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More Than One Night

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“Those pants are not stupid. They’re a modern miracle,” he said as she lowered the zipper, revealing the plain black cotton panties she wore beneath.

She pushed her trousers down her legs and he helped her slide them past her knees.

“That’s better,” she said.

His gaze roamed her almost naked body. “It certainly is.”

Charlie had never had an easy relationship with her own body, but the way he looked at her made her feel like a goddess.

“Take your clothes off,” she said.

She moved to the bed, crawling onto the mattress before rolling onto her back and hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her underwear. Her gaze locked with his, she slipped her panties down her legs.

“Man, you are killing me here, Charlie.” He fumbled with his shirt buttons, then simply grabbed either side and ripped before shrugging the shirt off to reveal a broad, well-muscled chest. She eyed him avidly as he pushed his jeans down, toeing off his shoes at the same time. His belly muscles rippled as he shucked his own underwear and her gaze gravitated to his erection. Hard and proud, the sight of it made her want to purr like a cat.

He smiled, obviously enjoying her unashamed inspection. He strode toward the bed. The mattress dipped, then the hard, hot weight of his body was pressing against hers and pure instinct took over.

He lowered his head, sucking one of her breasts into his mouth. She hooked a leg around his hips, sliding a hand onto his erection at the same time. She stroked him confidently, greedily, while he sucked and kissed and gently bit her breasts. Within minutes she was panting, losing her own rhythm, aware only of the need to have him inside her. Now.

“Rhys,” she breathed.

He lifted his head from her breasts and grinned. “Don’t tell me you can’t wait.”

“Rhys.” She tightened her grip on his shaft.

He leaned across to the nightstand and yanked open the drawer. She closed her eyes, barely holding it together as she heard the rustle of a foil package being opened. She opened them again as she felt him pressing against her entrance.

She held her breath, waiting for him to push inside her. Instead, Rhys looked deep into her eyes while one hand traveled down her belly to between her thighs. She lifted her hips reflexively as his fingers delved into her intimate folds. She knew he could feel how wet she was, how ready for him she was. His gaze grew hooded and a muscle in his jaw ticked. He stroked her, monitoring the small catches in her breathing and the way she moved her head on the bed and the way her body trembled beneath his.

Just when she was about to scream with frustration he flexed his hips and slid inside her. Her body welcomed him as he buried himself to the hilt. She let out a broken little sob, almost tearful over how good it felt to be filled by him, how hard and thick and hot he felt inside her.

He started to move, and within seconds she’d found his rhythm. Every clumsy sexual encounter she’d ever had, every second of self-consciousness over her body or her own needs, every doubt she’d ever experienced went out the window as she gave herself over to the moment.

There was only him and her and the place where their bodies were joined and the suck of his mouth at her breasts and the feel of his back and shoulders and chest beneath her hands and the steady, deep thrusting of his body inside hers. All too soon her body tightened toward release and she curled her fingers into his backside and shuddered beneath him. He pressed kisses to her forehead and cheeks and mouth and then slowed his pace and inserted a hand between them. She gave a little gasp of surprise when his thumb found her and he began to coax her toward a second climax. She was shuddering, legs wrapped around his hips, his name on her lips by the time she peaked again, and this time he went with her, his body tensing as he rode out his moment of release.

He collapsed onto the bed beside her, his face buried in the pillow. They were both breathing hard and she could feel her heart banging away like a trapped bird inside her chest.

She blinked at the darkened ceiling as she slowly came back to awareness. She could feel the coolness of sweat behind her knees and beneath her arms, could smell the musky, earthy scent of sex. Her legs felt shaky, and when she lifted a hand to push her hair from her face it was trembling.

Beside her, Rhys stirred. He lifted his face from the pillow. She was gratified to see he looked as blown away as she felt. For a long moment they simply stared at each other. Then his mouth curled into a smile, and before she knew it he was grinning and she was grinning back at him.

“I’m going to give that a nine,” he said.

“Only a nine?” she asked, one eyebrow raised.

“I think we can do better.”

“Really?” She could hear the incredulity in her own voice.

“Yeah. Really.”

He trailed a finger down her chest and onto her left breast. Her nipple beaded to hardness long before his finger arrived there. This man turned her on so much that the mere thought of him touching her was enough to make her crazy.

He stroked her nipple gently, drawing small circles around it before pinching it lightly between thumb and forefinger. Charlie shifted restlessly as she felt the pull of desire between her thighs again.

She frowned. How was it possible to want a man again so quickly, especially when she’d come twice?

“Sixty seconds,” he said, rolling away from her.

He disappeared into the bathroom to dispose of the condom and returned well within his own deadline. He settled beside her, resting on his side. His gaze ran over her body.

“You were right. You’re definitely a woman out of uniform,” he said.

He surprised her into laughter. He glided a hand over her breasts and down her belly to her thighs. His fingers delved into her warm, slick heat and again she moved restlessly.

“Too soon?” he asked, even as he stroked her.

“N-no,” she breathed.


He took his time making love to her, caressing her until she was quivering and begging for him. When he did finally slide inside her, he worked her slowly and deeply and thoroughly, building her to a climax that had her arching off the bed, her fingers digging into his shoulders. He came not long afterward, and they lay panting, hearts racing. After a few minutes he went to the bathroom then came back to the bed and flicked off the bedside lamp.

“Give me an hour,” he murmured as he rolled onto his side and pulled her against his chest, her bottom tucked against his hips.

She was already mostly asleep. The last thought she had before she drifted off was that if the first day of the rest of her life was like this, then she was in for one hell of a ride.

CHARLIE WOKE with a start. For a long moment she had no idea where she was. Then it all came back to her—Café Sydney, lots of champagne, meeting Rhys, talking to Rhys, kissing Rhys. Finally, coming home with Rhys. Making love with Rhys. Again and again and again.

A headache accompanied her return to reality. She worked her tongue around her mouth. She needed water. In large quantities. And painkillers. And a trip to the bathroom wouldn’t be out of order, either.

A heavy arm lay across her belly. She lifted it gingerly, rolling from beneath it. She slid to the edge of the bed, glancing over her shoulder to ensure Rhys was still asleep.

He was, his dark lashes twin fans against his cheeks, his hair tousled.

It seemed impossible, but he was even more beautiful in the early-morning light than he’d appeared last night. His coloring, his bone structure, the rugged handsomeness of his face… And his body. She didn’t even know where to start with his body. She’d had two boyfriends who had been in the service, both of whom had done physical labor day in, day out. Neither of them had looked like Rhys. Through some accident of genetics and fate, he had the sort of body that exactly fit her notion of the masculine ideal. Broad shoulders. Defined chest, but not so much that he was in danger of having cleavage. Flat belly. Muscular thighs. Even his feet were perfect, long and sleek and strong.

She stood, putting a hand to her forehead as a wave of dizziness hit her. Moving slowly and quietly, she entered the en suite bathroom and eased the sliding door shut inch by silent inch. Once it was closed she made a beeline for the toilet. It was only when she’d taken care of business and was washing her hands at the vanity that she caught sight of her reflection in the bathroom mirror.

And gasped with horror.

Her hair was matted to her head on one side, while the rest stuck up in a crazy haystack. All the makeup that Gina had so artistically applied last night had migrated down her face, leaving twin panda circles of kohl and shadow smeared around her eyes and on her cheeks. Her mouth looked red and puffy, the skin surrounding it red and irritated.

Her face pinched with dismay, she rubbed at the redness but only succeeded in making it appear even more irritated. It took her a moment to realize it must be whisker rash.

She had a similar rash on her breasts, as well as a small suck mark on the inner curve of her left breast. She ran the tap and used her fingers to try to comb her hair into submission. The only thing that seemed to work was weighing it down with water, so she kept patting her wet hands on her hair until it clung to her scalp in a sodden cap. She pumped liquid soap from the dispenser on the vanity into her hands and scrubbed her face clean, wincing when it stung her eyes.

When she’d finished, the woman in the mirror had been transformed from the slutty walking dead into a red-eyed, pale-faced drowned rat, about as far from the sultry vixen of last night as it was possible to get.
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