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Gemini Alatyr of Island. Children of dead mother

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“Tomorrow,” she began to take off the knitted woolen dress over her head, pulled off, straightened her braid, turned to Leah, wanted to say something, but fell on her side and instantly fell asleep, curled up in a ball. The novice approached, carefully took the dress, so as not to rumple, and covered the sleeping fur cover. She didn’t even feel anything, only breathed evenly in her sleep. Leah covered the fire, looked good in the air, and went to bed too. Slept amazingly well here. The girls got up, as if someone had pushed them, washed, dressed, Elya drank herbal infusion, but refused to eat.

– Not now, then you can. She took everything, she had to go, she said very quietly.

Leah escorted her to the exit, and remained waiting for her return in the air, sitting on a bench at the entrance. Kate on the chariot was already ready to go, the witch jumped into the carriage, and they drove off, carrying the horses smoothly, without tugging and not stubbornly driving the driver. Ella was not too worried, and yet she finally slept two days later. A whole crowd was waiting for them at the house, almost the entire population of the village, free from work, but many were able to find, or come up with a business near the dwelling, who planted something, someone here undertook to fix the fence, who would equate the land, alone the warrior ceremoniously ironed the bow with a stencil; it seemed to another that it was here that he had best to sharpen a dagger. Therefore, it cannot be said that people came here without an important task, just to stare at the witch affairs. The driver stopped the team, and the Virgin got off the wagon. Then, after a couple of days, all eyewitnesses claimed that she arrived on deer (much later they talked about deer), and the frost giants guarded the ice house, and Elisia walked on, leaving no traces.

She went to the house, the guards opened for her, and lighted lights were already burning inside, dispersing the darkness. It was hot and heated, and Elya threw off her fur coat, then bent down and laid it on the bench. She looked at her brother, he sat like that. She opened the box, took out the prickly shirt of a large mating, and put it next to her. I lit a fire in the tripod, and began to throw herbs there, prepared for it by the Yarns. The house was filled with the aromas of summer, tart and spicy, Ull roused himself, stood up in his huge growth, but his sister did not recognize. She took out a flask from the box and poured the infusion into a silver bucket. Finally, she started singing, as low as she could, her brother started, went to the cage, wrinkled his forehead, kept looking at her every minute, but did not come to himself, and finally, she took a double flute, and began to play that rhythm that nobody could resist, neither alive nor dead. – Is that you, sister? he asked not in his own voice, but she did not stop playing, finally said in a very strict voice:

– Take off your shirt – and began to play again.

He went to the lattice, pulled off his shirt, she held the barbed shirt with one hand, handed him a barbed shirt, put it on and crooked, finally started, he was led to the side, and he sank to the floor. After a minute, the Twin rose, and a smile lit up his face:

– Sister! She came to visit. How did they let you go? And then after the test I was going to you, I just had a dance with a bull, and I would become a knight.

Alicia lowered the instrument and put it in the box, opened the grill, and finally went to her brother.

– Healthy you grew up, I just pull your head to the shoulder. And the Labyrinth has passed, – she looked at him eagerly, and he looked at her, and smiled, and kissed the rosy cheek.

– I do not remember, sister. I hope Arpad guest house will give. How much have you come to me, and better and forever?

– I live here in sorrow, like at home. And then all the animals will run away again, and she smiled broadly, showing large white teeth.

– They all love you. I met our little bear, you would not believe, – and he sat down on the couch and put his sister along with him, – on Medvediye (Bear) Island, I scared the whole gang, but then they ran back to rescue me, but Mishka sniffed, found out, snarled for order and left to catch the seals.

The sister smiled, began to smooth her brother’s hair with her palm, then pulled out a comb from a mammoth bone, and began to comb them, sweeping it from top to bottom, separating the long strands from each other.

– Thank you, Ale, I became so beautiful. Come on, it’s time to go.

“Don’t take this shirt off for three days, even for the night,” added Elicia.

Ull looked up at his sister, grinned familiarly, put on his jacket, handed the fur coat to his sister, and straightened her sleeves when she was dressed. He closed the lattice behind him, and they went out of the house to the already rising high luminary, and it became warmer, and the rays of the sun brightly illuminated Gemini, which appeared before people. Both of them smiled, and the people and the sun smiled at them. Elya noticed how Gun said something to Arpad, and then she heard an excerpt of the conversation: “Then the killer whales sailed, and we thought that we would finally see the underwater kingdom,” and the lad saw Elishia’s interested, smiling and joyful face and Lily next to her.

“Gong, come on and tell me,” said the young man, “be healthy, chieftain,” and Ull bowed to Arpad, “what happened to you there, and tell me what happened to me.”

Then Elya took two quick steps back, so that her brother did not see her, and showed Guna that she would not reveal the truth to Ullia.

“You are my friend, and put your hand on his shoulder,” after the Maze, he hit his head, stumbled, and we went to see your sister by the sea, Ella arrived, healed you, and looked expectantly at his friend, he believed no.

Ull looked at everyone around him, he felt his shirt being pricking, looked at his sister, at Arpad, waved his curls that his head ached, slightly tilted his head to the right, and said:

– Thank you sister, that cured, and you Gun, for the fact that she was brought to Boyan – island brought me to treat.

– And you helped us to Ull, and on the Bear Island, and at sea, and taught to jump through the bull, from the bow read all taught the arrows to start.

– Ull, I can not for a long time Alatyr-island leave, only on four days I am here. Then it will be necessary to return.

“We’ll take,” Gun said.

– The refreshment is ready, Arpad, the tables are outside, cool, but everyone can celebrate.

“What to celebrate?” Asked Ull.

In horror, Ellisia almost screamed, because the cure was supposed to be a secret, it would surely last three days and three nights, and no one had to talk about his fit Ull. But it’s good that Arpad understood everything and said something else:

– How? now tests, tavromachia, you will be taming the bull, and then the holiday will be, a holiday in honor of your dedication, – the chieftain said slowly and uncertainly.

Everyone looked at each other, because the games with the bull should have been only after three days, but the warriors and youths made an appearance, and nodded in agreement, it may be too vigorous that these tests should be today.

– Do you want to go? asked Kate.

“Yes, it’s absolutely time, and the youths should prepare for the tests, and change their clothes,” but Arpad himself was agitated, but what would the seven say?

“Let the Bulls take care of the bulls, determine them all in the pen, and put the smart warriors on guard.” To let out what as it should, at a signal, raised the flag and that would not do anything without an order.

– It seems everyone thought about it. Well, okay, the squad to gather and go to the field, do not forget the nets, if suddenly the animals get mad, everyone knows what to do and how to pull the dancers from the lists. Pal, prepare everyone who will stand with the networks and save, if necessary, the subjects. It seems to be all. After two hours, let’s start, – and he sighed from the strain.


Ella passed through the village with warriors, Arpad with Gnur was ahead. It was a village of more than thirty courtyards, each house is two floors, a basement visa, but the houses are small enough to heat wood for a long winter. The houses are enclosed with fences, and each with a gate, in some places the gate was decorated with rich carvings.

– Go home, eat, and through the lists you will, – turned the chieftain to the squad.

– And you, Krasa-maiden Light Elicia, almost my house with your presence, eat what Lada sent. – And where is the famous temple of Elios and Lada?

– No here, beautiful maiden. Seven of you will show it to you later.

Everybody went their separate ways, and they went further along the wooden pavement of the village, and the third house was Arpadov, not at all more than other houses.

“Open it, hostess, lead the guest home,” the chieftain shouted loudly, “are we not happy?”

A tall, stately woman came down the high stairs, also in a warm jacket, with a head covered with a handkerchief, and slippers.

“Come and close the gate,” looked at the woman and climbed back to the house, and the evil dog came to meet them, first tried to scare the witch, and then ran to her, and looked at everything under the hood, the tail just thrashed the animal’s body without ceasing, showing the indescribable joy of a living being, once the dog got up on its hind legs, and put Eli on the front coats, she was not afraid, she laughed only, then stroked, looked into the dog’s dark eyes, and she just calmly got up, but the tail continued his movements.

“And the dog recognized you, Ella,” the chieftain said thoughtfully, “and I won’t say that he is kind to others.”

She just smiled at him widely, and they went into the house, climbed upstairs from the crate, and found themselves in an upper room, there were benches on each side of the room, with deer skins on them, the windows were closed with a bubble, and the sun lit up the upper room, but not too much. The hostess began to put food on the table, Arpad and Ella took off their outer clothing, remaining in linen, which was wearing fur sleeveless jackets, but did not sit down yet. Finally, a woman came up, leading the hands of three children, two girls, five and seven years old, and a boy of twelve.

– Me Elysia is called, -she was called a girl, – can be Helen or Ella. I am a guest here, sister Ulla – and bowed to the belt.

“My name is Rosa, girls Zarya and Lika, and the boy,” and he grabbed my mother by the sleeve of her dress, “Wolf.”

Ella smiled at the children, crouched down and saw that the Wolf was very lame.

– What about the Wolf, – the mother’s face became gloomy, – the leg hurt something, limping.

“Let’s see, top, gray flank,” Elya turned to him, and ruffled his head, where there were several curls, and the boy laughed, “sit on the bench next to him.”

“Well,” said the boy, and he was shy, hid his face in his palms, but his fingers opened, his eyes glittered, he peered.

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