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Хрестоматия по социологии физической культуры и спорта. Часть 1

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220. Eitzen D. S. /Ed./ (1979). Sport in Contemporary Society. An Anthology. – New York: St. Martin‘s Press.

221. Eitzen D. S., Sage G. H. (1978). Sociology of American sport. – Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown.

222. Erbach G. (1966). The Science of Sport and Sports Sociology: Questions Related to Development and Problems of Structure // Int. Review of Sport Sociology, v. 1. – pp.59–78.

223. Ethics and sport. Special Issue. Int. Review for the Sociology of Sport. – 1995. – vol. 30, N. 3/4.

224. Feingold Ron, Crum Bart (2000). Sport Pedagogy // ICSSPE. Vade Mecum. Directory of sport science. 2

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225. Fendrich A. (1914). Der Sport, der Mensch und der Sportmensch. – Stuttgart.

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227. Firth R. (1930). A Dart Match in Tikopia. A Study in the Sociology of Primitive Sport // Oceania. – vol. 1. – pp. 64–96.

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236. G?ldenpfennig Sven (2000). Political Science of Sport // ICSSPE. Vade Mecum. Directory of sport science. 2

Edition. – pp. 123–136.

237. G?ldenpfennig Sven, Schulke Hans-Jurgen (1980). The Need for Politological Research on Sport and Its Relation to the Sociology of Sport // Int. Review of Sport Sociology. – vol. 1 (15). – pp. 127–140.

238. Hammerich K., Heinemann K. /Hrsg./ (1979). Texte zur Soziologie des Sports. 2 Auflage. – Schorndorf: Verlag Karl Hofmann.

239. Hardt M. /Ed./ (1976). Sport in the Sociocultural Process. – Dubuque, Iowa: W. C. Brown.

240. Hart V., Birrell S. /Eds./ (1972). Sport in the Sociocultural Process. Third Edition. – Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa.

241. Heinemann K. (1974 а). Focal Points for Teaching and Research in the Field of the Sociology of Sport // International Journal of Physical Education. – vol. XI, issue 3. – pp. 20–26.

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252. Ingram Anne Gayle (1973). Delineation of Sport Sociology // Int. Review of Sport Sociology. – vol. 1 (8). – pp. 103–114.

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254. Ingram Anne Gayle (1973). Delineation of Sport Sociology – 1972 // Int. Review of Sport Sociology. – vol.1, N. 8. – pp. 103–114.

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259. Kosiewicz J., Krawczyk Z. (1997). Philosophy of Sport or Philosophical Reflection over Sport // Philosophy of Physical Culture: Proceedings of the International Conference held in Olomouc, Czech Republic, September 1–3, 1996 / Svatopluk Horak (Ed.). – Olomouc. – pp. 9-15.

260. Krawczyk Barbara (1974). Use of Sociology in Competitive Sport // Int. Review of Sport Sociology, vol. 1 (9). – pp. 141–146.

261. Krawczyk Barbara, Krawczyk Zbigniev (1989). Socjologia sportu // Roczniki naukowe AWF w Warszawie, tom XXXII. – s. 127–141.

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265. Krawczyk Z. (1980). Teoretyczne orientacje we wspolczesnej socjologii sportu // Studia Socjologiczne. – N.3.

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