions, 99.