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Merry Christmas, Babies

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“Would you want one of your employees living with you? Hearing you puke by night and taking orders from you by day?”

The sarcasm wasn’t like her.


“Besides the obvious conflict of interest, there is no one.” Her tone softened. “Mark and Sam are out.”

“But Angela and Tamara are both single.”

“You need to spend more time in the office, Joe, if you want to keep up on the staff’s personal lives.” Her chiding was playful. “Angela just moved in with Richard last weekend, and Tamara’s mother fell and broke her hip—she’s staying with Tamara indefinitely.”

Joe got up and crossed to the window looking out on the sizable expanse of thick green grass that ran from house to road. He could see three huge old trees surrounded with colorfully blooming flower beds and knew there were more around back. The lot Elise’s house sat on took up a city block. There were no sidewalks, just lush green space with quiet streets bordering three sides.

A perfect yard for growing kids. They could have a softball game on one side of the house, play regulation croquet, play hide-and-seek, swing as high as the sky. So why did he feel, as he stood there, that the place was a trap, imprisoning him?

His car was there—at the end of her drive. He could leave any time. Would be leaving soon for a day on the river.

He was a free man.

“I’ll do it,” he said.

FOR ONE SECOND Elise felt enormous relief. She’d never considered such a solution and it was so perfect, so right. This was about money and Joe had as much interest in her financial status as she did.

To a point.

And then he turned around. A man with a great body, wearing an old pair of denim shorts and white tank top. A man who oozed sexuality. And he was her business partner.

“It would never work,” she said.

“Of course it would.” His face was serious, his hands were shoved in his pockets and his feet were planted slightly apart. “It’s the obvious answer.”

Elise suddenly wished that she’d showered, put on makeup. Washed her hair.

She wanted to stand, too. Face him eye to eye. Knew it was important. But she couldn’t do it. Not in old sweats and a sleeveless pajama top. She settled for sitting upright with her feet on the floor. Then, crossing her arms, she reminded herself that she was alone, free, boss of this house. Of her life.

“You and I are so good together because we’ve always managed to keep our private lives separate from our work partnership.”

Not entirely true, she knew, but close enough. His expression didn’t change.

“Can you imagine what we’d do to each other if we attempted to share living quarters?” she asked.

“Isn’t that what we do every day?” he countered. He stepped closer. “For the past ten years we’ve been together at the office for more waking hours of the day than we’d be home together at night.”

“But that’s because we were working. And you were out on sales calls a lot.”

“We co-own the office, Elise. We’ve managed to decorate, furnish, coexist without ever arguing.”

“We argue all the time.”

“We debate. And not about the office. Not about anything that matters.”

That was true. But—

“Let’s not make a major event out of this, okay?” he said. Not since his mother had been diagnosed with kidney disease had he looked this serious. “It’ll only be for a few months—until the babies are born and you’ve got a routine established. You can bring people in to help with feedings. At the end of the year, assuming I do my job, there should be enough of a profit bonus to enable you to hire a full-time nanny until the kids are old enough to go to day care. If that’s what you plan.”

Elise was impressed that he’d thought her life through with such detail. Still…

“No. I won’t risk our working relationship because I made a choice that had unexpected consequences.”

“It’ll be more of a risk if B&R loses you.” He was really worried that might happen.

“I told you, I won’t let this affect—”

“Cut the crap, Elise,” Joe said, his face flushed. “When are you going to get it? You aren’t in control here. You have no way of knowing what the next months are going to bring. And if you don’t start facing reality, the results could be a lot worse than they need to be.”

She released a breath. “I won’t let you down,” she told him, every word filled with conviction. “That I know for certain, Joe. You’re as much a part of my life as my arms and legs. Without you—without B&R—I have nothing. B&R gets me up in the morning. It gives me confidence and security. It challenges me. It consists of most of the people I know well in this world. I won’t lose it.”

“Then face facts,” Joe said. “You’re taking a huge risk being here alone. And I have absolutely nothing at my condo that won’t do just fine without me for the next several months.”

That was an understatement. She’d bought him a kitten once—he gave it to one of his sisters. She and everyone in the office had bought him a fish tank for Christmas the following year. He’d let Kelly take it in the divorce. She’d bought him plants—he’d left them at the office for her to water.

“I know your habits,” he continued. “And that’s half the battle of living with someone. You’re an early riser, you don’t stay up past eleven and you hate having the news on right before bedtime.”

Elise’s surprise must have shown on her face because he said, “You’re at work before the cleaning crew. If I call you past eleven you’re asleep and one time when Kelly and I were over for dinner, the two of you talked about watching the shopping network at night because it put you to sleep.”

Elise remembered Kelly had started the conversation by enlisting her help in a battle for the bedroom TV, claiming that Joe insisted on having the news on but always fell asleep as soon as it started, leaving her to lie there in the dark and hear all kinds of horrid things.

“You don’t like pizza for breakfast,” he said with a completely straight face. “You eat frozen dinners, but prefer salad, and you’d rather stay in than go out at night.”

Not really. But when you were a woman alone…

“It would make most sense if we eat together when we’re both here,” he said now. “We could share grocery costs, cooking and cleanup. But if you’d rather not, I’m okay with that, too.”

“No, that’s fine,” she said, slightly woozy again as she filled in the pause he’d left.

“I’ll pay half the utilities. Personal incidentals we’ll buy separately.”


“If you show me which room I’ll be using, I’ll go home and pack and get moved in by tonight.”

He really meant to do this.

“Joe.” She reached out and grabbed the material of his shorts as he turned to head for the formal dining room and the short hall off from there that led to two of the three bedrooms. The third, hers, was directly off the dining room. “We can’t do this. You can’t move in here.”

“I already have,” he said. “I just haven’t brought my stuff over yet. Now which room would you like me to use?”

It was impossible to argue with Joe when he was like this—especially when she was coming off an entire night of nausea and vomiting. At the moment, he made a doom-impending sort of sense.
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