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Lone Star Legacy: Relentless Pursuit

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The buzzer rang, and Ava pressed the intercom listen button.

“Ava, I’ll come get your things.” Will’s deep voice had a slightly husky note, definitely unique and unforgettable.

When she opened her door, the impact of seeing him again was as electric as it had been the first time. Maybe more, she decided, too aware her pulse raced. He was breathtaking, too handsome, and getting to know him had revealed a caring man, which was a devastating combination. Along with his navy suit jacket, he had shed his tie. With the top three buttons unfastened on his snowy dress shirt, he looked more casual. Warm approval in his brown eyes gave her a rush of pleasure.

“You look great,” he said.

“Thank you. For our purposes though, it wouldn’t matter if I wore a tent and sported floor-length hair.”

“On you the long hair and tent would look good,” he said, smiling at her. Her heart skipped at that irresistible smile. Trying to get her mind off him, she turned away to retrieve her small bag and a carry-on suitcase, which he picked up before she could.

Within an hour they were airborne. She looked below at Austin. Sunlight splashed on the red granite of the state capitol as the plane headed north.

“Does Caroline know we’re coming now?” Ava asked, her pulse leaping when she turned to look into his brown eyes.

“Yes. She won’t come running. You’ll see how subdued she is. When her dad was alive, she wasn’t reserved at all. They were really close and he loved her more than anything.”

“That’s sad that she doesn’t have him now. Was she cooperative with him?”

“Yes. A bright, happy, cheerful little girl. That’s what hurts so badly. She’s drawn into a shell and no one has been able to reach her. It breaks my heart because I know what a sunny disposition she had.”

Since he sounded truly hurt, she was touched again by his concern. If she were going to be with him longer than two days, she would need a more solid barrier around her heart. She looked out the window, trying to think of another subject.

“Do you travel a lot? Will you be around while I’m there?”

“Yes. I’m not going to drop you off and leave,” he replied with a smile. “I’ll take time off from work and be home as much as possible.”

“After I meet Caroline, I’ll need time alone with her, so you go ahead and work tomorrow.”

“I’ll give you time alone. I can stay out of the way. I hope you brought a swimsuit.”

“I did,” she said, feeling tingly at the thought of swimming with Will. “Does she have a schedule for her day?”

“Her schedule is flexible in the summer. Breakfast and then reading and playtime. Sometimes a swim before lunch if she wants to. Lunch, a quiet time of reading—I think she just reads because she doesn’t nap any longer. Then, usually swims again. Our nanny, Rosalyn, is with her all day. I try to be home for dinner and spend the evening with her and put her to bed. If I need to work late or attend a social event, her nanny spends the evening playing with her. Caroline has every kind of toy imaginable and she’s getting amazingly good with computers.”

“I’m sure,” Ava replied, smiling at him. “Her situation sounds challenging, but I have a short list of tutors who come highly recommended. After my assessment, I’ll be able to choose the one who can hopefully work a miracle.”

“I hope so. It’s been a godsend to find you. Every day when I’m with Caroline, this situation tears me up. I owe it to my brother and I love Caroline. I’m praying she can be helped. I think the right person can reach her. I want to hire the best possible person to work with her.”

“We’ll see. These are the most qualified tutors I know. I asked each one if I could put her on my list, so I found out who was available and who wasn’t. At present, all three women are employed, but their service will be ending very shortly and they’ll be free to take on a new challenge.”

“Good. I’ll make it worthwhile for the person I decide will do the most for Caroline.”

“I’m sure of that. What you’re paying me is generous, to say the least.”

“This is worth it.”

She smiled at him. “You’re a good uncle, Will Delaney.” He leaned closer.

“And you, Ava, have the greatest smile. I’ll see if I can keep you smiling.”

“That isn’t one of the week’s requirements. I’m here about Caroline. Only about Caroline,” she said, her heart racing, something she couldn’t control.

“Maybe I can change your mind on that, too.”

“Too? What else?”

“Let’s see how it goes with Caroline.”

She wondered what he referred to. He surely didn’t want to hire her, because she was not a tutor. When he sat back, her drumming pulse returned to normal.

The flight was quick and a limo was waiting.

As soon as they drove through the gates where he lived, her mounting curiosity about his niece momentarily abated, replaced by fascination with the mansion she glimpsed through the trees as they wound up the drive.

“You have a beautiful estate. This fits the image I had of you much more than the doting uncle you are.”

“I need to change some of your preconceived notions about me. We’ll get to know each other. I’m looking forward to it.”

“That’s not on this agenda. I’m here about Caroline and I think that’s the second time already that I’ve reminded you.”

“Relax and lighten up. We can get to know each other while you meet and learn about my niece. One doesn’t rule out the other. They’re both going to happen.”

“You’re not paying any attention to me,” she said.

“Not true at all. I’m paying a great deal of attention to you and I’m slipping, if you haven’t noticed.”

“Will you stop flirting?” she asked, amused and unable to be really annoyed with him over harmless flirting, yet afraid of her volatile reaction to him intensifying.

“Not on this night. Why should I? Flirting is fun, harmless and I like the exchange when I’m with a gorgeous woman. You’re not interested in anything serious and neither am I. We should make a good pair.”

“Thank you for the compliment. And we’re not going to be ‘a pair.’ I think this conversation needs to shift to another topic. Your palatial home is magnificent. You live here with just Caroline and her nanny?” Ava could clearly see the elegant mansion. Sunlight splashed over the gray slate roofs and gave a warm tint to the pale stones.

“We’ll come back to the conversation we were having, but to answer your question—it’s a comfortable house built to suit me. It’s big enough for all of us and my staff. A partial staff is on the third floor.” She turned to watch him, listening and thinking at the same time that she hadn’t had a clear concept of his wealth.

“The head gardener and his staff have homes on my grounds. So does my cook. My chauffeur has a house near the garage.”

She barely heard him as she stared at the sprawling three-story home built in the style of an English country manor surrounded by landscaped grounds and sprinklers watering beds of colorful flowers. More flowers surrounded a large circular three-tiered fountain with sparkling water tumbling over each tier.

“A little girl will be lost in this,” Ava said without realizing she had spoken aloud.

“Caroline’s accustomed to it. The house she lived in with her dad was very similar to mine. I doubt if she gives it a thought.”

“All this wealth, yet you can’t accomplish the one thing you want to do,” she said quietly and he glanced her way.

“You’re right. At least it gives me options on getting help for her. I can’t stop thinking that if I keep trying, I’ll find that perfect person who’ll get her to open up.”
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