111 (return (#x3_x_3_i31))
[ Story's Continuation; Macariae Excidium; Life of James, ii. 459; London Gazette, July 30., Aug. 3. 1691.]
112 (return (#x3_x_3_i32))
[ He held this language in a letter to Louis XIV., dated the 5/15th of August. This letter, written in a hand which it is not easy to decipher, is in the French War Office. Macariae Excidium; Light to the Blind.]
113 (return (#x3_x_3_i33))
[ Macariae Excidium; Life of James, ii. 461, 462.]
114 (return (#x3_x_3_i34))
[ Macariae Excidium; Life of James, ii. 459. 462.; London Gazette, Aug. 31 1691; Light to the Blind; D'Usson and Tesse to Barbesieux, Aug. 13/23.]
115 (return (#x3_x_3_i35))
[ Story's Continuation; D'Usson and Tesse to Barbesieux Aug. 169r. An unpublished letter from Nagle to Lord Merion of Auk. 15. This letter is quoted by Mr. O'Callaghan in a note on Macariae Excidium.]
116 (return (#x3_x_3_i36))
[ Macariae Excidium; Story's Continuation.]
117 (return (#x3_x_3_i37))
[ Story's Continuation; London Gazette, Sept. 28. 1691; Life of James, ii. 463.; Diary of the Siege of Lymerick, 1692; Light to the Blind. In the account of the siege which is among the archives of the French War Office, it is said that the Irish cavalry behaved worse than the infantry.]
118 (return (#x3_x_3_i38))
[ Story's Continuation; Macariae Excidium; R. Douglas to Sir A. Rawdon, Sept. 25. 1691, in the Rawdon Papers; London Gazette, October 8.; Diary of the Siege of Lymerick; Light to the Blind; Account of the Siege of Limerick in the archives of the French War Office.
The account of this affair in the Life of James, ii. 464., deserves to be noticed merely for its preeminent absurdity. The writer tells us that seven hundred of the Irish held out some time against a much larger force, and warmly praises their heroism. He did not know, or did not choose to mention, one fact which is essential to the right understanding of the story; namely, that these seven hundred men were in a fort. That a garrison should defend a fort during a few hours against superior numbers is surely not strange. Forts are built because they can be defended by few against many.]
119 (return (#x3_x_3_i39))
[ Account of the Siege of Limerick in the archives of the French War Office; Story's Continuation.]
120 (return (#x3_x_3_i39))
[ D'Usson to Barbesieux, Oct. 4/14. 1691.]
121 (return (#x3_x_3_i39))
[ Macariae Excidium.]
122 (return (#x3_x_3_i39))
[ Story's Continuation; Diary of the Siege of Lymerick.]
123 (return (#x3_x_3_i40))
[ London Gazette, Oct. S. 1691; Story's Continuation; Diary of the Siege of Lymerick.]
124 (return (#x3_x_3_i41))
[ Life of James, 464, 465.]
125 (return (#x3_x_3_i42))
[ Story's Continuation.]
126 (return (#x3_x_3_i43))
[ Story's Continuation; Diary of the Siege of Lymerick; Burnet, ii. 81.; London Gazette, Oct. 12. 1691.]
127 (return (#x3_x_3_i44))
[ Story's Continuation; Diary of the Siege of Lymerick; London Gazette, Oct. 15. 1691.]
128 (return (#x3_x_3_i47))
[ The articles of the civil treaty have often been reprinted.]
129 (return (#x3_x_3_i48))
[ Story's Continuation; Diary of the Siege of Lymerick.]
130 (return (#x3_x_3_i49))
[ Story's Continuation; Diary of the Siege of Lymerick.]
131 (return (#x3_x_3_i50))
[ Story's Continuation. His narrative is confirmed by the testimony which an Irish Captain who was present has left us in bad Latin. "Hic apud sacrum omnes advertizantur a capellanis ire potius in Galliam."]
132 (return (#x3_x_3_i50))
[ D'Usson and Tesse to Barbesieux, Oct. 17. 1691.]
133 (return (#x3_x_3_i51))
[ That there was little sympathy between the Celts of Ulster and those of the Southern Provinces is evident from the curious memorial which the agent of Baldearg O'Donnel delivered to Avaux.]
134 (return (#x3_x_3_i51))
[ Treasury Letter Book, June 19. 1696; Journals of the Irish House of Commons Nov. 7. 1717.]
135 (return (#x3_x_3_i51))