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A Ranger For Christmas

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“Nothing is wrong,” she whispered back. “Why?”

“You look like you’re going to burst into tears. Aren’t you happy for your brother?”

She stiffened her spine. “Of course, I’m thrilled. I’m just feeling a little sentimental. That’s all.”

“Oh. That’s all, eh?”

“Yes. That’s all,” she said tartly. “Now hush and eat your ribs. Or I’m going to tell everyone you’ve been seeing Miss Holly Goodbody.”

His dark brows shot upward before he leaned his mouth closer to her ear. “Her name isn’t Goodbody. And for your information, I’ve not been seeing Holly.”

“Hmmp. That’s not what I’ve been hearing.”

She turned her attention back on her plate, only to have Holt’s elbow puncturing her ribs once again.


“Nothing,” he said. “Except that it’s okay if you want another baby, you know.”

From out of nowhere, a tiny pain of loss and sadness settled over her. “Holt, don’t talk to me about babies. I’m not even married.”

He grinned. “Who said you had to be?”

She rolled her eyes at her brother, then purposely turned her attention back to her plate.

“You’ve been very quiet tonight, Sawyer. Are you unhappy that you took the job at Lake Pleasant?”

Sawyer looked across the small living room to where his grandmother sat in a wooden rocker, patiently stringing polished cedar berries and tiny turquoise and coral beads. Eventually, the string would become a necklace or bracelet to be sold at a tourist shop in Cottonwood. Nashota cared little for money. As long as she had enough for necessities, she was content. But crafting the jewelry made her feel productive and useful, and Sawyer admired her for wanting to remain that way in spite of her advancing years.

“No. I’m not unhappy. Today was very interesting. And I have new things to think about.”

“That’s good. So what do you think about the people you’ll be working with?”

Sawyer leaned forward and placed his empty mug on a small coffee table. After a meal of beef stew, fried bread and apple pie, he was stuffed. “I haven’t met all of them yet. But they seem like a nice group. My partner is a woman. Her name is Vivian, but our supervisor calls her Viv. I think because he’s known her for a long time.”

“And what do you call her?”

He leveled a patient grin at her. “Grandmother, what does that have to do with anything?”

“There are times I’m curious.”

Nashota had never been interested about such things before. Probably because she’d watched him change his dates like a man changed his boots or jeans and could clearly see that Sawyer never intended to have a serious relationship with a woman. So why was she questioning him now? he wondered.

“What’s this? You’re still thinking the Lake Pleasant job is going to bring me good fortune?”

Nashota lowered the string of beads to her lap and looked at him. “There is no thinking about it. The new job is going to bring you good fortune.”

He almost groaned, but managed to hold it back. Nashota took her mystical feelings very seriously and expected him to do the same.

“I’m not going to be digging for gold or silver down there, Grandmother,” he gently reminded her. “I’m basically going to be doing the same job as the one at Dead Horse Ranch. The only good fortune about that is the salary I’m paid.”

She stabbed him with a silent look of disappointment.

Sawyer sighed. “What’s wrong? I’m just telling you the way it is.”

“No. That isn’t the way it is. I’ve taught you that good fortune has nothing to do with money or gold or silver. I expect you to remember the lesson.”

“Well, I don’t really think good fortune has anything to do with Vivian, either.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. Time will tell us.”

What was going through that wily mind of hers? Sawyer wondered. It wasn’t like her to have matchmaking thoughts about her only grandchild. Heck, for as far back as he could remember, she’d never so much as suggested to Sawyer that he should find a nice girl, settle down and raise a family. No, she seemed to understand that he wasn’t family man material. Not after his parents’ short, disastrous marriage.

“She has a twelve-year-old daughter.”


“Vivian. My partner. And she’s been divorced for nearly that long. She didn’t say this, but I got the impression he wasn’t much of a husband or father.”

“Maybe she wasn’t much of a wife.”

“You mean like Onida?” Sawyer couldn’t refer to the woman as his mother. Not when she’d chosen to walk away and forget she’d ever had a son.

“Hmmp. Onida was no wife or mother.”

Although Nashota rarely voiced her opinion about anyone, she’d never beat around the bush when it came to Sawyer’s mother, Onida. From what he could remember, she’d not been family material, either. She’d liked to stay on the go and party. Unfortunately, Sawyer had been old enough to remember the squabbles and yelling matches between his parents. And then his father had died and everything had changed.

“Vivian is not that kind of woman. She’s a good ranger.”

Nodding, Nashota put the rocker into a gentle motion. “I’m happy to hear this.”

Sawyer was happy, too. For the next few months, he’d be spending his days with the beautiful woman. To be handed such an opportunity was a gift. Or was it the good fortune his grandmother talked about? Either way, Sawyer planned to make the most of it.

Kat was pregnant. Blake would soon have a baby of his own. Vivian was truly happy for her brother and sister-in-law. But she had to admit, at least to herself, that the news had hit her hard. Especially when her own daughter had dubbed her too old to have a baby. Later last night, after Vivian had retired to her bedroom, she’d changed into a pair of pajamas and stood gazing at herself in the dresser mirror. Was she getting to a point in her life where she needed to forget about having more children? Had she already passed the point of starting over with a man?

The questions had haunted her until she’d finally fallen asleep. Yet even now, with Mort at the front of the room, reminding her and her fellow rangers of the upcoming holiday events to be held in the park, she still couldn’t push away the melancholy mood that had drifted over her.

If it makes you feel any better you look a lot younger.

Had Sawyer actually meant that as a compliment? Or had he only been mouthing platitudes because she was his partner and he wanted to get on her good side?

The ridiculous questions were revolving around in her mind when Sawyer’s hand was suddenly touching her forearm, causing her to very nearly jump off the seat of the plastic chair.

“Vivian, the meeting is over,” he said.

She glanced around to see Mort had left his position behind the wooden podium, while the other rangers were already shuffling out of the conference room.

Her cheeks burning with embarrassment, she jumped to her feet and grabbed her jacket off the back of the chair. “Oh. Sorry, Sawyer. I was thinking about something.”
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