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Expecting A Lone Star Heir

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“No. I was out walking and saw your light, so I thought I’d see if the guesthouse was okay.”

He smiled. “It’s more than okay. It’s a fully furnished house with two bedrooms, two and a half baths and a game room. And a dog must come with it because he knows how to open the gate. Come sit. Want a beer or pop or water or anything?”

“No, thanks. The dog is Sandy. He was Thane’s dog, but he’s friendly and likes everyone and everyone likes him, so he makes the rounds. Since Thane left, Sandy really prefers staying with Slade. Unless you object, when Slade leaves, I think you’ll have a dog.”

“That’s fine with me. This is a smart dog. Sandy opened the gate with ease.”

“Oh, yes. Sandy can open most of the gates, most of the doors. That dog really loved Thane. I think he likes you,” she said, looking at the dog standing beside Mike while he scratched Sandy’s back.

She sat beside him and he caught a whiff of perfume that smelled like wildflowers and he remembered her soft hand in his when he met her.

“I saw Thane’s horse that Slade said is now mine. Also his truck and his saddle.”

“They’re yours if you want them.”

“That’s a magnificent horse, the best of saddles and a new truck—of course I’d like them. Thank you.”

“Thane told Slade what to do with his things. He tried to take care of all of us.”

Mike thought of the packet of money Thane had left him. “That he did. He left me some money, which I put in the bank.”

“Whatever he gave you, he wanted you to have, so take it and enjoy it. I will treasure my diamond pendant always. I’m wearing it now.”

“I understand. I saw the horses Leon is trying to gentle and I’ve met Leon. He looked less than happy to meet me.”

“I think he’s out of my life. I shouldn’t have even told you about him.”

“Oh, yes, you should have. Whatever happens on the ranch, I should know about. At least that kind of thing.” He sipped his beer and they sat in silence. He looked at the main house with bright lights still on in a few windows. “Is your room on this side of the house?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact. It’s on the second floor in the corner. I have a suite and there are windows all along the back. I have that balcony,” she said, pointing up at the mansion. “I have one light on in my study there, see? I have a small studio there, too. I’ll show you sometime soon.”

His eyes followed in the direction she pointed “When you sit on your balcony and I sit out here, I can wave to you and you’ll see me?”

“That’s right.”

“Interesting. Vivian, that house seems big by anyone’s standards. Did Thane want a giant home or did you?”

“Thane gave it to me as a gift. Actually, it’s way too big. We wanted to have a family but... Well, at least there are employees who live in it.”

“So that wasn’t your idea.”

“Heavens, no. I wanted a studio where I could paint. I wanted a place to hang my finished artwork. I don’t know what he had in mind. He had a lot of company and thought we’d have family. Well, that didn’t work out, so I’ve got this mansion to rattle around in.” Her voice was quiet and Mike had to admit it was nice to have her there.

Sandy sat at his side while he continued to scratch his head and Mike felt a streak of guilt. Thane should be home with her, sitting beside her on a nice spring night, before going to bed with his wife. Mike pulled his thoughts from that.

“Do you walk often in the evening?” he finally asked her.

“Not really. Thane and I did, but I don’t by myself. It was a pretty night and I thought I’d see if you needed anything. It’s dark now and I think I’ll go back.”

He stood. “I’ll walk with you.”

She smiled. “You don’t have to. There’s plenty of light.”

“I don’t mind. I’ll get to know the boss.”

She nodded, accepting his company as he fell in step beside her, Sandy following them. At the porch steps he took her arm and heard her quick intake of breath and felt a tingle at the contact. As soon as she was off the steps, he released her arm.

They walked across the yard and Mike held the gate. He was aware of Vivian at his side and he wondered if she was lonesome or had simply come to see if he needed anything as she had said.

“Do you miss Dallas?” he asked her.

“Not really. I loved it here when Thane was home. Honestly, it’s empty and lonely now. I’d be just as lonely in Dallas, maybe more so. I have a condo there, but I can’t see living in it all the time and I don’t paint there. This has become home.”

When they reached her yard, he held the gate open and they walked up to the patio where she turned to him. “Thanks for walking me home. Now you can take Sandy back with you. Sandy doesn’t ever stay with me. He’s a man’s dog.”

“If I don’t see you sooner, I’ll see you next Friday night at the charity dinner.”

“Mike, thanks for agreeing to go with me. I really appreciate it.”

“I don’t think it’s going to be a difficult task,” he said with a grin and she laughed.

“I hope not.”

“C’mon, Sandy,” he said, turning, and the dog walked beside him to the gate where Mike stopped and waved to her because she still stood on the porch watching them.

When she went inside, he looked down at the dog. “What a job this is going to be, boy. You and I both have lost the anchor in our lives—the boss I thought I’d work with for years and your owner. But don’t get attached to me, dog,” he warned. “I’ll be gone in three months.”

* * *

The first Friday that Mike Moretti was in her employ, late in the afternoon, Vivian heard a motor and glanced out of her studio window to see Mike get out of a pickup, toss his hat in the window and head to the back door. He’d made an appointment to see her and she went to the door to greet him.

“Hi. You look as if you’ve had a hard day’s work,” she said, wondering what he had done because he was muddy and they hadn’t had any rain. His black hair was tousled. She couldn’t control the jump in her heartbeat at the sight of him and figured it was because she hadn’t seen any male except Henry for the past week as she’d been holed up in the house painting.

“Sorry, I didn’t stop to clean up first. We had a water leak and we’ll need to replace a waterline.” He glanced down at his muddy clothes and shrugged. “Didn’t want to be late for our appointment. I wanted to report in about my first week.”

“Want a cold drink—pop, tea, beer? Francie baked cookies, or I have some chips and salsa and we can sit on the patio.”

“Only if I can clean up a little first.”

“Of course you can. C’mon. I’ll show you. Henry is around some place, but he’s getting ready to go out tonight.” She led him through the entryway and pointed to an open door. “There’s a bathroom and I’ll be in the kitchen. When you come out, go straight ahead and turn left at the first door.”

She went to the kitchen where Francie was putting away the last of some clean dishes from the dishwasher. The tall red-haired cook smiled at Vivian. “I was finishing up before I leave. I put the last batch of cookies on that platter and the others are in the cookie jar. Your dinner is cooked and all you’ll have to do is reheat it in the microwave. There’s a roast that’s done and in the fridge for the weekend, plus other food.”

“Thank you. Mike Moretti is here. He’s the man who will replace Slade. I came to get him a beer and myself a glass of water. I don’t think he’ll want cookies with his beer, but I’ll take the platter to the patio, plus some chips and salsa.”

“I have a batch of homemade salsa I can take out and—” She stopped and smiled. Vivian glanced around as Mike entered the kitchen.

“Mike, meet Francie Ellison. Francie, this is Mike Moretti.”
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