A Place To Call Home
Judd turned away, a little embarrassed at being caught eavesdropping, but he supposed it was the cop in him, always wanting to know the why of everything.
“I didn’t intend to pry,” he said.
Charlie shrugged. “It’s no secret in these parts that Everett doesn’t like us.” Then she turned and looked at Rachel, who was playing on the floor in front of the television. “He especially doesn’t like Rachel.”
“But why?” Judd asked.
“Because she’s all there is left of his only son, Pete, and I guess it hurts him too much to look at her.”
“I’m sorry,” Judd said. “Again, I seem to be stepping on ghosts.”
Charlie glanced at him and managed a smile. “No. All my ghosts are laid, Mr. Hanna. It wasn’t in me to grieve for Pete’s death when he’d already walked out on me for getting pregnant.”
Judd paled. “Look, I know I keep saying this, but I’m sorry. And for what it’s worth, the man must have been a purebred fool.”
Charlie sighed. “Pretty much.”
Uncomfortable with the emotions tumbling around in his head, Judd stared at her for a moment, then strode out the door.
The sun was hanging low in the west before Judd came back in the house. He’d helped Wade mend the fence, but did little more than watch as the livestock were fed. Country life was something foreign to his world.
After washing up, Wade had handed him a bowl of potatoes and a paring knife and then headed for the door with a platter of steaks. Now he stood at the sink peeling potatoes while Wade tended to the meat cooking on the grill outside. Judd watched as Rachel ran from the swing set to her uncle and back again, talking nonstop without care if anyone answered. He paused with a potato in one hand and the paring knife in the other, imagining himself in such a family tableau. Then reality surfaced and he returned to the potatoes, removing the peelings in angry chunks. It was obvious as hell that he couldn’t take care of himself, let alone a wife and kids, so why want something he couldn’t have?
In the midst of his anger, it dawned on him he was no longer alone. He pivoted. Charlotte Franklin was standing in the doorway, using the facing for a crutch. He dropped the knife and potato and bolted toward her, wiping his hands on his jeans as he went.
“You shouldn’t be on that foot. Let me help you to a chair.”
Grateful for his strength, Charlie started to lean on him, when Judd slid an arm beneath her shoulders and lifted her off her feet.
“This is getting embarrassing,” she muttered.
Judd grinned, trying to put her at ease. “Now, Charlie, you wouldn’t deny a man such a golden opportunity. It isn’t every day I get the excuse to hold a pretty woman.”
“Not even your wife?”
Judd found himself caught in her gaze. For a long moment, neither moved—neither spoke. Damp tendrils of her freshly washed hair brushed the backs of his hands. Her eyes were wide and questioning, her expression tense, as if she were holding her breath for an answer she didn’t want to hear. Then he shook off the thought. This was crazy. She was a stranger.
“Not married,” he said, and then added, “No significant other, either. Being a cop isn’t conducive to permanent relationships.”
“You can put me down now,” she said.
Judd blinked, a bit startled by the abrupt change in their conversation, and then continued his trek across the floor, gently lowering her into a chair.
“Thank you,” she said.
He nodded. As he started back toward the sink, she spoke.
“Mr. Hanna…”
He sighed, then turned. Obviously she wasn’t going to call him Judd until she was ready.
“It isn’t the job, it’s the man inside the uniform that controls his own life.”
Reeling from the brutal truth in her words, he was still struggling for an answer when Wade came inside.
“Steaks are done,” he announced, carrying the platter before him as if he were bearing pure gold.
“The potatoes aren’t,” Judd said, and headed for the sink.
Charlie stared at the stiff set to Judd’s shoulders, and ignored her brother’s curious gaze. Obviously, her comments had touched a nerve.
“No matter. These will keep,” Wade said. “I’ve got to fish Rachel out of the sandbox, anyway.” He set the plate down on the table near Charlie’s elbow and headed back out the door.
The evening meal came and went, but long after Judd had gone to bed that night, Charlotte Franklin’s words still rang in his ears. It isn’t the job, it’s the man inside the uniform that controls his own life.
If that was true, then no wonder he thought he was going crazy. That night he dreamed of his partner, Dan Myers—laughing one minute, then the next, drowning in his own blood from the bullet that had exploded inside his chest.
Judd was in the country, so awakening to the crow of a rooster didn’t surprise him. But he wasn’t expecting to feel soft baby breath on the side of his face. One heartbeat he was drifting toward consciousness and the next second he was wide-awake and staring into a pair of round brown eyes. Before he could move, Rachel Franklin stuck her finger up his nose.
“Nose,” she said.
He laughed. It wasn’t the soft, easy chuckle that his buddies in the department would have recognized. In fact, if he’d heard a replay of it, he wouldn’t have recognized himself. It was a deep, from-the-belly laugh that echoed within the silence of the house. The little girl giggled and ducked her head behind the blanket wadded up in one arm, then peeked out at him again.
He reached down and picked her up, sitting her on the side of the bed. Soft baby curls straggled down in her eyes, and she was missing a sock. But she smelled sweet and the smile she gave him was even sweeter.
“So, you’re an early bird, are you, punkin?”
“Bird,” Rachel said, and pointed out the window.
Judd’s grin widened. She wasn’t just pretty. She was smart, too. It shouldn’t have mattered, but the knowledge pleased him.
“Yeah, that’s right. Birds live in trees.”
She wiggled her bottom a little closer to the warmth of his leg beneath his covers, and pulled her blanket up under her chin just as Charlie came hobbling into the room.
Her hair wasn’t in much better shape than her daughter’s, but that was where the similarities ended. Devoid of all makeup and with eyes still heavy with sleep, she had the look of a woman who’d spent the night in a loving man’s arms. He had a moment of insanity wondering what it would be like to make love to her, and then tossed it aside.
“I am so sorry,” Charlie said as she made a grab for Rachel. “She’s just started getting out of her baby bed by herself.”
Judd grinned. “If you could bottle her action, she’d make alarm clocks passé.”
“I’m afraid to ask, but what did she do?” Charlie asked.
Judd grinned. “Let’s just say that, if it wasn’t before, I’m pretty sure my left nostril is clean.”
Charlie rolled her eyes. “Oh, Lord.”
Judd started to laugh again. “It wasn’t so bad. It’s better than the barrel of a .45, any day.”
Charlie grimaced. “You cops have a weird sense of humor. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’ll leave you to your sleep.”
Judd stretched and yawned. “Never was much good at sleeping in,” he said. “If you don’t mind, I’ll make some coffee.”
Charlie’s pulse gave a leap as the sheet slipped down toward his belly. It was all she could do to answer.
“Uh…yes…I mean, no, I don’t mind. Make yourself at home. Wade is in the shower but he’ll be out in a few minutes.”
Judd glanced down at her ankle as she moved toward the door. It was still swollen and starting to bruise. Without thinking, he started to get up and help her, then remembered he had nothing on. He waited until they were gone, then got up and dressed, keeping it casual. He put on his last pair of clean jeans and a slightly wrinkled T-shirt bearing the logo of the Tulsa P.D.
As he headed for the kitchen, he could hear Charlotte’s voice, soft and coaxing as she helped her daughter dress, as well as the occasional rumble of Wade Franklin’s voice. From what he could hear, the police chief was already on the phone, dealing with the business of the day. Just for a moment, he regretted the fact that he wasn’t getting ready for the job, then reminded himself that it was because of the damned job that he was here. Somehow, he was going to have to find a way to forgive himself for not dying along with Dan Myers.
A couple of minutes later, he was digging through the cabinets for the coffee when Wade walked into the kitchen. He turned.
“I asked Charlie if it would be okay to make coffee,” he said.
Wade shrugged, obviously preoccupied. “Have at it,” he muttered.
Judd filled the carafe with water then measured out the coffee, all the while keeping an eye on Wade. Once the coffee was on and brewing, he turned.
“Got trouble?” he asked.
Wade nodded. “Probably.”
“Want to talk about it?”
Wade reached for a bottle of painkillers. “Bad knee,” he said, and downed a couple without water.
Judd waited. If the man wanted to talk, he would do so when he was ready. Then Wade looked up, and Judd felt himself under sudden scrutiny.
“I talked to your captain,” Wade said.
Judd grinned wryly. “What did he say?”
“That he was glad to know the son of a bitch was still alive and to tell him to get his ass back to Tulsa.”
Judd shrugged. “He loves me. What can I say?”
Wade almost grinned, but there was more on his mind than Judd’s defection.
“He also said you’re a hell of a detective, which brings me to my question.”
Suddenly, Judd sensed he wasn’t going to like what was coming.
“Looks like I’ve got myself a problem in Call City,” Wade said, then poured them each a cup of coffee before continuing. “A man named Raymond Shuler, who is president of the local bank, is missing. His wife said he went to a meeting last night and never came home. My deputy found his car, still parked at the town hall where the meeting was held, but Shuler is nowhere to be found.”
Judd frowned. “This ever happened before?”
Wade shook his head. “That’s just it. Shuler isn’t the type to pull any stunts. It’s obvious something has happened.”
“Like robbery, or maybe another woman?”
Wade shrugged. “Could be any number of things. I’ll find out more when I get to the office.”
“What’s that have to do with me?” Judd asked.
Wade paused. Judd could see the hesitation on his face.
“It’s just that my deputy, Hershel Brown, is getting married tomorrow and leaving on his honeymoon. He won’t be back for at least two weeks, maybe more. I can hardly ask the kid to postpone his wedding because of this, and I’m damned sure not going to tell him he can’t go on his honeymoon, but I’m going to be real shorthanded until he gets back.”
Judd stiffened. “How many other deputies do you have?”
Wade grinned. “None, and since you’re going to be stuck here until your Jeep is fixed, I thought you might consider helping me out with this case. I could probably work a small consultation fee into the budget, although it wouldn’t be much.”
Judd sighed. This wasn’t what he’d planned to do, but like the man said, what other options did he have?
Then Wade added the kicker. “And, since you’ll be staying on here until your vehicle is up and running…”
“Okay,” Judd said. “But no fee is necessary. Technically, I’m still employed in Oklahoma.”
Wade grinned. “Thanks, man, I really appreciate this.”
“Don’t thank me yet,” Judd said.
Wade shrugged off the warning, but before he could comment, someone honked outside.
Wade refilled his coffee cup and then motioned with his chin. “That will be Tooter Beel.”
Wade grinned. “Don’t ask.” Then he added, “He’ll tow your car to the garage in town, but you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to talk to the mechanic.”
Judd frowned. This meant another day’s delay added on to the rest. Then he sighed. Why wasn’t he surprised?
“Why tomorrow?” he asked.
“Because today is Monday and Harold doesn’t open the shop on Mondays.”
Judd knew he shouldn’t ask, but the question came out, anyway.
“And why doesn’t he open on Mondays?”
Wade’s grin widened. “Because he’s usually sleeping off a weekend drunk. Even if he came in and unlocked the shop, you wouldn’t want him working on anything. He’s real mean until the liquor wears off.”
“So, all that’s going to happen today is my Jeep gets parked in town?”
“That’s about the size of it.”
“Fine. Then I’ll stay here and help Charlie.”
Wade looked nervous. This wasn’t what he had in mind.
“Uh, I don’t think…”
“Is there anyone…maybe a neighbor, or a friend, who can come stay with her?” Judd asked.
Wade frowned. “No.”
“Maybe you were planning to stay here and help her?” Judd asked.
“Not with Shuler missing. In fact, I should already be at the office,” Wade said.
“So, what’s-his-name can tow my car and I’ll stay here and help. Maybe by tomorrow the swelling in her foot will be down.”
The horn sounded again. Wade was out of excuses. He set his coffee cup down and headed for the door.
“Fine,” he said shortly. “I’ll tell Tooter to hook ’er up and pull it into town. You can talk to Harold tomorrow about repairs.”
“Sounds like a plan to me,” Judd said, and wondered why he’d been so bent on baby-sitting a woman and a kid. It wasn’t like him. In fact, it wasn’t like him at all.
Chapter 3
Judd couldn’t remember ever wanting to touch a woman as much as he wanted to touch Charlotte. Her skin, an even golden tan, was glistening with a faint sheen of perspiration as she crawled around on her knees, weeding the flower garden in front of the house. She wore her hair in a thick rope of braid, and the warm chestnut color glowed from the heat of the sun. The braid hung over her shoulder as she worked, and each time she straightened to rest her back, it would bounce against the thrust of one breast. Her shorts were old and frayed at the hems, the denim fabric faded by countless washings, and the logo on her T-shirt was completely illegible. He kept staring at the slender curve of her neck and the high, delicate instep of her small bare feet, and telling himself to focus on something else. He didn’t listen.
Beyond the sandstone walk, the baby played, carrying a small bucket of dirt from one pile to another, then scooping it up and doing it all over again. Overhead, a lone turkey buzzard circled high in the sky, looking for something to eat. Judd glanced up, past the buzzard to the jet trail far above, and thought of the faceless people in that plane. They didn’t know it, but at this very moment, they were flying over heaven.
“Judd, would you hand me that small rake, please?”
He grabbed at the rake with a guilty conscience. Could she tell he’d been thinking about her? Would it show on his face?
“Thanks,” she said, and began pulling it through the dirt, loosening the soil around the roots of some bushes.
“I would have been happy to do that for you,” Judd said.
Charlie paused, giving him more than a casual glance. His shoulders were straining at the shirt he was wearing, and from where she was sitting, the muscles in his legs weren’t too shabby, either. She wondered if he was a fitness freak, and then discarded the thought. It shouldn’t matter to her what he was.
“Do you know the difference between marigolds and weeds?” she asked.
He hesitated and then grinned. “No.”
“Then if you don’t mind, I’ll do it myself.”
Judd laughed. “You don’t trust men much, do you?”
She never looked up. “I haven’t had much reason.”
Judd’s smile faded. He glanced at Rachel, watching the way her baby curls bounced as she toddled from place to place, and he thought of the fool who’d denied her.
“No, I guess you haven’t at that,” he said softly, watching as Rachel came toward them, still carrying her shovel but leaving her little bucket behind.
“Mommy, I sirsty.”
“Just a minute, sweetie,” Charlie said. “Let Mommy get up and I’ll get you a drink.”
Judd put his hand on her shoulder. “I would be happy to take her for you.”
Charlie hesitated, then smiled. “Thanks, but I’d better do it. She probably needs to go to the bathroom, too.”
Judd started to argue, then thought better of it. He couldn’t blame her. If it was his daughter, he wouldn’t want a strange man taking her to the bathroom, either.
He nodded, then slid his hands beneath her armpits and pulled Charlie to her feet. For a second, they were face-to-face, gazes locked.
Then something happened.
Charlie would think later that it was a recognition of souls, while Judd would not remember the thought in his mind, only the yearning to kiss her.
He moved.
She lifted her face and held her breath.
Rachel’s plea yanked them back to reality, a vivid reminder that they were not alone. Desperate to put something between them, Judd picked the child up, then slid his free arm around Charlie’s waist and helped her into the house. Oddly enough, she leaned on his strength without fuss, taking his help as it was meant to be given. When they were inside, he set Rachel down in the hall outside the bathroom door. Charlie moved past him without comment. Judd watched the door closing between them while thinking he should have gone into town with Wade, after all. Staying alone in this house with Charlotte Franklin hadn’t been a good idea. He already admired her. He didn’t want to like her—at least, not so much that it would matter when it was time to leave.
Raymond Shuler came to in the dark and thought at first he’d gone blind. Then he felt the blindfold on his eyes and fought an urge to throw up. A whimper of protest came up his throat, but never got past the gag in his mouth. The ropes around his wrists and ankles were rough and binding, but those were the least of his worries. He’d been kidnapped. He was going to die.
Time passed. His mind was clearing as he recognized a current of air moving across his skin. A few seconds later it hit him. My God, he was naked!
Fear sliced through him, leaving him sick to his stomach as he struggled to pull free. The smell of dust was thick in the air and his throat felt dry, his lips cracked and burning.
Something rattled—then rattled again. At the sound of footsteps, he stilled. Was this it? Was this the moment he was going to die? He thought of his wife, of his family, of the debts that he owed and the secrets he’d kept and wondered how the world could go on without him. A low whimper slid up his throat, hanging just behind the gag stuffed in his mouth.
Hands yanked him roughly, rolling him from his back to his belly. He started to cry, mutely begging for a mercy that never came. Suddenly, something hot was thrust against his hip and the scent of burning flesh was in the air. Shocked by the unexpected stab of piercing pain, he arched up off the floor and then blessedly passed out before it was over. He never knew when the syringe full of antibiotic went into his arm, or when the sound of footsteps receded. It would be another day before he awoke, and by that time, the deed—and the damage—had been done.
“So, what do you know about the missing banker that you didn’t know this morning?” Judd asked as he cleared the table from the supper they’d just had.
Oblivious to the seriousness of the conversation going on around her, Rachel crawled up on her uncle Wade’s lap and began unbuttoning his shirt—a new and favorite pastime.
Wade looked down at his niece and grinned as her tiny fingers worked the buttons out of the holes.
“Not much,” he said. “Only that it looks like a real abduction, but there’s been no demand for ransom.”
“Does he have money?” Judd asked.
Charlie snorted lightly. “He’s got plenty of ours,” she muttered.
Wade patted Charlie on the hand, then looked at Judd. “Sometimes it’s hard to meet the mortgage payments and Shuler isn’t exactly a ‘good old boy’ when it comes to extensions.” Then he answered Judd’s question. “Yeah, he’s got money. Inherited it from his old man.”
Judd frowned. “Maybe you’re not the only people who don’t like the way he does business. Would you say he has enemies?”
Charlie’s snort was a little more pronounced. “It would be easier to count his friends. There’re fewer of them.”
Judd grinned at her. Damned if he didn’t like her spunk. “That bad, is he?”
She grimaced, then looked at Wade and sighed. “Am I being dramatic again?”
“Yes, honey, but that’s part of why I love you.”
She grinned. “And the other part is?”
He looked down at the imp in his lap. His chest was bare clear down to his belt. When she started twisting the hair on his chest around her little fingers and pulling, he yelped, then handed her to Charlie.
“I suppose that would be Miss Rachel here, although I must be a masochist for thinking it. Every night I suffer the tortures of the damned with those tiny fingers.” He looked at Judd and grinned. “With Rachel, who needs a razor?”
“Or a handkerchief,” Judd added.
Charlie thought of the way Judd had been awakened this morning and started to laugh.
“What did I miss?” Wade asked.
“While you were in the shower this morning, Judd had a rather rude awakening.”
Wade started to grin. “Not the finger-up-the-nose trick?”
Judd chuckled. “Oh, yeah,” he said. “But it was the exploratory twist before she pulled it out that got my full attention.”
Wade chuckled as Charlie squeezed Rachel close in her arms, burying her nose against the little girl’s neck.
“You’re such a mess, baby girl. What is Mama going to do with you?”
Judd leaned over and patted the tousle of curls on Rachel’s head. They felt like loops of silk against his palm.
“Just love her,” he said softly. “These days, the age of innocence is far too short.”
Wade’s smile slipped. “Amen to that,” he said, and then out of curiosity, decided to change the subject. “So, you know how my day went. What did you two do?”
“Not much,” Charlie said, and began fussing with the ties on Rachel’s tennis shoe.
“She did a little gardening,” Judd added, and stacked the rest of the plates in the sink.
The stilted tones of their voices set Wade on alert. For a moment he sat, staring at them in disbelief. Charlie was tying Rachel’s laces in knots and Judd began splashing water far too forcefully for the small stack of dishes that had to be washed. Concern crept into his thoughts. Despite the fact that the man was a cop and had saved Rachel’s life, he was still a stranger. Had he done something to Charlie while he was gone?
The chair squeaked across the linoleum as he suddenly stood.
“That’s the biggest bunch of nothing I ever heard and I’ve heard a lot. What went on out here that no one wants to discuss?”
Charlie stood, meeting her brother’s angry gaze. “Oh, for Pete’s sake, Wade, do you honestly think that if Judd had been less than a gentleman, he would be standing in my kitchen in one piece? I thought you knew me better than that.”
Judd was almost as angry, but at himself for getting into this position.
“Look, you two. Just give me a ride into town and I’ll be out of your lives for good.”
Panic hit Charlie hard as she turned toward him, and in that moment, she accepted the fact that she didn’t want him to go. But before she could speak, Wade shrugged and grinned.
“Sorry I jumped to conclusions. I guess it’s my suspicious nature. I’ve been a cop too long.” Then he added. “Besides, you can’t go. You promised to help me with the Shuler case.”
Judd nodded without comment. The way he figured, the less said, the better. Technically, Charlie was right. Nothing had happened. But they both knew it could have, and that was where the guilt began.