305 (return (#x7_x_7_i53))
[ William to Heinsius, May 26/June 5 1692.]
306 (return (#x7_x_7_i53))
[ Monthly Mercuries of June and July 1692; London Gazettes of June; Gazette de Paris; Memoires de Saint Simon; Journal de Dangeau; William to Heinsius, May 30/June 9 June 2/12 June 11/21; Vernon's Letters to Colt, printed in Tindal's History; Racine's Narrative, and Letters to Boileau of June 15. and 24.]
307 (return (#x7_x_7_i55))
[ Memoires de Saint Simon.]
308 (return (#x7_x_7_i57))
[ London Gazette, May 30. 1692; Memoires de Saint Simon; Journal de Dangeau; Boyer's History of William III.]
309 (return (#x7_x_7_i59))
[ Memoires de Saint Simon; Voltaire, Siecle de Louis XIV. Voltaire speaks with a contempt which is probably just of the account of this affair in the Causes Celebres. See also the Letters of Madame de Sevigne during the months of January and February 1680. In several English lampoons Luxemburg is nicknamed Aesop, from his deformity, and called a wizard, in allusion to his dealings with La Voisin. In one Jacobite allegory he is the necromancer Grandorsio. In Narcissus Luttrell's Diary for June 1692 he is called a conjuror. I have seen two or three English caricatures of Luxemburg's figure.]
310 (return (#x8_x_8_i1))
[ Memoires de Saint Simon; Memoires de Villars; Racine to Boileau, May 21. 1692.]
311 (return (#x8_x_8_i6))
[ Narcissus Luttrell, April 28. 1692.]
312 (return (#x8_x_8_i7))
[ London Gazette Aug. 4. 8. 11. 1692; Gazette de Paris, Aug. 9. 16.; Voltaire, Siecle de Louis XIV.; Burnet, ii. 97; Memoires de Berwick; Dykvelt's Letter to the States General dated August 4. 1692. See also the very interesting debate which took place in the House of Commons on Nov. 21. 1692. An English translation of Luxemburg's very elaborate and artful despatch will be found in the Monthly Mercury for September 1692. The original has recently been printed in the new edition of Dangeau. Lewis pronounced it the best despatch that he had ever seen. The editor of the Monthly Mercury maintains that it was manufactured at Paris. "To think otherwise," he says, "is mere folly; as if Luxemburg could be at so much leisure to write such a long letter, more like a pedant than a general, or rather the monitor of a school, giving an account to his master how the rest of the boys behaved themselves." In the Monthly Mercury will be found also the French official list of killed and wounded. Of all the accounts of the battle that which seems to me the best is in the Memoirs of Feuquieres. It is illustrated by a map. Feuquieres divides his praise and blame very fairly between the generals. The traditions of the English mess tables have been preserved by Sterne, who was brought up at the knees of old soldiers of William. "'There was Cutts's' continued the Corporal, clapping the forefinger of his right hand upon the thumb of his left, and counting round his hand; 'there was Cutts's, Mackay's Angus's, Graham's and Leven's, all cut to pieces; and so had the English Lifeguards too, had it not been for some regiments on the right, who marched up boldly to their relief, and received the enemy's fire in their faces before any one of their own platoons discharged a musket. They'll go to heaven for it,' added Trim."]
313 (return (#x8_x_8_i8))
[ Voltaire, Siecle de Louis XIV.]
314 (return (#x8_x_8_i11))
[ Langhorne, the chief lay agent of the Jesuits in England, always, as he owned to Tillotson, selected tools on this principle. Burnet, i. 230.]
315 (return (#x8_x_8_i17))
[ I have taken the history of Grandval's plot chiefly from Grandval's own confession. I have not mentioned Madame de Maintenon, because Grandval, in his confession, did not mention her. The accusation brought against her rests solely on the authority of Dumont. See also a True Account of the horrid Conspiracy against the Life of His most Sacred Majesty William III. 1692; Reflections upon the late horrid Conspiracy contrived by some of the French Court to murder His Majesty in Flanders 1692: Burnet, ii. 92.; Vernon's letters from the camp to Colt, published by Tindal; the London Gazette, Aug, 11. The Paris Gazette contains not one word on the subject,—a most significant silence.]
316 (return (#x8_x_8_i18))
[ London Gazette, Oct. 20. 24. 1692.]
317 (return (#x8_x_8_i19))
[ See his report in Burchett.]
318 (return (#x8_x_8_i20))
[ London Gazette, July 28. 1692. See the resolutions of the Council of War in Burchett. In a letter to Nottingham, dated July 10, Russell says, "Six weeks will near conclude what we call summer." Lords Journals, Dec. 19. 1692.]
319 (return (#x8_x_8_i20))
[ Monthly Mercury, Aug. and Sept. 1692.]
320 (return (#x8_x_8_i20))
[ Evelyn's Diary, July 25. 1692; Burnet, ii. 94, 95., and Lord Dartmouth's Note. The history of the quarrel between Russell and Nottingham will be best learned from the Parliamentary Journals and Debates of the Session of 1692/3.]
321 (return (#x8_x_8_i21))
[ Commons' Journals, Nov. 19. 1692; Burnet, ii. 95.; Grey's Debates, Nov. 21. 1692; Paris Gazettes of August and September; Narcissus Luttrell's Diary, Sept.]
322 (return (#x8_x_8_i22))
[ See Bart's Letters of Nobility, and the Paris Gazettes of the autumn of 1692.]
323 (return (#x8_x_8_i22))
[ Memoires de Du Guay Trouin.]
324 (return (#x8_x_8_i23))
[ London Gazette, Aug. 11. 1692; Evelyn's Diary, Aug. 10.; Monthly Mercury for September; A Full Account of the late dreadful Earthquake at Port Royal in Jamaica, licensed Sept. 9. 1692.]
325 (return (#x8_x_8_i24))
[ Evelyn's Diary, June 25. Oct. 1. 1690; Narcissus Luttrell's Diary, June 1692, May 1693; Monthly Mercury, April, May, and June 1693; Tom Brown's Description of a Country Life, 1692.]
326 (return (#x8_x_8_i25))
[ Narcissus Luttrell's Diary, Nov. 1692.]
327 (return (#x8_x_8_i25))
[ See, for example, the London Gazette of Jan. 12. 1692]
328 (return (#x8_x_8_i25))
[ Narcissus Luttrell's Diary, Dec. 1692.]
329 (return (#x8_x_8_i25))
[ Ibid. Jan. 1693.]