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Two-Part Harmony

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She glanced at the organist who played the intro again. She closed her eyes. She knew the words. She’d sung them thousands of times. She opened her mouth, but while the words were on the tip of her tongue, there was no sound. Her eyes wide now, she looked at Megs who watched her with a frown. She glanced at Sam who waited in the back of the sanctuary with the coffin. She shook her head, and hot tears filled her eyes. She looked at the floor, letting her hand with the microphone drop.

Then Megs was standing next to her, putting her arm around her. Megs led the congregation, singing the first words of “Amazing Grace” as the pallbearers carried the casket with Grammy to the front.

* * *

EVERYONE GATHERED AT the Sweetheart after the cemetery, so it was a good thing that Megs had gone crazy with baking the last couple of days. Kelly rushed around pouring coffee and tea. Refilling napkin stands and plates. Making sure trays of pastries stayed full. Playing the ultimate hostess to her grandmother’s wake. She and Megs had debated about providing a luncheon, but anyone who knew Grammy would want pastry.

Someone gently touched her arm. “Kelly, I’m so sorry for your loss.” Rick Allyn tried to give her a smile. “Your grandmother was really special.”

“Thanks, Rick.” She eyed him from head to toe. “You’ve certainly grown up since high school. And Megs told me you got married.”

He gestured to a short woman with long dark hair choosing a pastry. “That’s my Lizzie right there.” He waved her over and introduced her to Kelly. “Kelly and I dated briefly in middle school.”

Kelly laughed. “Very, very briefly. It lasted all of a week.” She turned to Lizzie and smiled. “Jennifer Harrison suddenly grew boobs.”

Lizzie laughed and almost choked on her bite of kruszczki. “These things are amazing. What are they called?” she asked.

“They’re Polish angel wings.” Kelly glanced at the buffet of strudel, baklava, napoleons and mille feuille. “We always said Grammy was the United Nations of baking. And I guess my sister has kept up the tradition.”

“Your grandmother made our wedding cake. It was fabulous.” Lizzie snuggled closer to Rick’s side. “But then the whole day was magical.”

Kelly swallowed at the lump in her throat as the happy couple walked through the crowd, hand in hand. She’d never had a chance to do that. She was almost thirty and had never even had something close to love. What would her life be like if she had pursued romance as hard as she’d pursued her singing career? Maybe she’d have someone to hold her hand and help her through this day.

She pivoted on her heel and banged into a wall of chest muscle. Before she could stop herself, she started to fall, but strong arms caught her and pulled her close. She looked up into startled hazel eyes. “You?”


She backed away from Sam. “You don’t need to keep an eye on me.”

He shrugged. “Seems like every time I’m near you, something pushes us together, Kelly.”

“Well, it needs to stop.” She ran her hands down her dress, smoothing it. She eyed him warily. “Maybe it’s you that’s doing that. How do I know that you aren’t pushing us together?”

“I’m not that desperate for female attention.”

No, he certainly didn’t look like he was desperate. She’d noticed the appreciative glances of women as he walked by them. The way they tried to get his attention. But he seemed oblivious to their drooling. She didn’t want to join the crowd and become one of their bunch. “The only attention you seem to want is mine.”

“That’s not what’s going on.” He looked at her as if she talked gibberish. “It’s not like I’m seeking you out or anything.”

But his actions made his words seem hollow. She didn’t reply; didn’t have any more time for this kind of debate. “Have you seen Megs? We’re running low on Black Forest cake, and I need more tea bags.”

“Don’t worry about that right now. How are you holding up?”

“Fine. I’m fine.” But she wasn’t. That’s why she wanted to keep moving and concentrate on anything else. “But I need Megan.”

He took her hand and led her over to a quiet corner. She tried not to let the warmth of his hand in hers mean anything more than comfort. “You’re not fine, Kel. And staying busy won’t change anything.”

“It’s what I have to do for now.” She let go of his hand reluctantly. “I don’t want to think too much.”

He searched her eyes. She glanced down, uncomfortable at how intimate his gaze felt.

“I understand what you’re thinking. When I lost my grandfather, it felt as if the bottom had dropped out of my world. Sound familiar?”

Yes. But she couldn’t peek up at him. Otherwise, she’d lose what little control she had of her emotions and be weeping in his arms. She needed to stay confident. And not give in to the despair that tinged the edges of her life. “I need to find my sister.” She rose and started to leave, but stopped and faced him. “Thanks, Sam.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“Exactly. That was exactly what I needed right now.” She pushed through the swinging doors to the kitchen where she found Megs sitting on a stool and staring at the floor. “Hiding?”

“No.” Her sister glanced away, wiping at her eyes. “I needed a moment alone.”

Kelly noted the empty kitchen and sighed. “There was always something going on back here. It doesn’t seem right to see it like this. Cold ovens. Empty trays. There’s no warmth without her.”

“You know Gina, right? My cashier? She asked me this morning if we’re closing the bakery. And I’m sure the other baker Tom is wondering the same thing, too.”

Kelly frowned. “What? No. Not possible.”

Megs rested her chin on her fist, leaning on the marble work counter. “I don’t know how to run a bakery. I’ve been working next to Grammy for twelve years, but I don’t know the first thing about what she really did. I know her recipes. I know the rotation of the menu. But the business side of things?” She gave a shrug. “Nothing.”

“You know more than you realize.” Kelly approached her and took her hands in hers, then flipped them over to expose her sister’s wrist. “Your veins are filled with butter and cream because this bakery is your life. Grammy always said to find your passion and this is where it is.”

Her sister looked up at her, eyes shining with fear and something else. Doubt?

Megs let her hands drop to her sides. “Is it?”

Kelly hated to see her sister like this, full of worries and second-guessing herself. How could someone so talented with flour and sugar be so insecure in her future? This wasn’t the Megan she knew. “The reading of the will isn’t until tomorrow, but we both know she’s going to leave you this place.”

“It’s not that simple.” Megs rose to her feet and straightened her dress. “Come on, let’s get back to work.”

* * *

SAM GLANCED BEHIND MEGS, looking to see if her sister would be joining her. She gave him a soft smile. “Searching for someone?”

He frowned. “Who?” She eyed him until he sighed. “It’s not what you think. I’m worried about her. That’s all.”

“If you say so.”

“You know, Addy always said Kelly was beautiful, but I assumed she was being a proud grandmother. Puffing her up so I’d like her, you know?” He ran a hand over his jaw. “But she’s more than what I expected. I’m uncertain as to what to do about her.”

“Well...she’s my sister.”

“Right.” He leaned in closer to Megs and dropped the volume of his voice. “She’s gorgeous. And it’s got me rattled.”

Megs wrinkled her nose. “Gross.”

“Come on, you’re my best friend. If I can’t talk to you about this kind of thing, who can I talk to?”

She peered at him, then broke into a smile. “You’re trying to distract me.”
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