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The Arizona Lawman

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Her fingers were trailing thoughtfully over the worn headrest when Deputy Hollister stepped into the room.

His boots thumped against the hardwood floor and from the corner of her eye, Tessa watched him move around the shadowy space, his keen gaze surveying the surroundings as though it were a crime scene.

“Everything looks just like it did when Ray was here. I imagine Sam has been keeping it all cleaned and dusted. That’s Samuel Leman,” he explained. “He’s worked for Ray for more years than I can remember.”

Tessa had imagined she’d be exploring the house on her own. The last thing she’d been expecting was to have a sexy deputy give her a guided tour. Especially one that appeared to have been well acquainted with the late sheriff.

“I see. Does Samuel live here on the property?”

His gaze landed on her and, without even realizing what she was doing, she pulled her hands away from the recliner and stuffed them into the back pockets of her jeans.

“No. After Ray died, he moved to a little house about three or four miles from here. You passed it on the way. A peach-colored stucco with a bunch of goats out back.”

Yes, she vaguely recalled the place.

“Most folks around here assumed Ray left his place to Sam,” he continued. “After all, he was the one who hung around and took care of him after his lungs quit working.”

Was this man implying she didn’t deserve the place? The notion disturbed her on many levels.

Moving away from the chair, she started toward a wide, arched opening. “Look, Deputy Hollister, you can be frank with me. I’m quite certain that you, and everyone else who knew Ray Maddox, isn’t going to understand his last wishes. How could they? I don’t understand them myself. And I’m certainly not thinking I deserved everything the man had worked for in his life. But that’s the way he wanted it. Not me.”

The deputy followed her into a breezeway and Tessa paused, uncertain as to which direction she wanted to go first. Certainly not to the bedrooms. Not with this man right on her heels.

He said, “I didn’t mean to sound like I’m accusing you, Ms. Parker. Or that I thought you were undeserving. It’s just that Sam was such a loyal employee for many long years.”

She let out a long breath. “Then I can only hope that Mr. Maddox left his employee something. As for me—” She broke off and lifted her hands in a helpless gesture. “I have just as many questions about all of this as you probably do.”

He opened his mouth as though to say something but must have decided against it. After a pause, he gestured to a pair of swinging doors off to their left.

“The kitchen is over there. The bedrooms and a study are to the right.”

Tessa headed to the kitchen and since he’d taken it upon himself to join her, she decided Deputy Hollister clearly wasn’t in a hurry to get home. Or perhaps he felt it was his duty to make sure she was safe and sound before he left the premises.

“This is beautiful.” She walked over to the left side of the room where a large bay window created a breakfast nook. Beyond the paned glass was an incredible view of distant jagged mountains and rocky bluffs. Closer to the ranch house, the desert slopes were filled with sage, saguaro and blooming yucca.

Another wave of emotion caused her voice to quaver. “Is this my land?”

“Most of it. Your boundary stops before it reaches the mountains. The most productive grazing area runs to the east toward Three Rivers,” he explained. “Before Ray became ill, he ran about fifty to a hundred head of cattle. After it became impossible for him to care for the herd, he sold out. I can tell you, giving up his cattle and horses hurt him about as much as the lung disease.”

“I believe that. I live on a large ranch in Nevada. I see firsthand how much the livestock means to everyone who cares for them.”

She glanced over her shoulder to see he was studying her with an air of faint surprise.

“So you’re used to living in the country.”

“Absolutely. This place is closer to a town than what I’m accustomed to.” She turned and walked over to a long row of varnished pine cabinets. Another wide window sat over a double porcelain sink. After turning on the water to make sure it was in working order, she gazed out at the small backyard shaded by two huge Joshua trees. It was a cozy area with a small rock patio furnished with a pair of red motel chairs and a tiny white table for drinks.

“It’s fifteen miles from here to town,” he informed her.

The skeptical sound in his voice put a faint smile on her face. “Yes, I know. The Silver Horn is double that amount of miles from Carson City.”

“The Silver Horn,” he repeated thoughtfully. “I think I’ve heard of that ranch.”

“The Calhouns own it. Bart and Orin Calhoun.”

“I’m not familiar with—uh—” Deep thought put a crease between his brows and then he snapped his fingers with recognition. “Now I remember. My brother Holt purchased a broodmare from that ranch about four years ago. She’s been a dandy.”

“The Calhouns are known more for their quality horses than anything,” she told him.

He walked toward her and Tessa found herself backing up until her hips bumped into the cabinets.

“But your name isn’t Calhoun,” he pointed out.

“No. It isn’t.” As far as she was concerned, she didn’t have to explain anything else to this man. She rubbed her palms down the front of her jeans. “Uh, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go get my things.”

“I’ll help you.”

Tessa let out a silent groan. Was the man never going to leave? Aloud she said, “Thanks. I do have several bags.”

What are you so antsy about, Tessa? A normal woman would be enjoying the company of a good-looking man. And Joseph Hollister definitely fits that description. What are you afraid of? That you might actually allow yourself to be attracted to the deputy?

Trying to ignore the taunting voice in her head, she walked past him and out of the kitchen.

* * *

As Joseph followed Tessa Parker out to her truck, he mentally cursed himself. What the hell was he doing? He’d already investigated the situation and made certain no one was going to vandalize his late friend’s home. He’d checked this woman’s credentials and everything appeared accurate. She had a legitimate reason for being on the Bar X Ranch, so why was he still hanging around when he should’ve left a half hour ago? Because she looked like a walking dream?

Her slim, angular face was dominated by startling blue eyes, prominent cheekbones and a soft, wide mouth. Straight, caramel-brown hair hung nearly to her waist and though she was far more slender than his usual taste in women, she was nicely curved in all the right places. Her creamy skin was smooth and soft, like she’d been living in a tropical climate rather than the dry west. Furthermore, she carried herself with class and grace.

Yeah, all those things were pleasant to a man’s eyes, he conceded. But in Tessa Parker’s case, it had been the vulnerable wobble in her voice and the emotions flickering in her eyes that had tugged at something inside him. Even if she did have a family back in Nevada, she seemed to be very alone. And that notion bothered Joseph far too much.

“I’m sure I brought much more than I need,” she was saying as she opened the back door on the truck. “But since I was uncertain about how long I’ll be staying, I wanted to have plenty.”

She placed two very large suitcases on the ground, along with a pair of duffel bags. Joseph picked up the suitcases, both of which were quite heavy.

“I’ll get these,” he said. “If the duffel bags are heavy, leave them. I’ll fetch them later.”

“Thank you,” she said, “but I can manage.”

Joseph followed her back up the steps of the retaining wall and into the house. Along the way, he found himself watching the sway of her slender hips and the curtain of thick hair moving gently against her back.

In the living room, she placed the bags she’d been carrying on the rug and turned on a table lamp situated near the recliner.

Joseph asked, “Where would you like for me to put these?”

She gestured to a spot on the floor near the other bags. “Just sit them down there. Both bags have wheels. I’ll deal with them later.”

For some idiotic reason he felt a wash of warm color burn his face. “I can see they have wheels. But they’re both very heavy.”
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