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Mills & Boon Introduces: What Lies Beneath / Soldier, Father, Husband? / The Seven-Day Target

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It didn’t take long. The clicking of her heels on the hardwood in the hall caught his attention a moment later. Will looked up as she entered the room and nearly choked.

There were really no words for how amazing she looked. He rose to his feet, his mouth open but at a loss for what to say. Apparently that was good enough for Cynthia, who smiled and gave a turn in her gown. The dark green dress shimmered as the light hit the beads. It hugged every curve of her body, the neckline dipping down just enough to give him a luscious view of the swell of her breasts.

Across her bare neck, she wore an emerald necklace he’d bought for her when she’d made partner at her agency. The intricate gold design had nearly twenty emeralds inset into it, with the largest a teardrop that hung tantalizingly into her cleavage.

But none of it sparkled like she did. Her dark hair was twisted up off her neck with gold combs. Wearing her hair back let the pale beauty of her face shine. The matching emerald earrings dangled from each ear and brought out the brilliant green and gold in her eyes. She’d done her makeup perfectly with smoky colors that made her look sexy and mysterious.

She was simply stunning. He knew she worried about not looking precisely like she had before the accident, but her brilliant smile and personality made her glow more radiantly than she ever had before. The doctor had cleared her to remove the brace, so the chunky gold bracelets on her left arm hid the scar. Anyone who met Cynthia for the first time tonight would never know she was anything less than perfection.

“Gorgeous,” he managed with a smile. “And the dress ain’t bad either.”

“Thank you,” she said, her cheeks blushing with the compliment. For the first time he noticed her blush ran down her neck to her chest as well, turning the tops of her breasts an attractive pink color beneath the gold necklace. He wanted to run his tongue along the swell of her rosy flesh and bury his face into the deep valley between them.

Shifting uncomfortably as the fly of his tuxedo pants pressed into his arousal, he decided that focusing on her breasts was probably the wrong tactic if they were going to get through the next few hours. “Are you ready?”

“I am.” Cynthia scooped up a small black purse and her wrap off the table.

Will offered her his arm as they walked out of the apartment and down to the lobby. Alone in the dark, private recesses of the limousine, he said, “You really do look dazzling. It’s going to take everything in my power not to peel this dress off of you before we get to the party.”

She smiled and turned to him. “Do I need to slide over and give you some space?”

“Don’t you dare.” His voice was a low growl as he slipped one arm around her back, the other gliding over her hip to actually press her closer. He wanted to pull her into his lap. To see her lipstick smeared across his stomach. How on earth would he be able to wait four or five hours to have her? He’d quickly become addicted to the woman in his arms.

“Could I offer you a little something to tide you over?”

Will arched an eyebrow at her. “What do you have in mind?”

She smiled and placed a hand on his cheek. “For now, just a kiss. Something to keep in your mind tonight when you’re bored to tears and ready to leave.”

Cynthia lifted her mouth to him. Her lips were soft against his, her mouth opening slightly. She tasted like peaches, he thought, realizing she must have some kind of flavored lip gloss on. It was intoxicating to drink her in as she deepened the kiss and let her silken tongue glide along his own.

He let her take the lead, knowing in his present state of mind, he’d take it too far and ruin Pauline’s plans. He kept his hands firmly around her without roaming. But it was very, very difficult.

All too soon, she pulled away. “You’re going to need more of that peachy stuff,” he said with a strained smile.

“Thanks,” she said, turning to her purse for her compact.

By the time the limo came to a stop outside the hotel, her lips were perfect and shiny and he had quelled the raging erection that wouldn’t allow him to get out of the limo. She’d given him something to think about tonight, all right, but it was too dangerous a thought around all those other people.

Once they reached the party, it was absolute chaos. Dignified, well-dressed chaos, but a ruckus nonetheless. Cynthia’s parents were greeting everyone as they came through the door of the ballroom, and her arrival was the official kickoff of crazy.

Will got the feeling that Cynthia had hoped to slip in unnoticed and get acclimated first, but the chances of that dissolved in an instant when Pauline announced her arrival to the entire room. He could feel her stiffen beside him as she was approached by person after person. They were all very sweet, fully aware of her condition and introducing themselves, but it was still an overwhelming sea of strangers for her. She held a tight grip to his arm, so he knew not to disappear and talk shop with any of the other publishing types he saw milling around the bar. He wasn’t in the mood to do business anyway.

“Oh, Cynthia,” one woman nearly shrieked as she came forward to embrace the reluctant amnesiac. “You look absolutely beautiful, darling. Oh,” she continued on in a chatter when Cynthia stared blankly at her, “I’m sorry, I forgot. I’m Darlene Winters. I work for Trend Now magazine as the senior fashion editor. We’ve worked together for years on ad campaigns for the magazine.”

Cynthia nodded, but he could tell she had a new type of nerves getting to her. A woman like Darlene Winters could kick-start her dreams of designing clothes, and she knew it.

“Let me look at you, darling,” Darlene said, taking a step back. “That dress is absolutely stunning on you. Who are you wearing?”

Cynthia’s mouth came open to speak, but nothing came out. Panic started creeping into her green eyes, so Will stepped in to intervene.

“You are looking at a Cynthia Dempsey original, Darlene. She designed and made this dress herself.”

Darlene didn’t have the kind of face that moved much after years of Botox and facelifts, but even then you could detect the expression of surprise. “Are you designing now? That’s fabulous.”

Will nudged Cynthia to respond. “Yes,” she said, her voice quiet at first but growing more sure as she spoke. “I’m working on my first collection. This gown is the centerpiece. I’m very proud of it.”

“You should be, honey. Listen, I don’t want to take up all your time, this is your party, but give me a call. I’d love to get together with you next week and take a look at what you’re working on. This dress has me salivating for more.”

Cynthia nodded and waved her hand casually as Darlene disappeared into the crowd. “Did that just happen?” she whispered to Will.

“Yep,” he said with a smile. He turned to her and leaned down to plant a soft kiss on her peach lips. “Don’t be afraid to tell people about your work. It’s brilliant, and they should all know it.”

She smiled up at him, her eyes glistening with tears of excitement and overwhelming emotion. This dream had quickly become very important to her. So it was important to him. He would support her in whatever way she needed.

The orchestra started playing a popular tune, and several of the people around them disappeared to pair off on the dance floor. He needed at least one good drink before he was loose enough to attempt that, so he decided to take advantage of the suddenly shorter line for the bartender.

“Let’s go get a drink,” he said. “It will make this easier for us both.”

When they approached the bar, Will recognized the shaggy blond hair of the man in front of them. “Alex?” he said as he slipped his arm around Cynthia’s narrow waist and snugly tugged her against his side for safekeeping.

Alex turned with a brand new drink in hand. “Hey, Will,” he said, shaking his hand and then turning to look at Cynthia. His hazel gaze raked over her for a moment, lingering a second longer than Will liked on the plunge of her dress. He knew his friend had a hard time mentally switching out of playboy mode.

“Cynthia,” he said with a smile, and just like that, he squelched the stalking panther and turned on the boyish charm that made him the favorite of older ladies everywhere. “You are looking mahh-velouss,” Alex overexaggerated, leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek. “You are a goddess at the sewing machine,” he added.

Cynthia blushed and Will fought the need to pull her closer to him. His friend was harmless. He knew Alex had a strict code, and infidelity and seducing a friend’s woman, even an ex, was a violation. Cynthia was safe. Every other woman in the room, however…


Will’s thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Cynthia’s sister, Emma. The teen was grinning with excitement, apparently having reached the age where Pauline would not only let her attend a party but wear a fancy dress and makeup, too. She was a pretty little thing who looked a lot like her sister, with flawless pale skin, high cheekbones and shiny, dark hair. The braces were probably a godsend, letting everyone know, including guys like Alex, that despite her tiny dress and attempt at being a grown-up, she was still jailbait.

A few more years and Emma would be out on the town giving George and Pauline heart palpitations.

Cynthia smiled and hugged her sister, letting the teen pull her away for a few minutes to talk about girly things, he supposed.

“I see you’ve charmed those panties off,” Alex said, leaning in with a sly grin.

Will shook his head with a sigh. “You’re awful. But if you don’t mind me asking, how did you know?”

Alex took a sip of his drink and eyed Will with a mix of amusement and concern. “You’re in serious trouble, man.”

He frowned and turned to his friend, grateful Cynthia was distracted by her sister for a moment. “Trouble?”

“Yep. She’s got you. I can see it when you look at her. I’d say you’re one step away from being completely lost.”

Will took a sip of his own drink, hoping the alcohol would muffle the alarm bells his friend’s words had set off. He was giving this a second chance, but he thought he was being especially cautious to not rush into something he would regret. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

Alex slapped him on the back, a wide smile lighting his face. “I didn’t say you should fight it, man. There’s nothing quite like being completely lost to a beautiful woman. You look really happy with her. I just hope you let yourself enjoy it for once.”
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