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Steven S. Little

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Duck and Recover. The Embattled Business Owner's Guide to Survival and Growth
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Business growth expert Steven S. Little gives you the real-world strategies you need to navigate your business through economic uncertainty If you're a business owner or leader, you're no doubt f…
The Milkshake Moment. Overcoming Stupid Systems, Pointless Policies and Muddled Management to Realize Real Growth
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Growth is the central focus of every business, yet many businesses continually find ways to shoot themselves in the foot. In Milkshake Moment, Steven Little shows you how to identify and overcome…
Duck and Recover. The Embattled Business Owner's Guide to Survival and Growth
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Business growth expert Steven S. Little gives you the real-world strategies you need to navigate your business through economic uncertainty If you're a business owner or leader, you're no doubt f…
The 7 Irrefutable Rules of Small Business Growth
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
Starting a small business and making it a success isn’t easy. In fact, most small business owners don’t get rich and many fail. This book presents the straight truth on small business success. It…