An exasperated choking sound came from the kitchen. “You know what I meant,” Ana Raquel yelled.
“I do, but it’s not what you said.”
Fayrene laughed. Being with her sisters always made her feel better. Dellina had been their rock ever since their parents had died. It had been the three of them dealing with the tragedy. While they’d always been close, the accident had drawn them even more together.
Now they were living their separate lives. While Dellina was in town, they were both busy, and Fayrene rarely saw her. Ana Raquel only got back every few weeks.
“Okay,” her twin said, coming out with three plates balanced on her arm. “This is an experiment. I’ve made three different salads, and I want your honest opinion.”
She handed them each a plate with three scoops of what looked like some kind of chicken or turkey salad, some cut up fruit and slices of French bread.
Looking at Ana Raquel was almost like looking in the mirror, Fayrene thought. They were both blondes with hazel eyes. Dellina had taken more after their father. She had brown hair and brown eyes. She was also the tallest of the sisters. Not that five-five was extraordinarily tall.
Ana Raquel picked up her fork. “Turkey salad with dried cranberries and toasted walnuts. I think I’m almost there with this one, but I’m going to try to make it more creamy.” She pointed to the second salad. “Curried chicken. It’s perfect. If you don’t like it, there’s something wrong with you. Then a second chicken salad. No curry. I’m thinking it’s the perfect picnic food.”
Dellina studied the plate. “You want our honest opinions?”
Fayrene took a bite and felt her taste buds do the happy dance. “Delicious. You should really get serious about that trailer. Wouldn’t you rather be working for yourself instead of in a restaurant?”
“Yes, but a trailer is expensive. I don’t have enough of a credit history to get that much in financing, and I would still need money to remodel it.”
Dellina scooped turkey salad onto the bread. “Want some of the money from the trust fund?”
They each had money left over from their parents’ life insurance policies. It had paid for college and Ana Raquel’s culinary school with some left over. Dellina had invested it wisely, and they were all benefiting.
“Fayrene has a point. Wouldn’t you rather work for yourself? You could rent a small place here in town. Your share of the house lease could cover most of your living expenses.” Dellina studied her sister. “I’m not pushing, I’m offering.”
“Remember, I took a loan against the trust, and it’s really helped me,” Fayrene said. “I’m making a payment every month, paying back principal and interest.”
“I’ve thought about, but I’m not sure.” Ana Raquel sighed. “I have so many ideas. I love the idea of street food, but starting my own thing is scary.” She smiled at them. “Not that you two haven’t already done it.”
“Being your own boss is a trip,” Dellina said. “I was hired by Clay Stryker to plan his wedding, then fired by his bride-to-be, who informed me she doesn’t want a big wedding.”
Fayrene shook her head. “It’s been what? Nine months since they got together? They need a plan.”
“They’ll come up with one,” Dellina said. “But there are days I think a nice office job would be a whole lot easier.”
“Not many,” Fayrene told her.
Dellina grinned. “That’s true.”
Ana Raquel drew in a breath. “Let me get some numbers together. Maybe I could get a loan and use some of the trust fund money. That way I still have some put away for an emergency.”
Because they’d all learned that life was nothing if not uncertain.
Fayrene took a bite of the curried chicken and moaned. “I love this.”
“See?” Ana Raquel’s expression turned smug. “Now imagine that in a very soft crustless bread at high tea. Delicious.”
“You don’t get to have a trailer and a teahouse,” Dellina told her. “You have to pick.”
“You mean it’s time to settle down?” Ana Raquel asked, then turned to Fayrene. “So who’s the guy I keep hearing about?”
Fayrene speared a strawberry and did her best not to blush. “You’ve been back in town fifteen minutes. How do you know about any guy?”
“I have sources. As long as it’s not Greg Clary.”
Dellina rolled her eyes. “Seriously? Are you still obsessing about him?”
“I don’t obsess. The man is annoying. He’s been annoying since the second grade.”
“Ignore her,” Fayrene said, having listened to literally years of her sibling’s complaints about Greg. “She’s secretly in love with him, and one day when she’s mature enough, she’ll admit it.”
“I totally agree,” Dellina said.
Ana Raquel shook her head. “I’m can’t hear either of you.” She turned to her twin. “And don’t think I didn’t notice how you changed the subject when I asked about your guy.”
“I didn’t mean to.” Fayrene thought about Ryan.
“Oooh, did you see that?” Ana Raquel asked. “There was definite glowing.”
“I saw it,” Dellina dug her fork into the turkey salad. “I thought you weren’t getting serious about anyone for years? You have a plan.”
“We’re not serious, and I do have a plan. We’re just having fun. He’s not staying in town permanently, so nothing is going to happen.”
Although when he kissed her, she felt a lot of potential.
“It’s a fling,” she added. “Temporary and fun.”
“Sounds dangerous to me,” Ana Raquel said. “What starts out as something simple can get complicated really quickly.”
“She would know,” Dellina teased. “She’s been in a long-term relationship since the second grade.”
Ana Raquel groaned. “I’m serious. I really, really don’t like Greg Clary.”
“Uh-huh,” Fayrene told her. “Keep telling yourself that and maybe one day it will be true.”
CHAPTER SEVEN (#ulink_fa3f95cc-f55a-54e4-b819-73ddb030dee2)
“I’M IMPRESSED,” ETHAN said, studying the data they’d downloaded from the computer system linked to the wind turbines. “The data is consistent. There’s an average of a twenty percent increase in generating power without any increase in wind. You’re getting more electricity from the same wind.”
Ryan nodded. “That was the goal.”
His boss looked at him. “Okay, I’ll admit it. I didn’t think it could be done.”
Ryan grinned. “You didn’t think I was that good.”