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The Cowboy's Twins

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Could her mother be calling to tell Natasha that she was retiring, too? That she’d finally reached a point where she felt she’d done her duty to the world that had given her life—to the purpose for which she’d been born—and could just relax?

Where that thought came from, Natasha didn’t know. She was certain it was unbidden. And unwelcome, too.

Her mother and she were not women who wanted to just relax. They weren’t made for sitting around.

And yet...to think that Susan and Stan were moving on to the next stage of their lives together was...reassuring. In an odd, offhand sense...

“So, I just thought I should let you know...”

Wait. What? Wasn’t there more? “Are you having a retirement party for him? Do you need me to cater?” Sense was coming back into focus.

“No. I won’t be doing that.” Susan sounded distracted now. Which made no sense again.

“My gosh, Mom, he’s been employed by New York’s legal system for thirty years. Has had an illustrious career. I can’t imagine him not wanting a party to celebrate that. If nothing else, I’m sure there are a lot of people who’d be offended not to be a part of such a celebration.”

“I’m sure you’re right, Natasha. Which is why I’m certain he’ll have a party such as you describe. I just won’t be having it for him.”

Oh. No. With a sudden thud, realization dawned. “Why not?” she asked, dreading the answer.

Her entire life, anytime anyone had tried to get too close to her and her mother, Susan had ended the relationship. Because invariably, the man had wanted her to become less of who she was and more like he’d needed her to be. Less powerful. More nurturing.

But Stan...

“We are no longer...friends.”

They’d broken up, Natasha translated.

“Because he wanted to retire?”

That didn’t sound like Susan. Even if she didn’t want to join him in early relaxation, Susan wasn’t one to ask anyone to be anything they were not. Because she couldn’t be who she was not. Her mother was nothing if not fair...

“Because he wanted me to marry him. He wants to get married again. He said if I won’t marry him, we’re through.”

Mouth open, Natasha just sat there. What was probably one of the most critical moments of her life, and she had nothing to offer in response.

Except a couple of inexplicable, seldom-present tears that slid slowly down her cheeks.

It was happening again.

Just as it always would.

For her mother.

For her.

Because, as the women they were, the women they’d been born to be, there was no other choice.

* * *

“SO, BRO, THAT’S one hot babe you’ve got staying with you,” Bryant said. Spencer had stopped to tell his right-hand man that he was taking the kids to school. Bryant, who’d been after Spencer to take a look at some new side-by-sides for hands to use to check fence line, had invited himself to hook up the trailer to the back of Spencer’s truck and ride along.

He’d talked Spencer into purchasing two of the all-purpose off-road vehicles. Which had used up more of his cash than he’d have liked. There was still a bundle put away. But that was all the security his kids had, and he didn’t like dipping into it. Ever.

“She’s not staying with me,” he said now, still brewing over the side-by-side matter. Maybe he was being too much of a stickler by refusing to buy anything on credit. Maybe Bryant was right and he needed to loosen up a bit.

“You put her up in your old house...”

With a sideways glance at a man he wanted to punch on a regular basis—mostly because Bryant knew Spencer too well—he shrugged.

If he overreacted, Bryant would be on it like a newborn calf on her mother’s teat.

What a night they’d had. The city woman had not puked as he’d been half expecting—hoping?—and she’d actually been a bit of a help there, toward the end. For a second...

“You got nothing to say for yourself?” Bryant’s words prodded him. But not as much as the other man’s grin. “You know when you say nothing, you’re just telling me that I’m getting to you.”

There came that urge to punch again.

“I’m not going to feed your lurid and completely drama-filled and ludicrous imagination,” Spencer said, focusing on the road. He was kind of looking forward to getting the new vehicles off the back of the trailer he was pulling and giving them a go. So they’d be ready for a spin when the kids got home...

“She’s in that house because it’s the nicest one on the ranch.” As it should be, since, as Bryant said, it had been his.

He’d built it himself when he and his mother had decided it was time for him to have a place of his own. He’d moved back into the big house only after his mother had passed. The year before he’d married Kaylee—another city girl.

And the biggest mistake of his life.

“And be a little more respectful, would you?” he continued, because Bryant had a way of putting him out of sorts like none other. “You don’t go around referring to a successful television producer and star as a hot babe. Next thing you know, Justin will be calling her that to her face.”

His son adored Bryant—a lifetime cowboy if ever there was one—which mostly pleased Spencer no end. Justin was one of them.

He was also young. Impressionable. Had an overabundance of energy. And no mother.

“Point taken,” Bryant said. And then turned a wicked grin on him. “But just between me and you...she’s hot.”

He didn’t agree. “If you like that type of woman, maybe,” he allowed so Bryant wouldn’t think he was holding out on him. And start thinking he had something for auburn-haired model types.

Although...her hair was almost as long as Tabitha’s. Perhaps the woman could give him a hint about the morning tangles...

With an eye on meeting his goal of a winceless morning for his little girl, he figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask.

“You like that type of woman.” Bryant’s words dropped to the floor of the truck with such force Spencer could have sworn he felt it.

He wasn’t going to validate them with an answer.

“All kidding aside, Spence, we both know what type of woman gets to you. I’m only saying that if you keep it light, joke about it, she’s not going to do a number on you.”

Though he’d cooperated because Spencer had asked him to do so, Bryant had been against him signing the contract with Family Secrets from the beginning. Was this why?

He gave his best friend a quick once-over.
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