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Christmas on 4th Street: Christmas on 4th Street / Yours for Christmas

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“I get a say,” Norm shouted. “You’re both my sons and you will respect my opinion.”

The three women raced into the family room. The men faced each other. Tension was thick with more than a hint of anger. Noelle saw Gabriel’s back was stiff, his shoulders set. A muscle twitched in his jaw.

She had no idea what the fight had been about, but she knew he was in pain. As she moved toward him, Karen grabbed Norm’s hand and physically pulled him toward the stairs.

“You stay out of this,” he told her.

“No,” Karen said, still pulling. “You’re coming with me until you can cool off. We talked about this.”

“You don’t understand.”

“I understand plenty.”

Felicia went to Gideon and murmured something. He nodded and they went down the hall behind the family room. Which left Noelle with Gabriel.

He crossed to the window and stared out toward the mountainside. “Sorry about that. It’s a family thing. My dad has... He has expectations.”

She thought about making a joke that he was a doctor and what more did his father want. Only she didn’t know what the fight was about and couldn’t be sure she wasn’t stepping on toes. She wanted to help and didn’t know how. A frustrating combination.

Gabriel stood alone and in that moment, as she watched him, she wondered how much of his life he spent like that. Solitary.

Without knowing what else to do, she crossed to him.

“Hey,” she said, touching his good hand.

He turned his face to her. Pain darkened his eyes, along with something she could only assume was hope. Hope that she would somehow make it all better.

Panic seized her. She had no idea what to say. What to do. A distraction was called for but short of yelling “Fire,” there was nothing that...

“You could kiss me again,” she blurted.

In that split second before he responded, she braced herself for dismissal, sarcasm or pity. Which probably didn’t make her a poster girl for mental health, but then she’d never believed in lying to herself. The fact that she found him attractive didn’t mean the interest was returned.

One eyebrow rose. “I could,” Gabriel said, right before he lowered his head and did just that.

The first touch of his mouth on hers was soft. Not tentative, she thought, closing her eyes. More discovery than passion.

He had nice lips. Warm and tender, but masculine enough to keep things interesting. Although she expected him to straighten right away like he had that morning, he didn’t. He lingered.

Nerve endings began to fire. Instinctively, she stepped toward him just as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. They touched everywhere and still it wasn’t enough.

She rested her hands on his shoulders. He was muscled and strong. He shifted slightly so he was kissing her cheek, her chin, her jaw. Heat radiated from every point of contact. When he trailed light kisses down her neck, her breath caught.

It wasn’t just that she hadn’t been kissed in what felt like forever. It was that she hadn’t ever been kissed by this man before. She hadn’t felt the solid pressure of his chest flattening her breasts, hadn’t experienced his large hands splayed against her back, hadn’t known the depth of wanting that left her practically trembling.

He returned his mouth to hers. She parted her lips without him asking and was thrilled when his tongue swept inside. At the first hungry stroke, she knew she couldn’t refuse him anything. Or if she could, she didn’t want to. She ached all over. Her breasts, between her thighs. She wanted him touching her, exploring her. She wanted to touch him in return, learn everything about his body. She wanted to yield and then she wanted to take.

The need was so great, so overwhelming, she was suddenly terrified she was the only one at the party. She drew back, doing her best to control her breathing. Gabriel stared at her, his expression hungry.

“You’re unexpected,” he murmured.

“I could say the same thing.” She cleared her throat. “I wanted to distract you.”

“Well done.” The corner of his mouth twitched. “I knew you’d be trouble, but I didn’t think you’d surprise me.”

She smiled, liking the sound of that. But before she could say anything else, Carter clattered down the stairs, Webster at his heels.

“Hey,” the teen said as he bounded into the room. “What’s the score?”

Gabriel glanced at the big-screen TV, muted but still tuned to the football game. “It’s tied.”

“I should get back upstairs,” Noelle said. “See if I’m needed in the kitchen.”

Gabriel nodded. “Thank you.”

For the distraction? For the kiss? For making him realize she was exactly who he’d been looking for all his life? Okay, the latter was a little unlikely, but a girl could dream.

* * *

“It’s a family tradition,” Karen said, when the food had been put on the table. “I’ll go first. I’m thankful to be with my boys again.” She nodded at her husband.

“I’m thankful we have the strongest fighting force in the world,” Norm said.

Karen sighed. “It’s Thanksgiving.”

“And I’m giving thanks.”

Felicia cleared her throat. “I’m thankful for my wonderful family. Immediate and extended. And for my friends.” She smiled at Noelle.

“I’m thankful for my family, too,” Carter said, squeezing Felicia’s hand. “And Webster.”

Gideon agreed with Felicia and Carter, and Gabriel was thankful for those who made it. Noelle finished with thanks for finding where she belonged.

As Norm began slicing the large turkey, Carter leaned toward his uncle. “You’re like my dad, right? Serving in the army.”

“As a doctor. Your dad saw real action.”

“But you carry a gun,” Carter said.

“Sometimes,” Gabriel told him. “Not often.”

“Did you always want to be a doctor?”

Norm snorted. “Hell, no. If it was up to him, he’d have studied English literature at some fancy university and become a college professor.”

Carter and Noelle both turned to Gabriel.

“Is that true?” the teen asked.
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