Я унёс с собой.
Твоих глаз
со мной.
Улыбку твою
Твой облик навек
Tribute to Li Bo
(& Pu Sun Lin, may be…)
I love sex. There is nothing like sex.
"Thinking of you without seeing you."
And spending night with another.
How sad.
Changing partners ever night.
So young, so beautiful, so eager to please.
So many legs, so many breasts,
Pretty faces.
Young girls are so inexperienced.
But I teach them. They are happy to learn.
I consume their youth.
Like a demon.
Vicky is kinky. Vanessa is kinky.
Perverted like me. So much fun.
Lea is modest. I like her voice.
I like her moans.
I love only one. My heart is hers.
Just passing time without her.
Burning nights with others.
Life is cruel.
????? ????
When dark hour comes,
And the battle lost,
There is nothing to live and fight for
Stand your ground, brother,
Stand your ground, sister:
Molon Labe.
On the day of days,
When the pretty face
Will turn to you
And will say:
“I don’t love you”,
Stand your ground, brother,
Stand your ground, sister:
Molon Labe.
In the night of nights,
When everything is gone,
And your dead city
Lies in ruins
Stand your ground, brother,
Stand your ground, sister:
Molon Labe.
Molon Labe, brother, Molon Labe.
Molon Labe, sister, Molon Labe.
To my son, Alan:
Words that a hinted, things that are hidden.
Gates that are closed, and places forbidden.
Mysteries ancient they are concealing,
Secrets eternal they will be revealing.
Closed for the crowd, but open for you,
Don’t hesitate to inquisite them through.
Open the door, shutter the cover,
Books be a reader, women – a lover.
Don’t be afraid to open the door,
There is no fear, fear no more!
Silence awaits us one day in the dark,
While there is light,
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