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Critical and Historical Essays. Volume 3

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Arragon and Castile, their old institutions favorable to public liberty, ii. 137.

Arrian, authenticity his only merit as an historian, i. 251.

Art, rise of, in Italy, i. 148.

Need of skill for perfection in, 200.

Art of War, Machiavelli's, i. 175.

Arundel, Earl of, ii. 443.

Asaph-ul-Dowlah, prince of Oude, taxed by Hastings, iii. 188 (#x6_x_6_i32).

Agrees to plunder the Begums, 189 (#x6_x_6_i33).

Method used, 191 (#x6_x_6_i39).

Assemblies, deliberative, ii. 273.

Astronomy, comparative estimate of, by Socrates and by Bacon, ii. 459.

Athenian Orators, On the, i. 40-55.

Athenians, oratory unequalled, i. 45.

Their taste and knowledge, 46.

Method of education, 47.

Athens, eloquence at, i. 51.

Progress of her oratory kept pace with her decay, 52.

Ostracism at, 64.

Her freedom and happiness, 68.

Cruelty excusable, 69.

Evil of slavery, 71.

Permanent effect of her intellectual power, 80.

Attainder, act of, ii. 39, 40.

Aubrey, charges Bacon with corruption, ii. 425.

Bacon's decision against him after his present, 440.

Aurungzebe, his policy, iii. 680 (#x20_x_20_i66).

Baber, founder of the Mogul Empire, iii. 679 (#x20_x_20_i64).

Bacon, Lady, mother of Francis Bacon, ii. 368.

Bacon, Francis, review of Basil Montagu's new edition of his works, ii. 357-497.

His father, 362-368.

His mother distinguished as a linguist, 368.

His early years, 371-374.

His services refused by Government, 374, 375.

His admission at Gray's Inn, 375.

His legal attainments, 375, 376.

Sat in Parliament in 1593, 377.

Part he took in politics, 378.

His friendship with the Earl of Essex, 382-389.

Examination of his conduct to Essex, 390-397.

Influence of King James on his fortunes, 399.

His servility to Lord Southampton, 400.

Influence his talents had with the public, 400.

His distinction in Parliament and in the courts of law, 402.

His literary and philosophical works, 402.

His "Novum Organum," and the admiration it excited, 403.

His work of reducing and recompiling the laws of England, 403.

His tampering with the judges on the trial of Peacham, 404-408.

Attaches himself to Buckingham, 410.

His appointment as Lord Keeper, 413.

His share in the vices of the administration, 414.
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