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Lone Star Legacy: Relentless Pursuit

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Will rose to saunter to the pool to talk to Caroline and a few minutes later, his brothers arrived.

Will spent some time with his brothers and Garrett, and when the men joined Caroline in the pool, Will finally had Ava to himself again.

“You have a half sister you’ve never known about,” Ava mused.

“Yes. We still don’t know anything about her. She didn’t attend, even though she was notified about the reading. We don’t know who she is or where she lives. All we have is a name.”

“Will, you have to find out.”

“Damn straight. She’s inherited a bundle from Dad. Grady said she doesn’t want it, but no one turns down the kind of money we’re talking about. I’ll contact her and see what we can learn,” he said, his mind already off his half sister.

Ava looked enticing and he wanted her alone. He ached to make love to her. He could look at her all evening and he wished she would stay tonight in her suite. His life was beginning to feel empty when Ava wasn’t around. He wanted her to hold, to love and to talk to. His home had never felt big or lonely or empty before, but now there were moments when it did. Those moments vanished when she arrived.

But time alone with her would have to wait—especially because his brothers and Garrett were climbing out of the pool, wanting to hear Caroline read them a story.

Before dinner, when the uncles and Garrett crowded round, Caroline sat beside Ava and read aloud. Still thrilled and grateful, Will watched Caroline for a few minutes until his attention switched to Ava. She was capable, smart, beautiful, sexy enough to take his breath away just thinking about kissing her. He wanted her desperately, yet she had made it clear she would not have an affair.

Desire scalded, keeping him on edge. He found it difficult to concentrate, to think of anything except her.

When Caroline finished the book, Zach, Ryan and Garrett applauded and heaped praise on the smiling girl. In minutes she was in her uncle Ryan’s lap while he read to her.

Zach walked over to Will on the far side of the room. “I see what you mean about the change in Caroline. I couldn’t believe it until I saw her. I just told Ava again how fantastic this has been. And the little pooch is cute.”

“Part of it is the dog which broke the silence, but I think a big part of it is Ava, who bonded with her. She hangs on Ava if you notice, which surprises me since she’s never had a mother around.”

“She just likes Ava. By the way, I think you’re going to have to rethink your views of marriage. You looked like a zombie today until you got home to her. I never thought I’d recommend marriage, but I don’t think you can handle having her walk out of your life.”

“Sure I can,” he said, the words sounding hollow and false in his own ears. “I’ve never had a problem with women leaving before. And Ava has an agenda that nothing will take her away from.”

Zach sipped his cold beer. “Better find someone else quickly then and get her out of mind. If you’re not going to marry her, you have to let her go.”

“You’re a real help,” Will snapped.

After dinner Ava headed upstairs with Rosalyn to take Caroline to bed. Caroline held Ava’s hand. Her books were tucked beneath her other arm, and Muffy trailed along behind them. Ava glanced back to see Will watching her. Her heartbeat skipped and her back tingled.

In Caroline’s room, Muffy crawled into her crate and curled up, and Caroline changed into soft pink pajamas.

“I’ll read her a story,” Ava told Rosalyn, who nodded.

“Just call me when you’re leaving and I’ll come. I’ll be in the front room,” Rosalyn said.

Ava sat in the rocker and Caroline brought a book to her, then climbed up into Ava’s lap, leaning against her while Ava read. Caroline played with a lock of Ava’s hair, reaching up to twist it around her fingers. Ava read softly, rocking and holding Caroline close. Her heart squeezed because she loved the little girl. It was almost time for school to start, and Ava’s time would be up. She wouldn’t see Caroline as much, but she didn’t want to give up seeing her. She had fallen in love with Will, but she also loved Caroline and that love would last forever.

When Ava finished the book, she closed it. “I’ll read one more. Do you want to get in bed and I’ll lie down with you? Or do you want to stay here and rock?”

“In bed,” Caroline whispered sleepily.

In minutes Caroline slipped beneath the blanket while Ava stretched out on top and opened the book to read. She placed one arm around Caroline, who snuggled close against her. “I love you, Miss Ava.”

“I love you, too, Caroline,” Ava said, meaning it with all her heart. “You’re so precious,” she added and kissed Caroline lightly on the temple. Caroline held the small brown bear close and looked at the book while Ava began to read.

Soon Caroline’s breath was even and deep. Ava looked at her and saw she was asleep. She began to carefully extricate herself, cautiously removing her arm from beneath Caroline. She closed the book and sat up, standing.

Will stood in the doorway leaning against the doorjamb.

She drew a deep breath. “You surprised me,” she whispered.

He entered the room, crossing to look down at Caroline. He kissed her cheek lightly and draped an arm across Ava’s shoulders. “You’re so good with her. My brothers and Garrett are thrilled.”

“Three more bachelors. What do they know about kids and Caroline?” she said with a smile.

“They’ve all seen her locked in that silent world of grief. They’re singing your praises, which are well deserved.”

“I’m so glad for her. She’ll be fine in school.”

“I’m glad you’ll still see her when school starts.”

“I love her, Will,” she said, looking away, then headed out of the room to where Rosalyn sat.

“She’s asleep,” Will said. “We’ll leave her in your charge now.”

Rosalyn smiled. “She’s so happy. Ava, you’ve done the impossible.”

“Thanks, Rosalyn. I still think Muffy has to get credit.”

As they walked down the hall, Ava said, “I’ll tell your brothers goodbye. I should leave now.”

“You can stay awhile and enjoy my brothers and Garrett. They’re all fun.” Will reached the open door of her old suite. He stepped inside, pulling her in with him.

“Will anyone stay in here? If you need me to move my things—”

“Don’t be ridiculous. They’re staying in the other wing. My brothers know how to party, and they’ll be up until wee hours, playing pool, swimming. You’ll hear them. I’m not having them up here by Caroline. Or you, if you decide to stay here tonight.”

Will wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. “I want you here all the time, Ava,” he whispered, kissing away any reply.

She held him tightly, knowing they had to go downstairs, and kissed him back freely, responding eagerly. Her heart pounded and she melted against his hard length. She wanted him with the desperate urgency she had felt before as if they hadn’t made love.

“Ava,” he said, framing her face with his hands. “Marry me.”

Astonished, she looked into his dark eyes. Her heart pounded and she couldn’t get her breath. She wanted to cry out “yes” and not think of anything else, but she knew better than to do that.

“You don’t mean that, Will. You’ve never said you love me. You’ve told me over and over you want me. That’s different.”

“I want you. I’ve never wanted anyone more,” he declared solemnly. “I can’t do anything for thinking about you. I want you in my life all the time.”

His words both were wonderful and hurt her. She was glad he wanted her, yet that’s all it was, pure physical desire. Not a deep and lasting love. She had known real love once and she couldn’t settle for less again.

“Do you want me because you see that as the only way to get me in your bed on a long-term basis? Do you want to marry me because it would be convenient for Caroline? I know it would please her. She makes that obvious, but we can’t marry to please a child. Not even Caroline.”
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